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Hi guys!

So once again a huge thank you for all the incredible reviews! I love reading them all so much and they really do mean the world to me! So a huge thank you to everyone who reviews, favourites and follows this story! Thanks!

Answers to reviews –

- There will be a reappearance of Sophia but unfortunately she is not coming back to life. I just don't want to bring dead characters back to life because it just seems a little too lucky. So I'm really sorry but that's the last we're going to see of her alive :/ I also wish I had done a little more with her fighting but hopefully we saw enough from the Games to know that she was definitely capable of handling herself!

- Stanley is going to be quite different a good and bad way I guess.

- I'm glad you understand why I did it. I hated it too and thought about changing it for a long time but I just felt it was the right thing to do.

- Cody will never be an Elder again, don't worry about that!

- Marina is definitely going to be stronger as a result of her time in the Capital – once she's recovered she's going to be pretty badass and I can't wait!

So a huge thank you to all the lovely comments and please read on!


"Let me out of here!"

Stanley throws himself against the side of the ship and I feel it bank it the sides, the pilots probably fighting to get control of the steering. I stumble forwards, trying to regain my balance, but it's hard enough with the ship racing through the air, away from the Capital. I'm glad for the speed, even if it does make the ship unstable: we need to get as far away as quickly as possible.

"Stanley, stop this! Please!" Sandor begs from nearby, trying to get to his feet. He doesn't know what to do and that makes this even worse.

"I need to go back there!" Stanley's gone mad, ripping at the door. I can see him start to prise it away from the frame and I move forwards. "I need to get her! I left her behind!" I try to my feet again, more successful now.

"There's no point Stanley," Joseph teleports in front of our mad friend, his hands in front of him. "She wouldn't want you to do that. Sophia-"

At the sound of her name, Stanley punches Joseph, right in the face. Joseph's not prepared; he can't even defend himself. His head smacks against the metal wall behind him with a sickening thud and he crumples to the ground in a dead faint. Maren staggers to her feet, still dazed from the fight earlier, but she manages to make her way over to Stanley, hands raised out.

"Stop this," she snaps. "She's dead and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Stanley loses it. He lunges for Maren, but she dodges, as quick as a flash. She saw it coming. She grabs his arm and swings him around, slamming him to the wall in a tight grip. I watch as she pins him there and he struggles against her hold. He's so strong that I think he can do it but then Maren manages to shove him into an even tighter lock.

"Stop this!" Maren says again. "You need to calm down now! We have bigger things to worry about! The mogs could be after us for all we know and we need you to focus!" she snaps. I don't think he listens to a word she says.

"Let. Me. Go," Stanley snarls. I can see blood all over his shirt, his clothes are ripped and he looks a wild mess. I wouldn't put it past him to attack Maren again if he needs to.

"Stop it!" Maren screams. "Just stop it! She's dead, ok? She's dead!"

I make my way over with difficulty; the ship is still speeding through the air, still banking to the side now and then to avoid something. I gently place a hand on his shoulder, ready for an attack. I can feel the tension in Stanley, the strength just waiting to be unleashed and I choose my words carefully. If Maren and I are knocked out, who knows what could happen.

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