Fighting Fair

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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I love reading them all so much and I really appreciate them all so much so a huge thank you to everyone!

Answers to reviews:

- I like Sam and Six as well but it wouldn't really work in this story. Also I was weighing up the chances of Nine and Six too but again I just didn't think it would work for this story.

- Nine definitely needs to let off some steam so there might just be a big fight coming soon :D

- Mogadore has been pretty much abandoned by the mogs. They all live on Lorien as Mogadore has all but died but it's a sort of last-minute resort in case anything bad happens on Lorien.

So a huge thank you to everyone! Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions! I love them all so much so a huge thank you!

Please read on and enjoy!


"Wait, Maren, I really don't think we should be doing this,"

I roll my eyes at Marina as she stops in the small, metal corridor, in one of the lowest levels in this base. Marina hasn't been here before and I can tell she's intimidated as she nervously eyes the machines waiting to scan our ID cards so that only authorized personnel can come down here. There are cameras mounted on the walls, watching our every move, whilst sensors scan our every movement. Unlike the hospital and our rooms, this part of the base resembles a military base the most. For me it's not a problem but for someone who's been locked up in a mogadorian military base, this is a painful place to be.

"Come on, just yesterday you were complaining about not being allowed to train," I point out. "And technically, I'm just showing you your weapon," I shrug. Marina sighs, running a hand through her hair nervously.

"If Laws finds out that I'm doing this, she's going to freak out," Marina continues to stress. "She thinks I'm unstable as it is," she worries, biting her lip. I smile at her, lightly punching her arm.

"The way I see it," I reply. "Is if Stanley is allowed near his pipe staff then you have every right to see your bow and arrow," Marina sighs, looking down at the ground, eyeing her shoes nervously.

"You really think I'm ready?" she asks, her voice vulnerable. I reach out, lightly gripping her arm and she looks up, startled.

"Hey, we need you out there. We need your arrows and your awesome aim and your new legacy," I smile encouragingly at her. "I know you can do this, Marina. You're strong and a fighter, like all of us," I promise her. She smiles shyly, a little blush on her cheeks.

"I'm not quite like you," she replies. "And Joseph doesn't seem to think I'm ready," she frowns a little. I laugh lightly, shaking my head.

"Joseph thinks you're capable of taking on all the mogs by yourself," I disagree. "But he's worried about pushing you too far and he doesn't want to upset you more. It's not that he thinks you're weak," I reassure her. She nods and then we continue to walk down the corridor, our shoes echoing eerily in the metal hall.

"But you're not worried about pushing me," she notices, not sounding angry at all. I shrug, watching as we round the corner and approach the double doors, guarded by two soldiers.

"Sympathy was never my strong point," I admit. "But I know when someone's strong enough to handle something," She smiles properly this time, standing a little straighter, a little more confidence on her face.

"Thanks Maren," she smiles. "It''s nice to be treated like I'm normal," she admits. "Like I'm not a criminal on borrowed time,"

"People will forget all about it soon," I promise her. "But, um, please don't tell Joseph about this. I think he'd kill me for leading you astray," Even I don't want to deal with that. When it comes to Marina the guy can be lethal.

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