Change of Plan

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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I love reading them and hearing what you think about the story so far, so thank you all so much!

Answers to reviews –

- Sometimes when there are so many characters, it's hard to make them all interact but I've tried to do that at the moment. There's another interaction in this chapter that hasn't happened so much, and one that I hope you'll enjoy.

- I'm glad that Jix is kind of obvious. Sometimes I wonder if it's not obvious enough, but if you all think that it is, then that's good enough for me!

- I think Marina definitely had so much potential as a character and Eight's death ruined that! That's why I had Setrakus lie about Joseph's death in this story; Marina got a good bit of development but then Joseph was still alive.

- I'm glad you recognised the Games of Thrones line! Sometimes I can't help but throw in references from other stories/shows!

Please read on and enjoy!


"Ok, please tell me you had a good reason for this," I hope my glare is intimidating but I have a feeling I just look really stupid as I take my place in the Command room dressed in my pyjamas.

"There is," Henri reassures me.

At least I'm not the only one who's clearly exhausted in our midnight war council. Nearby John stifles a yawn, whilst Nine is basically slumped over on the table, half-asleep. Marina and Joseph are here too, whispering to each other. Something about the way Marina looks so freaked out and the way Joseph is clearly trying to reassure her makes dread form in my stomach. Something's happening. Something bad.

"Good, we're all here," Kat enters the room, shutting the door behind her carefully. I notice that there don't seem to be any communicators in here, nor are there any camp officials or Laws' advisors. I narrow my eyes, wondering if this is supposed to be hidden from Laws. If it is, then this is my kind of meeting.

"I know you're all excited to head to the Capital now that West Virginia has been destroyed," Henri begins. "But there's been a new development, something that we didn't expect," I share a look of dismay with John, hating the sound of that.

"Marina, maybe you would like to-" Henri's interrupted when Nine starts to snore, his head on the table. With a sigh, I reach over and slap the back of his head, waking him up. He yelps, sitting upright and rubbing his head.

"Hey!" he protests. "She hit me!"

"This is a meeting," Kat sounds exasperated. "Nine, please pay attention," Nine shoots me a glare but I just grin back, enjoying the moment too much. John stifles a smile but Marina and Joseph don't seem amused at all; Marina keeps biting her nails, looking around anxiously.

"As I was saying," Henri says pointedly. "Marina, do you want to speak?" Henri sits down. I look at Marina in confusion, especially when she nods and stands up. She nervously plays with the sleeves of her pyjama top, looking around at us all.

"Um, well, this is going to sound really weird," she begins nervously. "And I swear, I'm not going mad at all," she chews on her lip and I almost can feel her trepidation. "Ella came to me in a dream," she blurts out.

"Yeah, that does sound weird," Nine snorts in the corner. "Please tell me, you did not wake us up just so we could talk about dreams?" he complains.

"Nine," I'm surprised by John's tone. He looks at Marina earnestly, and I get a weird feeling, almost like jealousy. "This is serious," Marina smiles gratefully at John and then takes a deep breath, facing us all.

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