author's note

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You | Me


YOU AND ME! WE'VE GOT A WHOLE LOT OF HISTO—okay, okay. I'll stop.


I don't get it. What the hell happened at the end?


You see, when Trevor came to Leila in her dreams — if you read his words carefully and tried to decipher the meanings behind them — he was actually saying that he allows both Sebastian and Leila to move on together as a couple and have a relationship.


Okay. . . .


Five months of relationship may seem like a short time but they actually got to . . . explore each other very deeply.❞

Update: Due to the amount of criticisms on their relationship period, it is now one year.

Oh . . .


I mean, get to know each other in a personal and deep way, you dirty-minded coconut.❞




❝It subsequently led to Leila's marriage with Sebastian and that special day was the day that Trevor watched them both from the heavens, blessing their union with a gift to Leila — a white frangipani, her favorite flower.❞


How did you even write
this? I'm literally shaking.


I don't even know but I hope you enjoy it! Please LEAVE A REVIEW in the comments if you haven't. I'll feature some of your reviews in the blurb as well as in a special chapter.


But Papi Fury, I'm too . . . hrm, shy?

Just let it go, my dear. Let it go!


Okay, but you said there's a surprise for us in this chapter? And I'm too lazy to read anymore of this pointless fictional conversation that you obviously wrote yourself and not a product from an actual engagement.


GEE, THANKS, CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! By the way, the surprise is I'm planning to write one chapter of an alternate ending with a premise that goes something like this, Did Trevor really die in the hospital bed?❞




❝But i also want to write a few chapters of an alternate version of MDG with the premise that goes, What if Trevor never really got involved in the accident? Will Leila still end up with Sebastian?❞




#MakeMissDeliveryGirlGreatAgain. #MMDGGA. Hey, that actually sounds nice.❞


This is even longer than all chapters of MDG combined.


❝Oh, be sure to check out my other books as well! Miss Delivery Girl is a spin-off to my other #1 short story HATE LINE, available on my main account. I also have a rant book CONFESSIONS FROM AN ASIAN BOY there where I talk about stereotypes and random shit.❞

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