Chapter 29

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1) This chapter contains heavy and possibly graphic content, reader discretion is advised

2) I'm sure most have you have probably heard about what happened last night in London, and of course, Manchester the other week. Honestly, I just don't understand how people can be so sick. I mean, they targeted Ariana's concert knowing it would be full of children and young people. These tragedies are happening too often and I'm starting to hate the world we live in. Please stay safe, all of you. I love you 💕💔😔

*Lilia's P.O.V*

"Lils," I heard someone softly calling my name. At first, I thought it was just part of my dream, but then I felt someone gently shake me awake. I slowly opened my eyes to see Zoe standing over me, smiling warmly. Well, a blurry Zoe without my glasses or contact lenses.

"Uh, hey." I said groggily, sitting up and reaching for my glasses on my bedside table.

"Hey, me and Dad are going to get our traditional McDonald's breakfast, you wanna come with us?" She asked.

"Oh, um, sure." I decided with a small smile. We always had McDonald's breakfast on Christmas Eve. Technically, it was Christmas Eve Eve today, but that didn't matter.

"Alright, I'll meet you downstairs." She said before leaving my room. I got out of bed and decided to just throw on a hoodie over my pyjamas since I probably wouldn't be getting out the car. I threw my hair into a very messy ponytail, grabbed my phone and ran downstairs.

"Morning, darling." Dad smiled at me when I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning, Daddy." I smiled back at him. I slipped on some shoes before the three of us left. We went in Dad's car, but Zoe offered to drive, so they both sat up front while I was in the back. Zoe and Dad nattered pretty much the whole way there and I occasionally would join in with the conversation until we arrived. We ordered hot chocolates for everyone, hash browns, pancakes and juice. I knew Callum would have a problem with me eating all this, but I could just throw it up, right?

We soon got home, where Joe, Alfie and Callum were now all up. Mum went home last night, it case y'all were wondering. The way Callum looked at me made my heart drop and my stomach twist but I quickly looked away from him and continued my conversation with Zoe. We all sat in the living room to eat and I could feel Callum glaring at me whenever I took a bite of my pancake or hash brown or a sip of my hot chocolate. I tried to focus on my family, but I couldn't stop the hammering of my heart in my chest at the thought of what Callum was planning to do to me once we were alone.

Once we finished our breakfast, I went upstairs to get dressed, and of course, Callum followed me.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at?!" He growled as soon as my bedroom door was shut.

"I-I..." I couldn't get the words out, but it didn't matter as he just kept shouting at me anyway.

"I wake up and you're not even here! You tell me when you're going out, alright?" He demanded and I just nodded, "And what the f*ck are these?!" He knocked my glasses slightly, or more like nearly punched them off my face, and I flinched, my hand flying up to readjust them.

"I-I didn't even get out the car, no one saw me anyway." I tried to tell me.

"Whatever, I don't want to hear your bullsh*t excuses. Now, you know what to do. Go get rid of that fatty breakfast." He ordered and I simply nodded again, going into the bathroom to throw up.

When I got back to my room, thankfully, Callum had left, probably to go get dressed. I walked over to my vanity mirror and winced when I saw myself. The girl I saw staring back wasn't me. Her skin was sickeningly pale and her eyes were a dull, miserable, greyish blue that held sadness and painful secrets. My eyes were a bright, happy, vibrant blue that held joy and a love for life. I wasn't this girl, I was just trapped in her body. I was trapped in the body of a sad girl in pain and I didn't know if I would ever be able to get out.

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