Chapter 23

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A/N: This chapter isn't very long, but it does have a trigger warning. Abuse is no joke, whether it's emotional or physical and if it's happening to you, you need to tell someone. Please don't read this if you don't think you can handle it. I love you all so much and none of you deserve to suffer 💕

*Lilia's P.O.V*

My viewers had gone crazy over my last video. All I could see in the comments and on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr and everywhere else was people talking nonstop about mine and Connor's kiss and posting pictures and gifs of the few seconds our lips were locked. Even when I wasn't online, it was all I could think about. I could still remember the way his soft, velvety lips felt as if they'd been on mine only seconds ago.

But a magical kiss that left me confused about my feelings wasn't the only thing on my mind. There was also fear. The video had gotten so much hype and so many people were talking about the fact I kissed Connor that there was no way Callum wouldn't have found out. I was so in for it.

I tried to prolong the process of getting ready as much as possible but I obviously didn't take long enough because before I knew it, I was on the bus, my heartbeat getting faster and faster as it neared the school.

"Are you okay, Lils?" Elsie asked from next to me.

"I-I'm fine."

"Are you worried about what Callum will say about your video with Connor? Because if you are, don't sweat it. You clearly only kissed him for the dare, it didn't mean anything."

"I just hope Callum sees it that way." I mumbled, 100% sure that he wouldn't.

I didn't see Callum all morning, which only worsened my fear and caused me to keep jumping and looking over my shoulder. Halfway through the day, I was stupid enough to start relaxing a little, thinking that maybe Callum wasn't in school today, until someone roughly grabbed my arm and slammed me into the lockers.

"What the f*ck do you think you're playing at?" Callum growled, so close to my face that I could feel his heavy, angry breaths.

"Callum, I-" I stopped talking when Callum harshly grabbed a handful of my hair.

"You little slut. I go away for two f***ing days and you go and find someone else to hook up with!"

"N-No, that's not it at all! It was just a dare!"

"Shut up," He yanked my hair hard causing me to whimper in pain, "You're mine. Stay away from him from now on."

"B-But w-we live together."

The next few seconds were a blur. Callum raised his hand and the next thing I knew, my cheek was soaring with pain.

"Do not answer back." He snarled in my face, "Stay away from him, or I'll do a lot worse next time." He shoved me back against the lockers with great force and my legs finally gave out as he walked away. I sunk to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest as tears streamed down my face. I cradled my burning cheek, a mixture of emotions running through me: fear, pain, confusion and shock that that'd just happened.

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