Freak Storm

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Hi guys!

A huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed this story! I love all of the support so much and I really appreciate the feedback so a huge thank you to everyone! I know I say it every time but I do mean it so a huge thank you!

Answers to reviews:

- Adam will be appearing in a few chapters. He's taken a bit of a break but he'll be reappearing as a man character very soon.

- JulesAnon – I love the description of them all trying to decipher the plans! It's just so what they would do if they had the opportunity!

So please read on and hope you enjoy!


After all the destruction in this city and our earlier battle in the base, I never thought I could feel so relaxed here. But it's a beautiful night. The moons shine down on Moridas, turning everything pearly silver and somehow managing to make the ruins look elegant, mysterious. It's cold outside, my breath fogging in the air and I think I can even see some ice on the shattered glass windows. I shouldn't really be outside since the guards are inside. But I couldn't stay in that crumbling building that is the Loric leader's base; I needed get to some air, even if it was bitterly cold. I needed to clear my head from that stupid dream.

But I can't of course. I'll never forget that dream.

Lilia's screams...her screams had killed me inside. Even now I feel sick as I think of how he hurt her and all I could was watch as he taunted me, telling me how weak I was. His taunts telling me what a bad sister I was to let her hurt whilst I did nothing. It killed to see her look so small, so weak, so defenceless as he taunted her, tortured know that he's hurting her so badly and she's begging for me and I'm not saving her. I draw in a shuddering breath, trying to fight down the tears but it's so hard. I want to cry, want to be able to let out all of the pain I feel. I shut my eyes, gritting my teeth as I fight against the tears.

It's so hard being strong. Most of the time I forget about the pain, about Catia and my mother's death and Lilia's imprisonment. It's easy when we have so much to do and so much to achieve. It's easy to bury pain and anger and fear in training and planning for killing. Besides, I have to be strong. I have to be strong for Nine, who needs to see me cope so he can do the same. I have to be strong for John who hardly needs someone else breaking down on him when he still struggles. I have to be strong for Joseph, who also feels like he needs to hold on for us all. I have to be strong for Marina since it's her turn to need people now. But when I'm alone, out here in the cold, it's easy giving up that strength and letting my feelings out.

Only problem is, I'm so used to repressing my emotions that it's hard to finally let them out.

"Maren, are you out here?" I jump at the voice, brushing a stray tear away before anyone can see.

"Yep" I reply, my voice sounding a little strangled. I turn to see John linger by the doorway. He's dressed in pyjamas too, his hair ruffled from sleep.

"Are you all right?" John peers out into the darkness, trying to locate me.

"You scared me," I reply, still sounding a little choked. "But, I'm, um, I'm fine," I'm glad it's dark; that way he can't see my face. He makes his way outside, rubbing his arms too.

"No you're not," he doesn't even need to see my face; he can tell by my tone of voice that I'm not happy. I turn away, peering out across the square instead. The need to cry is stronger than ever and it almost physically hurts to fight it.

"No I'm not," I admit. What's the point in hiding things from him? He knows me too well.

"Then what is it?" he steps out carefully, moving so he stands in front of me.

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