Victory in Moridas

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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I know I say it every time but I really do enjoy reading them and I love to hear your feedback/thoughts. So a huge thank you to everyone who reviews! I love the support!

Answers to reviews:

· I wasn't planning on doing any more Nine POVs simply because I wanted him to remain a little mysterious and I also think he's a great character to see from other people's POVs. Also he's played a huge role in the story so far and I think it's time for others to be allowed to shine a little (like Ella). That doesn't mean he's going anywhere and that doesn't mean he's not important (he is) but for the moment he's definitely not going to have a huge plotline like Ella is.

· I can't tell yet whether Laws is telling the truth but either way she's definitely making sure she's covered for the future!

· Ella the badass is definitely going to come up. Maybe not so much as a fighter like the others but mentally and with legacies it's coming.

· Haha I love the idea of Ella and Marina trying to one up each other with creepy relatives! I think Ella would definitely win though!

So please read on and enjoy!


"That's the base?"

Nine looks unimpressed, as he spins his pipe staff in his hand, currently contracted so as not to cause attention. We're crouched behind the low pile of rubble, which is our temporary hiding point from the mogs. I nod, keeping my eyes locked on the building, as if it's going to explode any minute. It doesn't look much admittedly, with only three stories and a thick square build, but I know the real threat is underneath the ground. It's just a deception technique that's all.

"Most of it's underground, remember?" I whisper. "That's why the chimaera couldn't come with us. Some sort of gas that kills them" Nine shrugs, still looking unimpressed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he peers out. "So...what's the plan again?" I groan quietly, wishing that he could just listen for once when we're in group meetings. But he's always so buzzed up about killing that I know he never pays any attention.

"Maren and Joseph are scouting out the base now," I whisper. "They come out, report to Commander Stevens and he and his troops go into base above ground. We go underground to set up the explosives,"

"And then boom," Nine's face lights up. "Yeah, I remember now," He looks way too excited but I can't blame him; there's always something thrilling those moments before battle. There's something exciting about the thought of finally taking revenge for everything we've suffered.

Nearby I can see Commander Stevens and his elite squad waiting for the order. There are only about 50 of them, since casualties have been so high in this city that it's hard to find a bigger army. The soldiers that are still alive are mostly injured, and being looked after in the makeshift hospital, which meant that Stevens only really had the best of the best left. Even then he didn't want to risk their lives and has decided only to attack above ground. Besides, nothing of importance is in that part of the base; the big stuff is underground.

It was Henri's idea for us Elders to go below, to go right into the heart of the base. We need to destroy as much as possible, with minimal loss of life. So Henri thought sending us four in to plant the bombs and then get the hell out was a good idea. After all, we're most likely to be able to fight our way to the centre deep underneath the ground and get out as quickly as possible afterwards.

There's a sudden sound of a piercing alarm and I jump, my eyes widening when I see flashing lights in the building. I watch as iron shutters automatically slide down across the windows and doors, and there's an ominous grinding sound from somewhere. Nearby Stevens curses, craning his neck to see what's going on. I consider jumping up and running to the base, because I know that the only people who will have set that off are Joseph and Maren and that must mean they're in danger. But then they suddenly appear, crouched next to us, locked in an argument.

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