Moves and Countermoves

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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! 121 in 14 chapters! Wow! I can't thank you all enough but I'll try anyway! So a huge thank you for all the lovely support and feedback!

Answers to reviews:

- I don't mind how long it takes you all to review! I just love to hear feedback so don't worry about rushing or even reviewing if you don't want to! I hope you just enjoy the story!

- I will definitely be giving Adelina a second chance in this story. I can safely say that most mentors if not all will survive this story – in the real series the Cepans had to die for the Garde's development but in this story other people they were close to have died instead. So the need for me to kill the Cepans isn't there and I love them too much to kill them off!

- Something will happen to Laws...and I can safely say that Maren is going to be a prominent player but that's all I'm gong to say.

So thank you all for the lovely reviews! And please read on for some more Navrina!


"Legacy!" I sigh in exasperation. "You have to stop moving!"

My chimaera in her favourite cat form looks at me for a very long moment and then slowly stretches out so she lies on her front, completely changing her position.

"Ugh!" I roll my eyes in annoyance, throwing my sketchpad down on the grass. "Why are you being annoying today?" I demand. "Every time I try to draw you, you move!" Legacy yawns slowly and I think if a cat could look smug, she would.

I don't want to be drawn. Do you have to? She replies. I look down at the sketchpad with the smudged pencil on the page, the rough drawing reminding me just how out of practice I am.

"Yes" I reply. "Because I want to get better again and Joseph wouldn't let me draw him! And as my chimaera-"

I'm here to protect you, not to amuse you, she interrupts, but her tone isn't harsh. It's more teasing, like she's enjoying herself because I'm annoyed. I sigh, lying down on my stomach in the grass, smiling despite myself.

"You're annoying," I say again. She moves, getting to her feet slowly, and then rubbing her face against mine, purring. I can't help but smile, stroking her head and her purring picks up even more.

I love you too, she replies. I continue to tickle her behind her ears, under her chin and she flops down in front of me, still purring. I can feel my annoyance disappearing at once, unable to stay annoyed at her for long, if at all. I continue to stroke her, taking in the surroundings around me.

I'm at the top of the base, in the small garden reserved just for the chimaera, but since I'm 'recovering', I'm allowed out here. Nearby I can see the pens for the chimaera, the glasshouses for the food for the base and behind all of this stretches the forest, looking wild and deadly and yet so beautiful. The mountains loom above us, shading me from the fierce sun and then to my other side falls the cliffs, where I can hear the waves crashing.

I'm surprised I'm allowed up here. I know they still mistrust me, even if deep down they know I'm innocent. I'm sure there are cameras on me right now and I wouldn't even be surprised to have some sort of tracking device on me, but to be up here where it's so calm, I don't even care. I know I just have to wait it all out.

"Thought I'd find you here," I don't jump when I hear Joseph's voice, even though it's so unexpected. I turn with a smile as he teleports over, bending down and kissing me very briefly.

"Why are you here?" I continue to stroke Legacy, who nudges Joseph's hand as a greeting. "I thought training lasted all afternoon," Joseph grins, settling down next to me. He looks a little sheepish.

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