Dream Space

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Hi guys!

Sorry for the later update! I know I usually do it in the morning but today I had a Saturday exam (honestly, university is evil). So sorry about that!

Also a huge thank you to everyone who reviews! It's quite hard for me at the moment with exams and some personal issues so it's really nice to see all of your support and reviews! So a huge thank you to everyone! I really appreciate it all!

Joseph really does need to work on his timing doesn't he....oh well, it's part of his charm xD

Please read on and enjoy!


I know I'm dreaming because when I open my eyes, I'm back in the Capital.

I'm not in the cell of my capture, but the suite that I had before, back when I was a tribute in the Games. Sunlight streams in through the long windows, lighting up the room in different colours as I stand in the centre. Nostalgia floods through me; nothing's changed and it's a bittersweet feeling. The furniture, the view from the window, and even the pointless decorations are all the same. It's been so long since I've been here.

These rooms are a familiar nightmare. Already the feelings have flooded back; same overwhelming feeling of being trapped in a gilded cage, the horrible sinking knowledge that the Games are approaching and that grief of friends dying before I even got to know them. It all comes rushing back when I'm here and I wish more than ever that I could wake up and escape this nightmare.

Yet it wasn't all terrible back then. It was the time when I fell in love with Joseph, made unbreakable friendships with Maren and Ella and got to know John and Nine. It wasn't completely awful.


My heart stops at that voice.

I gasp, turning around to see Hector standing by the doorway. I raise a shaky hand to my mouth, unable to really believe what I'm seeing. He doesn't look as I last saw him, thin and bruised and cowering. Now, he's healthy and strong, a warm smile on his face. He looks like the man I first met and is even holding a dress. It hurts so much to see that smile that made everything ok and promised that I was going to be all right. Tears form in my eyes as I stare at him, memorising his features.

"This isn't real," I whisper. "You're dead," It's so painful to say it but I have to. Or I'll end up getting sucked into this.

"Am I?" He smiles wryly, looking around the room. "I'm here. With you," His voice is the same as ever and my breath catches in my throat. It hurts so much to see him and yet I never want him to go.

"It's just a dream," I whisper numbly.

"And that doesn't make it real?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "Because it's in your mind, it's not real?" I long for this to be real, almost a physical learning feeling for this to be reality.

"Here," he walks over, passing me the dress. "I made it for you," I take it numbly, running my hands over the soft silk, the diamonds fixed in the straps. The design, the fabric...it's so Hector.

"Do you like it?" he asks me softly. I blink away the tears, fighting the empty, wistful feeling at having him so close but so far. There's so much to say to him but I can't seem to find the words.

"I'm sorry for your death," I look up at him. "It's my fault. I'm so sorry, Hector," I whisper numbly, the tears escaping. It seems pointless, even stupid to be apologising in a dream but it feels like I have no choice. I have to.

"We all made our own choices, Marina," he says softly, taking my hands in his and the dress falls to the floor.

"And I made the wrong ones," I whisper. He shakes his head and I do feel as though this is really him, forgiving me for my mistakes.

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