The Awakening of Ten

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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! So close to 100! So once again a huge thank you for all the support and I love reading the reviews so much! So thank you!

Answers to reviews –

- Happy Birthday to JulesAnon – thank you so much for your constant and lovely reviews!

- I'm glad you all liked the Maren flying scene – I thought I'd try something a little different instead of the usual fighting and that's what happened!

- Guest – No, I don't really hate Cody that much either. He's a very interesting character, probably one of the most interesting in my opinion. There's just something about him that's kind of pathetic and more pitying than hateful really. Hopefully that's shown in this story and I think it will definitely be in the next chapter.

- Jix is coming! I've made sure to write loads coming up but obviously the next few chapters are going to focused on some other stuff.

Please read on and enjoy!


I check the time again. Not even five minutes have passed since I last looked. I scowl, looking away from the clock and trying to act normal. I don't think I'm succeeding because seconds later, I'm watching the clock again. 9.45 p.m. The ship is going in fifteen minutes and I haven't heard anything from Cody for ten minutes. Part of me wonders if he's going to try and do this by himself, but I push away that thought at once. Cody needs my legacies to pull this plan off.

I look away from the clock again, taking a long, deep breath. I probably look calm enough from the outside but inside it's a different story. I'm pumped with adrenalin already, my body filled with nerves. I watch the mog soldier out of the corner of my eye, who's still pacing the doorway. His marching makes me feel worse, and I clench my hands together, noticing that my palms are clammy.


I acted perfectly normal today so I wouldn't raise suspicions. Read the Great Book, trained with my legacies and even spoke politely with the mogs. Since I have to stay, I have to carry on as if nothing is happening. The thought of staying makes me feel sick, and I want more than anything to escape, but I know I can't. It's more than my desire, it's like I'm tied here. I have to stay here. As if it's my destiny or something, as stupid as that sounds. My battle is here, in the Capital, and not in the cities with my friends.

I just hope they'll understand.


I can't wait any longer. I have to do something.

I stand up, and the mog watches me at once, gun ready. I put down the Great Book, not sure how to proceed. I could just knock this mog out with my telekinesis but the minute I do that, I've ruined everything. The cameras in this room will be filming me right now, and the second I do something rebellious, Setrakus will know. And my plan to trick him will never work.

"What are you doing?" the mog aims the gun at me at once and I react without thinking. Maybe it's the adrenalin or the nerves, but something rushes through me, hot and fast and powerful. I don't control it; I let it run free.

"Don't shoot," I order. "Put the gun down," I expect him to laugh at me, threatening me with the gun again so I'm the most surprised when the mog does as I say and puts it down. As if he listened to me.

"Wait...what did you do?" the mog frowns, as if just snapping back to himself. That weird power burns up in me again, like a stronger version of an adrenalin rush, and I stare at the mog.

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