11 / / ❝are you always this bitchy?❞

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Are you always this bitchy?


Well, they say bitchy means classy — like me.


So, you're saying I have no class?




Maybe that's why your ex-boyfriend left you.


. . .


[ Leila nearly blurts out a string of profanities but she doesn't want to awaken his demons . . . or his boner. ]


How do you know I have an ex-boyfriend?


Let's just say I'm the Psychic Dude.


You're still the Condom Guy.


Annoying Orange.


Old Geezer.


Lollipop Licker.


Vagina Slayer.


Wait, why are we shaming each other like ten-year-olds at the side of the road again?


I don't know, try asking that guy who gave me a piggyback ride and raced away with me into the sunset on a delivery bike.


Aww, you make it sound so romantic![ He squeaks out a series of giggles. ]


You sound like some stereotypical middle school cheerleader.


Are you tempted by my charms, monsieur?


I'm a woman, idiot.❞


And a dangerous one too. Who knows? Maybe you're even fiercer in the bedroom.


❝I'm gonna send you home and once you pay for your order, I don't want to talk to you or see your face ever again, do you understand?


You sure about that?

Miss Delivery GirlWhere stories live. Discover now