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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews for the last story! I really appreciate them all and love the constant support! A huge thank you to everyone!

Answers to questions-

- Cody was originally Elder Five but when he turned against the Loric, he obviously lost all right to be an Elder. Sophia was the next person deemed like she deserved the role, which then makes her Elder Five.

- Cody is a very interesting character and in this story he's going to be going through quite a few changes...

There's been some conflicting reviews about who people want to be Pittacus, so I've decided to put it up to vote. I have a poll on my page, but you can also just say in the reviews who you want to be Pittacus!

So a huge thank you to everyone! I really love all the reviews, so thank you all so much!


Third POV

Far away, thousands of miles away from the mainland of Lorien there's an island. It's called Elder's Isle, and was the original seat of the Elders before they moved to the mainland. It's been lost for 50 years; some even think that the sea had buried it after a freak tidal wave. But it's still there, still existing, despite the rumours. It has stood for millions of years and will continue to remain there for the next million years.

It's beautiful. The beaches are covered by light, almost silvery sand and the waves that break gently onto the shore are a brilliant blue. Just by the edge of the beach, the jungle starts. It's thick and wild, uninhabitable. The trees are ancient and the animals that mill around the forest floor and that fly through the foliage are unusual and strange. Untouched by the ages, the jungle continues to grow, barely any space left. Soon there won't even be a beach.

The jungle stretches on for miles, barely allowing space for the river to push through the trees. The river is huge and slow, filled with wildlife. The waters are deep blue, Loralite shimmering in the depths, amongst other rocks without names. It's as ancient as the forest. Following the river to its source, it starts to become smaller, thinner, but the trees are as thick as ever. The river's source is finally shown at the base of the only mountain on the planet.

Nestled by the source of the river and hidden amongst the trees is a building. It's old and starting to resemble ruins, but still as strong as ever. The original shining white material it was made of has dulled to a cream colour, weathered by the ages and rain. The building is protected by a force field and looks like one the Mayan temples on Earth. Through the force field and up the thousands of steps is a small temple, where the Elders used to meet.

There is one room inside the temple. There's a large table with ten chairs seated around it, with a map of Lorien carved into the wooden table top. The map shows Lorien how it used to be before the mogs came there. The ceiling of the room is painted with the constellations, the stars and moons shining even centuries after they were painted. Flecks of Loralite are found throughout the black walls, the blue light glowing onto the black marble floor.

There's a small well in the corner of the room, a deep blue shine emitting from the well. Or there used to be. Ever since the Occupation started, the light disappeared as Lorien hid deep in the core of the planet, recovering from the war. For 15 years, the Loralite in the room was dim and the shine from the well had disappeared. Through the well is a direct drop straight down thousands of miles to the core of Lorien, a colossal cavern that lies beneath the whole of Lorien. The well is the only entrance to this core. In the core of Lorien is a huge Loralite stone in the middle, the size of a mountain range, stretching wherever the eye can see. It's dim, wounded, whilst millions of flecks of energy move and flow around the cavern, separated, weak. The energy is also dim. This energy is Lorien, the Entity that controls the planet. It's weak, barely alive.

But something changes. It's not obvious and no one will realise it above. But there is a change. Deep in the cavern, on the day of the Calling for the 14th Annual Funeral Games, the Loralite begins to light up, whilst the specks of energy in the air begin to move together. They move faster and faster, grouping together until there is a moving, flowing stream of energy in the room, the most powerful thing on the planet. It takes two years since there is so much energy. The Entity is alive again. The Loralite begins to light up, shining as Lorien comes back to life. Soon the room is filled with energy, the blue so bright that it's blinding.

And then deep in the core, so far down that no one will ever notice, two years after Lorien began to wake up, the heart of Lorien starts to beat again.

So I know this has nothing to do with the characters, but this place will be very important later on and will be the setting for some pretty huge events.

So see you all on Saturday and please review!

The Uprising Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora