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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I love reading them all and seeing what you think, so a huge thanks to everyone!

Disclaimer - There are parts copied directly from the text as I think the description was too good. In those parts, the story is not mine, nor is it my work.

Please read on and enjoy!


Sirens blare in the early morning, mingling with the sound of the screaming and exploding bombs nearby. I can smell the sulphuric smell of smoke mixed with the charred remains of tents, grass...people. Loric run past me in all directions, shoving into me or pushing me out of their paths, their panicked faces imprinted on my mind, as they bolt for safety. Loric soldiers force their way through the terrified crowd, heading in the direction of the Mogadorian warships. I can see the ships hovering in the air, missiles raining down onto the outskirts of the camp. The fire in the camp burns brighter and larger with every missile, the glow lighting up the morning with an eerie orange light. The screaming and shouting goes on and on, the sirens drilling into my brain like a never-ending alarm. It's enough to drive me mad. I wonder if I'll ever get the noise out of my head.

This is my fault.

Despite my father's threat, Commander Marsh refused to give me up. After everything I've done, she didn't want to hand me over to my father who would no doubt execute me in front of his troops. She thought that she would at least get support from the local Loric military camp, or thought at the very least that Laws would send over some fighter jets. In the end, despite everything, Marsh was even foolish enough to think that my father's threat was a bluff, seeing as there are Mogadorian citizens in this camp too.

But he never bluffs. And Laws never responded. My father attacked before Marsh could consider another tactic. Before she could even begin evacuation.

"Adam!" Alicia grabs my arm painfully, her face filled with fear. "We need to get the hell out of here!" She clutches her bag, mine too, and there are knives at her belt. Dust paces next to her, growling in his wolf form.

"Where's Crayton?" I demand, ignoring her words. Last I saw him, he went off to call the mentors, demanding emergency assistance.

"I don't know," she shakes her head. "I lost him in the chaos," she whips her head around. "Marsh and the other Commanders are helping evacuate. They told me to get you out!" she snaps, shaking my arm as if to wake me from my trance.

"I can't leave him," I tell her.

"We have to!" she shouts, barely audible over the crowd. "They'll have a ship waiting for him I'm sure!" she yells, but I can tell she's not sure herself.

"Alicia-" I begin but she shakes her head, gripping my arm.

"Come on, we have to go!" she shouts, barely audible over the crowd. "Sam is waiting for us there!" Before I can respond, she turns and drags me through the crowd. She's too strong for me to fight and I'm not sure I want to anyway.

We start to run. It's almost impossible to go anywhere with Loric running in every direction, barging into my, into her. I grip onto her wrist as tightly as I can, following her through the milling people. The screaming gets louder and more desperate, as the booms of explosions echo around the camp. The smoke gets thicker and thicker, and I press my sleeve to my mouth, to try and breath easier. Alicia weaves through the crowd, determined to get the hell out of here. As we go I can't help but stare around in growing horror. Children screaming out for their parents, adults running with tear tracks cutting through the ash on their faces, people lying lifelessly on the ground, some covered with terrible burns. I look up to see more fire raining down from the ships, and from far away, I can hear the methodic marching of Mogadorian soldiers.

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