Ancient Evil

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Hi guys!

Thank you all for the lovely reviews! I love reading them and they really are the only thigns that keep this story going! Thank you so much!

Just a quick question, is everyone still interested in reading this story? I've noticed that recently there seems to be less interest and I was wondering whether it's because it's a busy time of year with exams or whether it's simply gone on for too long and people have lost interest. Please let me know!

Answers to reviews:

- I was both influenced by Revenge of the Sith and by Fate of Ten. I've taken a few ideas from both but elaborated it to fit this story.

- I'm sorry if the chapters are too long. It's hard because some people love longer chapters and others don't. I can try to reduce them, but it's also hard for me, as it's getting to the pint where there's a lot of action now.

Hope you all enjoy!


I'm having another vision, another memory. Another moment that changed the world and led to the destruction of Lorien. As normal, the usual nerves and anticipation sets in, as the colours swirl around me. As soon as the scene focuses, and the images no longer blur together, I gasp in shock. I stare around, unable to believe this latest setting. It's one I know well, too well.

It's my home.

Despite being over a century older in real life, it's barely changed in the last 100 years. The estate is in a small valley, with the grey, lifeless slopes surrounding the house and grounds. The nearest town is a good hour's walk away at least. I stand on the long gravel driveway leading up to the house, and I take in the huge wall surrounding the estate, the iron gates open for once. They were always shut when I was younger, banning me from leaving the estate. I shudder to the see the curved iron, the metal roses and thorns intertwined on the gates.

The house itself is as ominous as I remember; three stories tall, imposing windows and a huge oak front door. There's a porch over the front of the house, with columns holding up a few balances. It should be a beautiful house if not for its imposing, ominous look. It's the ivy and vines covering the house and the overgrown plants in the front garden, which makes the house creepy. I shudder, wrapping my arms around myself.

Walking up to the house on the gravel, nostalgia floods though me. I think of the heavy, dark wooden stairs, the gothic-style furniture and the dark rooms with the shadows everywhere. The cellar where I was convinced there was a ghost. The house gave me nightmares as a child, and it felt as if there was some dark aura over it, lurking in every corner and waiting to strike. I'd even thought it was haunted when I was younger. Now that I know this was where Setrakus conducted his experiments makes me understand my earlier fear. Maybe I could sense the unnatural tests that had taken place in the past. Maybe his crimes really had haunted the house.

I turn to see Pittacus and Loridas walking towards the house on the gravel driveway. I hadn't even noticed that they were even here. As I take them in, I notice there are other people here too; some are taking pictures of the house and the gardens, others are stood by with notebooks out, and others are carrying boxes out of the open front door and to the pods parked nearby. It reminds me of the one time a mog was murdered in town and there was an investigation with all the mogadorian officers taking notes of everything.

"Have the investigators found anything?" Loridas is asking.

"Mostly just notes and journals. Nymeria took them all for analysis," Pittacus replies. "She wouldn't let me see them. She said I wasn't ready to read it," There are lines on his face, as well as pain and grief. He's taking everything badly, I can tell.

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