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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I really love reading them all and a huge thank you to everyone!

So there's more Navrina in this chapter (and if you haven't checked out the chapter I updated on Wednesday, please do!).

I know it's a little quiet at the moment but things are going to be heating up very soon! Plans are going to change and their city-by-city attack strategy is going to be over very soon!

So please read on and enjoy!


"I really don't think this is the best idea," Joseph frets. "I mean, I think it's way too soon for you to move out of the hospital just yet. Yesterday you could barely stand up! Wouldn't it be better just to wait a few more days?"

I decide to ignore his constant worrying, folding the few clothes I was given into the small set of drawers in my new room. I can already tell my corner is going to be cramped with just a bed and a chest of drawers, but it's more than enough after everything I've been through. With a bathroom attached, this room is practically 5-star luxury compared to what I'm used to. But best of all, I won't be alone; I'm sharing the room with Maren and Hannah's sister, Alicia, who I still haven't met.

"And what if you feel ill in the middle of the night?" Joseph carries on. "Or need help? Or-" I roll my eyes, getting to my feet.

"Ok, first of all, Maren and Alicia are sharing the room so I'm hardly alone," I point out. "And there's nothing that wrong with me. Not enough for you to worry so much," I make my way over him sat on the bed, bending down so we're eye level. I take his hands in mine, but he continues to frown, his eyebrows scrunched up in concern.

"But-" Joseph looks like he's about to carry on, so I lean forwards and interrupt him with a kiss. It does the trick and he gives in at once, kissing me back briefly.

"See?" I pull back a little. "Totally fine," I grin. He shoots me a look, lying back onto the bed as I carry on folding clothes.

"I can't help but worry," he grumbles. "You have to have regular check ups with the doctors," he points out. I sit back on my heels, grinning as he continues to ramble. I can't help but be amused; he's kind of hot when he worries.

"You don't need to worry," I smile at him. "I'm fine! Ok, so I might need to be checked up every now and then but I'm fine," I try to reassure him. I don't think it works because he's still frowning.

"But-" he protests again and I stand up, sitting on his lap at once. I wrap my arms around his neck, staring straight into his eyes, as I gently run my fingers through his hair.

"Ok, listen to me," I say firmly. "I am fine. I might need more treatment for a while, but I can't bear to be in that hospital. I don't want to be hooked up to machines all day, feeling like I'm a patient. I want to be out here, with my friends, with you," I press my forehead against his. "I think it'll help more than anything" He sighs, but then nods, closing his eyes. His arms wrap around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder, enjoying the moment.

"I've told Legacy to check up on you every hour," he adds, sounding less worried and more amused.

"Talking about Legacy, where is she?" I ask, turning my head to look for my chimaera. Ever since I met her yesterday, we've been inseparable. Joseph told me the bond between Loric and Chimaera was like nothing I'd ever known and he was right. It's just so comforting to have a constant presence, even in my mind, and I feel like I've always got someone, no matter what.

"Probably with Rey," Joseph shrugs. "They might have gone outside. They don't like being down here for too long," he gently presses his lips against my hair and I shut my eyes.

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