47 / / ❝brothers by blood are bound together.❞

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Life is like a box of chocolates - you'll never know what you're going to get.

This legendary quote proves the abrupt turns that have shaken Leila's entire life recently. She remembers the first day Trevor called in asking for condoms. She remembers her ovaries awakening to perform a ritual dance upon meeting him in real life. His beefy buddy that blessed her eyes.

Ah, those memories.

Behind those walls of kinky jokes and rebellioud endeavors, however, Leila sees a hopeless boy broken by family feuds and raw isolation. She sees a true gentleman that she fails to cherish fully. It seems that she took his presence for granted and now that he's gone . . .

She can't help but to blame herself for everything.

(After all, 90% of this book's readers hate her now. Poor Leila. #TeamLeila. #JusticeForLeila.)

She lets her sea salt wet the barren grounds beneath her. Her eyes have been locked on Trevor's grave since . . . for how long, she doesn't even know. After a while, she rises to her feet and wipes off her tears.

Trevor, I hope you're having fun up there. Okay?

Leila.❞ The sound of Sebastian calling her from behind startles her so much, she nearly trips over the grave but she manages to balance herself. He approaches closer to her.


I'm sorry, it's been two hours since everyone left and you're still . . .

Wait, you were standing behind me all this time? How can you even look so happy and dead silent after all this?

I am mourning in silence. I wear a thousand masks - all of them are shades of glee - that do not betray even the slightest grief. Inside me, only God knows.

Okay, Seb-speare. I understand you. . . . Thanks for everything, by the way.❞ She breaks into a wide smile, showing appreciation for the boy she once loathed so much. ❝I appreciate what you did for Trevor.

Brothers by blood are bound together.

Sebastian suddenly looks into her eyes in a way he never did before. Pretty hopes are drawn behind those gloomy sky-blue eyes, seeking to spill out a forbidden secret. Leila somehow captures a tingling sensation within his soft gaze. It somehow comforts her woe. It dissipates her dismay.

For once.

Somewhere inside her head, she could hear a familiar voice saying, He'll take care of you.

Yeah, I guess so.

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