West Virginia

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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! As always I love to hear what you think about the story, so I really appreciate all of the feedback! So a huge thank you to everyone and please keep them coming!

Answers to reviews –

- Kara White – Don't worry at all about a long review, I love reading them! I'm really glad you like the story and the crossover elements. I promise not to kill Joseph and Nine or any of the other main characters. It wouldn't add much to the story and I love them all too much to kill them off.

- There will be some character development for Nine, but not right now as they're slightly busy. But even though he won't have a POV I won't ignore him.

- Adam won't be showing up for a few more chapters but the mog's reaction will be coming up shortly!

So it's the start of the attack on the base, West Virginia. It'll span a few chapters, so I hope you enjoy!


The ship lurches to the side as a great gust of wind hits us and I grab at a nearby handrail, trying to stay upright. There's a horrible juddering noise, almost as if we've been hit, and I can hear the engine straining against the storm outside. Another blast of wind causes the ship to bank to the side once more, as the hail and rain thunders down onto the metal hull of the ship. I try to ignore the howling of the wind, and the ice splattering against the few windows, leaving streaks of white slush to slide down the glass.

The Resistance's ships are as practical as the Mogadorian ones. Made entirely of metal, I feel like I'm in the belly of an iron beast. Up ahead I can see the cockpit, sealed off by a reinforced steel door with bolts locked securely in place on the inside. To the back of the ship is the medic zone, only used in absolute emergencies and there are also a few cargo sections, even a room for sleeping, but those are securely locked for the moment. We're in the centre of the ship, the passenger area. Metal seats have been built into the walls with the thick leather straps for securing yourself hanging uselessly at the side, the metal buckles hitting the wall with sharp clangs. I stand in the middle of the ship, too keyed up to sit, clutching at one of the handrails above my head, my fingers clutching at the icy metal.

The wind howls outside, sending the ship lurching again, and I wince slightly, trying to keep my footing. It's typical that today of all days, the weather is horrendous. We're supposed to head to the base today to begin the attack on West Virginia at first light tomorrow. It's a moment all of us have been waiting for. This is the time we get to really fight back; not protecting our cities, or people from bombings, but this time we're setting out and attacking something essential to the mogs. I'm terrified for the coming fight of course, after all this is the biggest battle any of us have had to face. Cities are nothing compared to a military base. But I'm ready too. I'm ready to get out there and finish this damn war once and for all. The fighting has gone on for too long and too many have died.

I shift slightly, the thick soles on my boot echoing slightly on the metal floor. I'm dressed in the same clothes as all of the other Elders: thick black trousers tucked into combat boots, plain long-sleeved top covered by a light waterproof jacket that's zipped up to our throats; a thick belt around our waist with a dagger, small handgun and healing stone and of course our weapons, strapped in some way or another to our back. I can feel my bow bumping against my back with every movement in the air, the strap of the full quiver digging into my collarbone.

"Hey, solider," Joseph appears next to me, a nervous smile on his face. He hates waiting and has been pacing most of the journey. I link my free hand with his, squeezing it reassuringly.

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