The Rise of Nine

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Hi guys!

So once again, a huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed and support this story! I love all the reviews so much so a huge thank you to everyone!

Answers to reviews –

- Yep, it really is the Rise of Nine! I'm glad you all picked up on that!

- For the name 'Laws', someone I know has that surname and I thought it was so appropriate for the character so I used it!

- I update every Saturday, usually in the morning, unless I'm really busy or the Wi-Fi is down

- Corban will make a few appearances but he's not my priority and I need to sue the space for some way more important characters!

Also shout out to Jul312, whose birthday it is today! Happy Birthday!

So a huge thank you everyone and please read on!


My morning was going well until Nine walked through the door.

"Oh great," I grumble, stretching out my hamstring. "Just what I need,"

Nearby, John shoots me a look. "Behave," he warns me good-naturedly. "He has every right to be here,"

"I know that," I say softly. "But the same can't be said for his attitude," I mutter. John grins, sitting upright and watching me.

"Same could be said about your attitude too," he points out. "You're not exactly a people person," I move to hit him but he dodges out of the way, a cheeky grin on his face. I decide not to attack him and focus on my stretches instead. I have time to beat him up in our training session anyway.

"Hey guys!" Joseph suddenly appears next to us and I jump in the air, my heart almost stopping in shock. I shoot him a glare, annoyed when I see the smirk on his face.

"Stop doing that!" I snap. Joseph grins good-naturedly, his hair pushed back by a sweatband.

"Hey, I don't know why you have such an issue with it. Marina never seemed to care," he says, his face darkening the slightest bit when mentioning Marina.

"Yeah, well Marina had the patience of a saint," I grumble. "She'd have to, to put up with you," Joseph rolls his eyes, sitting down cross-legged next to John and I.

"And whoever wants to be with you has to have thick skin," he retorts. I move to attack him because this is the second time someone has criticised me today but John moves to sit between us, keeping the peace as always.

I hear heavy footsteps and then Nine is here, watching us. Like us, he's dressed in the usual black workout clothes. He has a smirk on his face that immediately annoys me, especially when he takes us all in, his lips pursed. He has an almost critical look on his face, as if he can't believe what he's seeing.

"So, this is where you've been hiding? Not what I was expecting,"

Something about Nine's tone annoys me. The way he's been acting ever since the meeting has been irritating. He struts around the place, as though he's entitled to everything, and being rude to everyone. I know I shouldn't get wound up, I know it's petty of me, but I can't help it. I know he's been through hell and if he were grieving more obviously I guess I would be nicer, but this 'tough' attitude is just annoying.

"Yeah, well, you'll have to get used to it if you want to fight in the next promo," I straighten up from doing my stretches. "Besides, it's not that bad," I feel like defending the place all of a sudden, despite my hatred of Laws and her government.

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