Echoes of Fate

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Hi guys!

Thank you so much to everyone who reviews! I love to hear feedback so please keep the reviews coming! It makes all this writing seem worth it!

Any thoughts on the last book? I've read it but am not entirely sure what to think of it. I thought it was amazing but it's kind of sad that 1) the whole series is over and 2) it ended in that way. They were such an awesome bunch of characters and I feel like a lot of them were slightly destroyed towards the end and it's such a shame when they should be enjoying the end of the war. Feel free to review or PM if you want to say anything :D

Answers to reviews

- Marina will have way more action sequences soon, I promise :D

- Haha the Elders weren't trying to kill the elders (if it was clear one of them was gong to die, Sandor would stop) but it's better to prepare them for the worst.

Please read on and enjoy!


I'm heading to the island once more, flying over the sea so quickly that I soon become dizzy and disorientated. The sky is grey and a light drizzle falls from the clouds but I barely notice. The sea is stormy and the waves crash over each other, the ocean looking as troubled as I feel. Who knows what will happen in this vision. Soon, I can see the island approaching, appearing out of the strange mist that covers the water. The island is lifeless, grey, cold, and I can see a storm brewing in the clouds above it, the darkness briefly shattered with the occasional flash of lightening.

Reaching the island my pace only increase and I speed over the ancient jungle. It seems eerily quiet today and stretches on for miles, barely allowing space for the river to push through the trees. Unlike pervious visions, I fly straight over the temple, not even pausing for one second. Up ahead I can see the single mountain of the island emerging from the jungle and the mist, looming straight up into the sky, so high I can't even see the peak.

I continue flying.

The sheer sides of the mountain soon replace the jungle, the gentle slopes giving way to deadly cliffs and precipices. The sides become bare of life, and the higher up I fly, the more uninhabitable the mountain appears. I take in the gravel and pebbles strewn over the side of the mountain, the occasional grass and weeds clinging to the bare rock. An occasional stream flows down the rocky sides of the mountains, melt water from the snow drifts and ice above. The higher up I fly, the more the mist clouds my view, and I'm soon soaked by a the light rain that falls down around me. As I continue flying up, higher and higher, the rain soon turning to icy hail, and the gravel replaced with snow and ice. My face hurts from the chill as I fly further and further up the side of the mountain, into a cloud that shrouds the mountain's peak. The world turns white for a moment, the fog not allowing me to see anything, and all I can see is a fine white mist.

Breaking out of the cloud at last, my flight finally comes to a stop at the top of the mountain. I gasp at the view, amazed and awed by the beauty. I'm so high I can see the whole of the island: the tangled jungle's green trees reaching for the sky, the deep blue river fighting its way through the foliage and then beyond the golden beach with the sea stretching away from the shore and towards the mainland of Lorien. I can even still see the smoke from the burning cities, the clouds of ash and dust still rising high into the sky. I turn away from the destruction of Lorien and towards the mountain, my eyes widening at the view. Instead of a peak, pointing straight into the sky as expected, there's a huge crater. I don't want to go to the crater but I have no choice, flying over smoothly. Peering down the huge crater, I gasp as I see how far down it stretches, right into the very depths of Lorien. I can see a deep blue shine at the core of Lorien, too far for any Loric to reach.

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