Chapter 18

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*Lilia's P.O.V*

It was now Sunday and I was sat in my room at my keyboard, surrounded by crumpled pieces of paper, notebooks and pens, stressed as ever. I had to write a song for school that I'd have to perform in front of my class and I'd been struggling with it all week, but now it was the end of the week and I had to get it done by tomorrow otherwise I'd be in trouble. But no matter how hard I tried, everything I wrote was stupid and sounded terrible.

I was distracted by a light knock at my bedroom door and my sister's soft voice, "Lilia?"

"Come in." I called and Zoe opened the door.

"Hey, how's it coming along?" She asked, sitting on my bed. I answered her question by groaning and putting my head down on my keyboard, hitting a bunch of the keys and making a load of noise.

"That bad, huh?" She chuckled lightly.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I don't usually have this much trouble writing songs." I complained.

"Everyone gets stumped sometimes, Lils. Even the biggest celebrities out there, it's just all part of being a creator, but it won't last for ever." She told me, coming over and putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I suppose you're right." I sighed.

"Well, duh," She joked and I laughed, playfully rolling my eyes, "Anyway, I came up here to tell you that Alfie and I are going over to Nick and Amanda's and I didn't know if you wanted to come with us?"

"I think I need to stay here and work on this, but tell them I said hi." I said.

"Alright, Mark and Connor are staying here so you won't be home alone. I'll see you later, okay?" She gave me a kiss on my forehead and I said goodbye before she left my room and I was left to deal with my blank mind once again.

Half an hour later, I was still in the exact same position, the only difference was the pile of crumpled pieces of paper had gotten bigger.

"Oh, for god's sake!" I shrieked in frustration, tearing yet another page covered in scribbled song lyrics out of my notebook and chucking it across the room after I'd crumpled it into a ball. Seconds later, Connor barged into my room to find me with my elbows resting on my keyboard, my face buried in my hands.

"Do I want to know what's going on in here?" He asked.

"F*** off, Connor." I growled, not bothering to look at him.

"Wow, okay, someone's on their period." He mumbled and I lifted my head to finally look at him, my hair a mess from me stressfully running my fingers through it so many times and glaring at him through my bloodshot eyes. At some point during my mini meltdown I got so annoyed that I'd started to cry.

"Did you not hear what I said? Get lost!" I screamed, standing up as felt fresh tears prickle my eyes. I couldn't help it, I was an angry crier and I hated that about myself.

"Whoa, calm down. What's wrong?" Connor asked me and his voice was surprisingly soft, like he actually cared. He was probably just surprised to see me expressing an emotion other that extreme annoyance towards him.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! I have to write a stupid song for school by tomorrow but my stupid brain is being stupid and I can't think of anything!" I then kicked the leg of my keyboard, but luckily I didn't do it too hard.

"Hey, stop it, you're going to break something."

"I don't care!" I shouted, picking up my notebook and pen and throwing them across the room.

"Or you're going to hurt someone!" Connor added, ducking to avoid my notebook striking him in the head. I ignored him and picked up my pen pot. I got ready to throw it, but Connor came over to me and grabbed my wrists before I could.

"Stop it. I'll help you with your song, okay? Just calm down!" He said, holding me firmly.

"What do you know about songwriting?" I snapped, trying to get free but failing. His grip was too strong.

"You'd be surprised." He shrugged. I stopped struggling and gave him a suspicious look.

"Hang on, why are you offering to help me? People might actually think you're being nice to me." I said like it was the most outrageous thing ever.

"And we wouldn't want that, would we?" He chuckled softly, "But, no, as amusing as it would be to watch you go insane, I don't really need you tearing down the house that I have to stay in."

"You don't have to stay here, Connor. Feel free to take the streets." I gave him a fake sweet smile.

"Do you want my help or not?" He glared at me but there was a glint of a smile in his eyes.

"Well, I don't have many other options, do I?" I smirked as I wiped my eyes. It wasn't a spiteful smirk, it was more like a playful one. Connor smirked back at me before we both sat down at my keyboard and started. Working with Connor wasn't actually as horrendous as I thought it'd be. In fact, it was actually kind He was a good laugh when he wasn't using all his energy to annoy the crap out of me and he was right, I was surprised by his songwriting skills.

It's weird, a month ago I couldn't even be in the same room as Connor without wanting to spoon out my own eyeballs (a bit too graphic there, Lilia), but now, here we were, sat about a centimetre apart, laughing, messing around, writing a freaking song together and actually kind of enjoying each other's company. Is the universe backwards or something?!

*Connor's P.O.V*

I wanted to stay in this moment forever. Lilia was sat right next to me, so close that our shoulders brushed, wearing an oversized jumper and leggings and no makeup, looking as beautiful as ever and we were just sat, sharing our creativity and love for music with each other. As well as trying to help Lilia write her song for school, we were also just hanging out. Chatting when we weren't trying to come up with lyrics, messing around and just having fun in each other's company. Everytime she laughed, whether it was at something I said or not, I couldn't help but smile. This was how I wanted us to be all the time. No Callum, no arguments, just us. Whether that meant as friends or as something more or whatever, I'll take what I can get.

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