Apocalypse Tomorrow

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Hi guys!

Once again a huge thank you to everyone who reviewed. I really appreciate reading them all and I love your support, as well as your feedback. So thank you so much to everyone who has reviewed!

It's also really reassuring to hear that everyone is still reading this. It's fine if you don't review, I just want to make sure people are still reading otherwise there wouldn't be much point to writing this haha! It's not a great time of year with exams and end of year work to do, as well as the summer holidays kicking off. As well as this the fandom is unfortunately going to start to wane now as all the books have been released. But I still appreciate everyone who continues to read and of course review!

Answers to reviews –

- I'm not planning on ever stopping this story, as it's so close to the end now. Also I'm still enjoying writing this story, and I'm not looking forward to the day when I'm done. So don't worry, I have no plans on ever stopping this story without an appropriate ending.

- I haven't read the last book yet as it's not been released in the UK yet! But I've heard a few spoilers and I'm not entirely sure what to make of the ending. I guess being such a hardcore Navrina shipper and having them as a prominent couple in my story, any other couple just seems odd to me.

- The Elders were stupid but I like to think there's never been such a traitor on Lorien ever before and they don't want to accept what he really is. I see them as refusing to believe that someone would really want to destroy their planet.

So a huge thank you to everyone! Please read on and enjoy!


The vision starts as they normally do: a swirl of colours, that sickening disorientating feeling and the faded image starting to form in front of me. But I'm getting used to it, getting used to the change of scenes, the different visions. Every vision means more knowledge, more information to use against Setrakus. I will do and use anything to beat him.

I'm back in Celwe's house, in the large sitting room with the sofas, but instead of the sun shining through the glass wall like last time, it's dark outside. I can see the two moons hanging in the sky, just as Setrakus predicted in the last vision. There are fireworks in the distance, lighting up the sky in blues and greens and golden sparks but it doesn't feel like a celebration in the house. It feels like a graveyard.

As if waiting for someone, Celwe paces in front of the window, her hands clenched by her side. She's been crying and is wearing black, the customary mourning colour. The house itself is dark, as if reflecting her feelings, but I can make out the destruction; ripped up pillows, paintings torn out of their frames and glass ornaments shattered on the floor. Even as I watch, she turns and kicks a nearby table. It crashes to the ground, the glass table top shattering on the marble floor. She lets out a scream, a scream of anger and pain and I wish more than anything that I could tell her Theo is alive. But I can't.


She turns abruptly at that voice, pain on her face when she sees Setrakus standing by one of the marble columns in the room. I can tell she's torn between running into his arms or killing him, turning to him for help or screaming at him for what he's done. Setrakus stares at her as if she's a ghost, as if he can hardly believe what he's seeing.

"You should be dead," Celwe finally says, her voice controlled.

"Pittacus let me go," Setrakus replies. Celwe snorts, running an agitated hand through her hair. Her sleeve rides up and I can see blood on her arms, as if she's cut herself accidentally when trashing the house.

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