Planning for Revenge

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Hi guys!

So a huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed! I loved the huge response to the last chapter! I can only say thank you all so much for the lovely reviews and support!

Answers to reviews –

- JulesAnon – Thank you for your review! It was lovely what you said so thank you so much!

- Daniela won't be in this story. I don't feel like I know (or like) her enough to put her in here and there are enough characters and I don't want to ignore the ones that I feel are much more interesting. Sorry to everyone who likes her, I'm just not entirely a fan of her but then I don't really know her that well.

Right, as for the Pittacus, the general consensus is leaning towards John. All of the arguments are very valid and good for both sides (so thank you) which makes it harder for me to decide! But since most people are currently leaning towards John, it's likely I'll go with him. However, I'll wait a bit longer since it won't be coming up just yet.

So a huge thank you to everyone and please read on and enjoy


"Maren, I really think we should just slow down and wait!" Sam pleads with me. I ignore him and storm to Commandment, furious.

I swear to Lorien, I'm going to kill Laws. I don't even care that she's President of this damn Resistance and that she's the reason the Loric have kept fighting for the past 15 years. I'm going to kill her for doing this, I really am. First of all, she hides news of this execution from us in the hope that we might not find out about it, as if it's not going to happen! And even worse, she's not going to do a damn thing about it! If not for Katarina, I wouldn't even know anything.

"Maren, please! At least let's tell John and Joseph before you storm in there!" Sam begs, trying to grip my hand. I shake him off, swiping my key card through the security gate quickly.

"You tell them!" I snarl. I hear him sigh and then he turns, heading away from me. Probably going to do as I say and get the other two. I don't even care.

I burst into Commandment, effectively disrupting the meeting. Laws looks up, her face shocked, and I can see some angry looks shot my way. I stand in the doorway, taking in the meeting. It's just another strategy one, with the map activated once more, the colours and symbols showing the stages of revolution in Lorien. I clench my fists, furious when Laws' look of surprise turns neutral.

"This is a private meeting," Laws says calmly, folding her arms. I scowl, wishing that I could slap that smile off her face. I never liked her before and I really don't like her now.

"Why the hell wasn't I told?" I snarl. "Why didn't you tell the other Elders and I about the execution?" Laws sighs, as if she knows I'm not going anywhere until this is resolved. She brushes her impeccable hair away from her face and turns to her advisors.

"Meeting is terminated. We shall continue this afternoon," Laws exchanges a look with one of the officials.

With a scowl, her advisor motions for the others to leave, but he doesn't leave her side. I move out of the way to let the other officials leave the room, glaring at all of them. I should have been told. I have a right to know about something like this and if I have to be pushy to get news, then I will. The room empties and then I notice Alicia for the first time, looking confused as she hovers around. I know she's good at strategy and they trust her here, but something tells me she didn't know either.

"Soldier Alicia, you too," Laws says, still calm. I shake my head, gesturing for Alicia to stay.

"She has a right to know too," I snap. "Her sister was an Elder after all," Laws sighs, but nods. Alicia sits down nervously, whilst Laws looks at me, expecting me to begin. It takes all my effort not to scream at her.

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