25 / / ❝i'm just peeing through my eyes, that's all.❞

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Are you serious? Please tell me you're joking. Tell me that this is some bullshit trick you pulled up to make me cry!


Leila, I will never joke on something like this.


. . . 


Hey, are you crying?


No, Trevor! I'm just peeing through my eyes, that's all.


I thought you hate me.


[ Noticing the whimpers that come from Leila, Sarah approaches her slowly and pats her shoulder. ]


❝Leila, why are you crying?❞


Miss Sarah, please, not now! Just go away.


❝Okay, okay, I'm sorry.❞


[ Sarah shakes her head and walks away, acting calm. But in her heart, she's plotting 100 ways to kick Leila's ass out from McDonald's. Just kidding. ]


Who's that?


My manager.


It started a year ago. I was having headaches and occasional memory loss. I went through diagnosis followed by scanning and the doctor said there was a small, benign tumor in my head. I used up all my savings just to go through the treatments and surgery. I thought it was all over.


It came back and that's why your memory loss got worse.


Yeah, and this time, it's not a benign tumor.


Oh, no.


It's a grade-three anaplastic astrocytomapretty much an aggressive tumor that needs a follow-up of radiation and chemotherapy.❞


. . . 


And, yesI don't have the money to pay for the treatments anymore.


[ Leila bursts in tears while striving to hold back her mucus from fleeing her nostrils. She is beyond shook. The guy that she mistreats and insults with many spiteful names turns out to be a brain tumor patient. An empire of guilt stands tall inside her now. ]


I'm sorry, Trevor. I treated you like shit all this time. I'm a fucking Satan, aren't I?


Nah, I love it when you get all feisty. I'm surprised you actually care for me though.




. . . 


. . . 


 ❝AwwI love you too, Leila my lil' Nutella.


I'm serious, Trevor.❞  


I know. I'm so happy you finally confessed the feelings hidden beneath your thorax all the way to the deepest core of your heart towards me.


Don't you have relatives that can pay for the treatments or something?


My family pretty much broken up years ago. Dad and Mom got divorced, my older brother and I fought constantly, so I stayed with my Mom at the apartment and my brother followed my dad to downtown Manhattan.


So, what happened to your mom?


❝She died of diabetes two years ago.❞


[ She has definitely learned her lesson: Never ever judge someone from the way they behave physically and their looks without knowing the stories behind them. Even the kinkiest fuckboy you've ever met in real life might have a darker past unbeknownst to anyone. ]


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