One Last Thank You

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Yep, that's right... The Youngest Sugg is finished 😭 but fear not, I will definitely be doing a sequel, although I don't know when it will be out as I haven't done all that much planning for it. I've got a rough idea and I think I've got a title but that about it 😂

Anyways, I've made this part to say a huge, massive, gigantic THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you who's read this story, who's voted, who's commented, everything. I mean, 13k reads and over 400 comments... holy shit, that's insane.

There are a few certain people that have shown me a particularly large amount of support, who vote and/or comment on every single chapter, who have just given me so much love and who have made me feel so happy. So, I want to give a special thanks to:

rileyparkers - you're like one of my closest wattpad friends and we like so much of the same stuff ily 💕

a_certain_Ravenclaw - you always makes me smile with your enthusiasm for new chapters, thank you 💞

KondoKat1 - I can always rely on you for feedback and for that I'm very grateful and your comments always make me happy 💗

AWriterCalledJessxx - and of course, I couldn't do this without thanking my best friend in the entire world, could I? I know I say this all the time, but I honestly don't know where I'd be without you, Jess, and that doesn't just mean with this book. You have supported me through everything these last two years or so, you have loved me no matter what and I can never thank you enough for that. You really are like my big sister and you really do mean the world to me. I love you so much 😘💓

I'm sorry if I forgot to mention anyone but like I said, my love and thanks goes out to everyone who has read/voted/commented on this book.

I'm going to stop rambling now, but thank you all one last time for your endless support and love, thank you so much.

Until next time, I guess.

Lucy xx

The Youngest Sugg (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now