The Fall of Five

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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews, especially because I know I'm making you all wait for Navrina! But thank you all so much and I really appreciate them, so thanks!

Answers to reviews –

- The others aren't aware Marina has the ice legacy but they will be soon.

- Ella had to stay because she knows that she'll be far more useful as an insider instead of with the others. She can give them much more information if she's inside.

I think there was a little confusion because people think the Navrina reunion will take place in this chapter, but unfortunately, it won't as there is something very important about to happen. But it will absolutely take place next week and because I know it's cruel to keep you all waiting for so long, I promise to update on Wednesday so you won't have to wait so long.

Please read on and enjoy!


I'm free. Free. The feeling is so alien to me, so bizarre that I can't get seem to get my mind wrapped around it. I'm so used to being trapped, confined against my will that I don't know what to do now that I'm free. But I can't allow myself to relax, not until I'm finally safe. Part of me almost feels like this is a trick of the mogs and I'll be back in my cell any minute, waiting to be punished for falling for the plan. But another part of me knows that I'm being paranoid, that this is the real deal.

I'm finally free.

When Cody had dragged me out of my cell, saying he needed to question me, I thought he was telling the truth. I thought he was working for the mogs once more. But then the mogs had attacked, saying he wasn't authorised to be there and he'd started killing the mogs. He'd dragged me to the landing pad, saying that he was going to help me escape. That's when I'd started to think that I could finally be free. I might not have to stay in that hellhole any longer.

The last few hours have been a blur for me, especially as I was still dosed up with those awful drugs they used to pump into me to keep me calm. I remember Cody somehow managing to get us away from the Capital, despite the fighter jets and machine guns they had shooting at us. I remember having to strap myself in, watching as the bullets and rockets would barely miss us thanks to Cody's flying. It took him longer to evade the mogs that followed us, but he managed to. He told me the mogs had trained him to fly mog ships, back when they trusted him.

I sit in the passenger area of the ship; I didn't want to talk to Cody at first. I know he rescued me and that alone has earned my gratitude, but I just didn't want to see him. He left Ella behind. He told me that he had no control, that she somehow made him do that. Part of me believes him but I don't want to. I want to be angry with him; I want to hold a grudge. Leaving her behind hurts so much, knowing that she's still trapped and could be killed for all I know.

But part of me knows that it's the right thing. Ella has a role to play in all of this and it's not with the Resistance. Something tells me that she belongs in the Capital.

I shut my eyes again, leaning my head back against the chair. I wonder how long it will be until we get there. The thought of seeing Joseph...there aren't words strong enough to describe it. I can feel myself almost buzzing at the thought of seeing him, impatience and anticipation and happiness all whirling around inside me. It's so overwhelming that it almost kills me. Ever since I knew he was alive, I've been imagining this moment. Picturing him in my head, wondering if he's changed, not that it matters if he has. I know I have. But I also know he won't care.

Thinking of Joseph just makes me more and more impatient, desperate to see him. It's like a craving and it's all I can think about. But I have to ignore it. I've waited weeks; I can wait a few more hours. I just need a distraction. With a sigh, I get up and head over the cockpit where Cody is flying the ship. I enter as quietly as possible, watching as Cody expertly navigates the huge ship. I don't recognise where we are and the charts and buttons on the control panel are alien to me, but Cody seems at home. He's looking at some weird chart thing that I don't recognise but it seems to make sense to him.

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