Be Prepared

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Hi guys!

First of all a huge thank you to the amount of reviews so far! 27 for only two chapters! I can't thank you all enough for the lovely support and reviews and I really do appreciate it! So a huge thank you to everyone!

Answers to reviews –

- There will be a scene similar to Prim's death later on but I obviously can't say more than that. I think it will (hopefully) be a good scene though

- Kat/Henri has crossed my mind and I've put in a few very subtle hints in this story, but not enough for it to take centre stage. I have enough going on to start thinking about them but there are a few little suggestions

- I'm glad that no one's upset that Daniela won't be in it. I just don't think she has a place in this story so it's nice that everyone agrees

As for Pittacus, the reaction in support of John had been overwhelming. To be honest I was surprised that he was such a popular choice but the arguments for his case were convincing so I will have to agree and go with John. However, that won't mean the others won't play an important role because they will still be very important in the story.

So a huge thank you and please read on and enjoy!


Usually my room is bustling in the evening. Sam and Adam usually come first, just to talk about what's happened in training or in Lorien. Then Alicia and Maren feel like they have to join us too, just because they don't want to miss out on anything. Not that I mind of course, it's nice to have company. It takes my mind off things, helps me forget everything that's going on.

But tonight it's just Joseph, Maren and I. Alicia's meeting ran over and she just wanted to go straight to bed, suffering from a headache about strategies or something. Adam and Sam have been coming up with some inventions with Sandor and are still in the armoury, even now. Sometimes they get too carried away and don't come out until the morning. Although it feels emptier, it's nice just us three here. Ever since we found out we were Elders I've felt more connected to these two than ever before.

"I feel like once this war is over, Laws is going to introduce a law to make it legal to hunt me down," Maren complains, sitting cross legged on my bed. "She hates me," she frowns.

I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Well, you did burst in on her meeting and made her look stupid in front of her advisors,"

"She deserved it," Maren brushes her hair away from her face. There's still a scowl on her face but she doesn't look as wound up.

"Who deserved what?" Joseph wanders in from the bathroom, ready for bed too.

"Laws. I was saying she's going to get me killed once the war is over," Maren replies.

"I would too, you scare me," Joseph grins, ruffling her hair as he walks by. Maren lunges out for him but he teleports out of the way.

"Is this about earlier? You're acting like I tried to kill you. All I did was beat you in our fight," she protests. Joseph pretends to look wounded, clutching his chest.

"You did practically murder me!" he argues. "I need to take out a protection order against you!" I roll my eyes; sometimes their bickering can be annoying but this is one of the times that it's quite funny.

"Oh please, if I wanted to get you, no protection order would keep me away," Maren rolls her eyes.

"And there's my point," he says triumphantly. "But back to Laws," Joseph continues, sighing when he sees Rey hogging his bed. "Laws doesn't like you because you're a threat to her,"

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