Playing the Enemy

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Hi guys!

Once more a huge thank you to all the lovely reviews! I'm having a bit of a hard time at the moment with uni work and some other personal stuff so to have all the lovely reviews and support makes it so much better! So a huge thank you to everyone!

Answers to reviews

- Maren likes Sam as a really good friend. She was never into him romantically but he was one of the first people she could trust in the Games, after all he saved her in the Cave and looked after her. I haven't spent enough time on their friendship recently so I wanted to put that in there to remind people that they are close. But she likes John romantically.

- I'm definitely trying to put more bromances and friendships in there now that they're all together again.

- Sam and Adam aren't going to necessarily have Gale's role but they will be important.

Please read on and enjoy!


"Your legacies are coming along well," Setrakus stands up, the training session officially over. "Surprisingly, Cody has taught you well,"

"Thank you grandfather," I reply meekly.

"Soon you will be able to produce force fields without thinking about it," he continues. "And you will be able to charge objects with Dreynen easily, without extreme emotion," he smiles.

"That's good," I reply quietly.

I watch silently as Setrakus heads over to a nearby drinks table, pouring himself a glass of something red-looking. I'm exhausted after the long afternoon session of training legacies, and even though I can feel myself improving, it's still disheartening at times. I'm reminded just how much stronger Setrakus is and how much I'll have to train to beat him. How can I beat someone like him?

"Will I ever be able to charge the air with Dreynen like you can?" I ask. It's a bit of a random question but he doesn't seem too bothered by it. Instead he frowns, looking a little unsure.

"I am not sure," he admits. "It seems that we have different strains of the same legacy. I am able to charge the air and yet cannot affect your own Dreynen. Whilst it seems that you need to physically charge or touch a subject with your legacy and yet can eliminate my Dreynen," he replies slowly. I nod, trying to hide my annoyance. I'm still working on trying to make him forget how effective my Dreynen is against him but it's not easy when my emotions are stable.

"How did you know what my legacies were?" I ask. "That day when you tested me. It was like you knew what I would have," Setrakus seems pleased that I'm asking so many questions, that I seem to be playing along with the whole 'awestruck student' role.

"Every family has a few legacies which seem to stand out more than others," he settles down in a chair. "For example, if we take Cody. I analysed his family history and discovered that flight was more often than not one of the main legacies of his family members," I nod, not having to pretend to be interested.

"So legacies run in the family. Like certain looks or personality traits?" I ask. Setrakus nods, a smile playing on his lips at my interest.

"Indeed. And so I analysed our own family history. I noticed that force fields had been dominant throughout our family's history and yet recently, none of your ancestors had possessed this," he shrugs.

"So I had to have it," I assume. He nods, spreading his hands out.

"It was simply a guess but it turned out to be true. Dreynen, also, was a guess. But an educated one," he smiles. "Did you know there are only fifteen families in the history of Lorien with the legacy of Dreynen?" I gape, shaking my head, and he smirks, enjoying this knowledge, power he has over me.

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