On the Edge

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Hi guys!

Once again a huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed! I love hearing the feedback and I love to hear what you say so thank you!

This chapter was supposed to be the last visions that Ella gets but I had to change it around with the chapter afterwards. So back to the plot for a bit and then the next chapter will be the final visions for Ella.

Answers to reviews

- Tempest – I'm glad that you saw that even though Setrakus made loads of mistakes, he wasn't entirely evil. The Elders also had a lot to answer for as well so I'm glad that it was obvious that it wasn't just Setrakus in the wrong. I also really like the lyrics as well; it fits perfectly.

- It's fine, I know the visions take away from the plotline, but I wanted to include them so there was a backstory to Setrakus. Setrakus in Mogadore was never in the books, which was a shame because I thought that could be really interesting to see how he could convince the mogs to work for him.

So a huge thank you to everyone! Once again this chapter is changing to the present and then next chapter will be another vision, but you'll see why at the end of the next chapter why I had to swap them around.

Thank you and please read on!


I stand in the gym, the one reserved just for us Elders, stretching my calf muscles out before the training session begins. I feel keyed up, ready for a good combat session this morning, and I can tell the feeling is infectious. Nearby Nine dances lightly on the spot, shadow boxing. I watch as his arms lash out at imaginary opponents, every punch delivered with enough force to knock a house down. His face is twisted up in concentration, his teeth bared, and I can hear the breath whistle between his teeth with every punch. I can't help but admire his skill, the elegance and strength behind each shot, and I'm glad once more that he's here for the coming fights.

Any day now we'll be heading off for West Virginia, the mog's military base just outside the Capital. Our plan is simple but effective: we're going to completely demolish the whole structure. Pikens and krauls won't be bred and trained anymore, pods won't be created, weapons can't be made, and armies won't be trained or housed. Our attack will cripple the Mogadorian army.

I can't wait to go. None of us can wait. We're all so desperate for a fight, a real fight. Not a promo where we have to say a pretty speech to boost moral and then immediately afterwards head back to the base where it's safe. This time we don't have to worry about boosting moral because it's the highest it's ever been. This time we can immediately move onto the next target, the next place to destroy. I can't wait to see the looks on the mogs' faces when they realise that they're not as clever as they think they are and that they're not as strong as they used to be.

I'm not the only eager one. Nine is as desperate as ever to beat something up, and the attack is all he's talked out. Who he's going to kill, how he plans on blowing things up, but most of all how he plans on sending a message to Setrakus to show that Nine is coming for him. John and Joseph have been quietly excited, as always, but it's Marina who's surprised me the most. She's worked her ass off for the last few weeks ever since she got back and is the best she's ever been. She's easily as good as John and maybe Joseph now, even if she'll never believe it. I've never seen her so determined, so desperate, to fight and take her revenge. But I'm glad; it makes us stronger.

I hear a nearby click of a door shutting and I watch as Henri and Sandor enter the room, talking quietly. Henri says something to Sandor, who nods, a smirk on his face. It's the look he always gets before a particularly tough training session and excitement races though me.

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