Chapter 16

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*Lilia's P.O.V*

It's been about two weeks or so since my date with Callum and honestly, I haven't been able to stop smiling since then, which might have something to do with Callum asking me to be his girlfriend at the end of the date... The whole thing was amazing, but that last bit was definitely my favourites part. He was a perfect gentleman during the date and it's not like that behaviour had changed now that we were a couple. He's always holding doors open for me, or waiting for me at my locker at school, or holding my bag or books when I go to the bathroom. Callum was my first proper boyfriend and I felt like I couldn't have ended up with anyone better suited for me.

I was probably getting too attached too quickly, considering we'd barely ever spoken to each other up until a couple weeks ago, but I didn't care about that right now.

It was currently a pretty ordinary, uneventful Monday evening and I was sat in the cosy room, texting Callum and pretty much everything he said had me blushing and grinning like an idiot.

From: Cal 😍💘
So, what's my gorgeous girlfriend up to tonight then? Xx

I didn't think I was ever going to get used to hearing him call me his girlfriend.

To: Cal 😍💘
Not much, homework mostly 🙄 how about you? 😘 xxx

From: Cal 😍💘
Same 🙄 although talking to you always makes boring times more fun 💕 xx

"Is that Callum you're texting?" Connor's voice made me stop smiling goofily at Callum's text and look up, over at Connor who was sat on the other end of the sofa from me.

"What's it to you?"

"Just figured it was him making you look like your cheeks are on fire." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes at how much hostility his voice held. What he just said wasn't that bad, but ever since Callum and I started going out, Connor was always making little digs and comments. But of course he would act like that towards someone who made me happy, why did I expect anything else?

"I don't know why you act like you hate him so much. You've never even met him." I said as Zoe walked in. It was only me, her and Connor tonight; Alfie and Mark had gone out for a drink.

Connor opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but then stopped himself. He then smirked and said, "I don't hate him, I just like winding you up." And with that, he got up and left the room. Why did it seem like he wanted to say something else?

"That reminds me," Zoe spoke up as Connor disappeared and she came to sit beside me, "When are we going to get to meet Callum?"

"Uh, I don't know." I replied truthfully. I hadn't really given it too much thought.

"Listen, I don't want to sound like Mum and Dad, but I want to meet him soon. As your big sister, and your guardian, I need to make sure you're dating the right kind of people."

"I know, Zoe, but I just don't know if we're ready to be meeting each other's family yet. We haven't been seeing each other for that long." I told my sister, before adding, "But I'll talk to Callum about it."

"That's all I ask." She said with a smile, which I returned, "But there's one other thing as well."

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Well, I know you said you wanted to wait until the time was right, but time is ticking. You need to tell Joe about you and Callum."

"I know that too." I sighed, "I've just been trying to put it off for as long as possible. You know how protective he can get."

"I'll admit, he can be a bit overprotective, but I really don't think he'll be as bad as you think. You're almost sixteen and Joe knows that, he knows that you're old enough for this kind of thing. Well, he should do, anyway. But you need to tell him quick, you don't want him finding out from anyone but you, do you?"

I shook my head, "When do you think I should do it?"

"Tonight? Just so you can get it over and done with. Like ripping off a plaster. I'll be there with you, if you want?"

"No, this needs to be between me and Joe. But maybe you're right about doing it tonight, even though I really don't want to."

"Sometimes you just have to do things you don't want to." Zoe said and I nodded in agreement, "Anyway, I'm going to put a pizza in the oven."

"Okay, I think I'll Skype Joe after we've eaten."

"Alright." Zoe kissed my forehead before going into the kitchen, leaving me to get back to texting Callum and also to plan out what to say to Joe later.

Just as I said I would, after we'd all eaten our pizza, I texted Joe before I could chicken out.

To: My Broseph 🤓♥️
Hey, you free to Skype? I need to talk to you xx

Joe texted back a couple minutes later.

From: My Broseph 🤓♥️
Sure, everything okay? Xx

I made my way upstairs as I typed out a reply.

To: My Broseph 🤓♥️
Yeah, I just need to tell you something xx

I entered my room and sat down on my bed, where my laptop sat. I pulled the lid up and opened Skype, calling Joe immediately. He answered in seconds.

"Hey, Joe." I beamed as soon as his face popped up.

"Hiya, munchkin. You alright?" He smiled back at me.

"Yeah, I'm good. You?"

"I'm alright, just been editing pretty much all day." He replied, "So, what did you want to tell me?" He still seemed a little worried about it.

"It's nothing bad." I reassured him, before frowning, "Well, it could end up being bad, depending on how you take it, but I'm trying not to think about that, otherwise-"

"Lils," Joe cut in with a laugh, "Just tell me."

"Okay, okay, here goes..." I took a deep breath. I just needed to come right out and say it. Like ripping off a plaster, just like Zoe said.

"I kinda have a boyfriend."

"You what?"

"I have a boyfriend." I repeated, even though I knew he heard me perfectly clear the first time.

"No you don't."

Here we go. This is exactly what I was afraid of.

"Joe, please don't start." I sighed.

"Don't start what?! You can't have a boyfriend! You're way too-"

"Don't you dare say I'm too young," I sternly interrupted, "I'm nearly sixteen, Joe." I knew that he knew I was right.

Now it was Joe's turn to sigh, "How long has this been a thing?"

"About two weeks."

"And you're only just telling me now?"

"I knew you'd react like this."

"Has Zoe met him yet?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No, but she wants me to invite him round for dinner sometime soon so she can get to know him."

"Okay, well, I want to be there too."

"But I have no idea when it's going to be. How do you know you'll be free?"

"I'll make sure I am. I need to make sure this guy is good enough for my baby sister, don't I?"

"Fine, but please don't ruin it for me." I begged.

Joe simply smiled at me, "I wouldn't dream of it, Lils."

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