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Hi guys!

A huge thank you for all the amazing reviews and feedback! I love all the comments, the suggestions and your thoughts and to read your reviews really makes my day! So a huge thank you to everyone!

As expected the internet is not great where I currently am so please do not be concerned about a few delayed updates (like today). I will never give up on this story, so don't worry!

Answers to reviews:

- JulesAnon – You wrote so much that it's almost impossible for me to reply to every comment (don't worry, I love that you write so much!). But thank you so much for everything you say - I love your reviews and your constant support. So thank you.

- I'm glad you all liked Nine's master legacy. I wasn't sure what it would be and then I remembered the series and what he did with the gloves...so I put it in

- The Elders wouldn't have had their earpieces in all the time, just when necessary, so no one would overhear Maren and Marina's girly chat.


The minute Kat gives us the order, we drop down into the corridor, waiting for a few moments in complete silence. Part of me expects mogs to round the corner, brandishing weapons at the small sound we made as we landed on the ground, but no mogs appear. I even wait for sirens to blare, warning the mogs of the incoming attackers. But apart from the buzzing from the flickering lights and a faint humming sound in the air, there's complete silence. I release the breath I didn't even realise I was holding and I take a few steps forward, striding over the metal grate on the ground. I don't bother to put it back where it came from; let the mogs panic and think they're under attack. They'll never find Marina and I, not when we're both invisible.

Unlike Zone B with its huge central cavern, our Zone is just a massive maze of corridors and pathways: one huge central corridor with hundreds of others branching off in every direction. There are floors and floors filled with workrooms to create and test weapons, labs to make drugs, and also command rooms with plans that I could only dream of getting my hands on. Not even our insiders in the Capital can access the plans that we could potentially get our hands on in this base.

"So what do we do?" Marina whispers. I hear a faint crackling in my ear and then Kat's voice is in my head, stern and quiet.

Your goal is to take down your Zone, not destroy. You'll start once the hour is up and the Xitharis has run out. In that time try and discover a way to destroy the Zone, Kat reminds me.

I know she's right of course and that even thought it seems like a while, an hour is not enough time for us to explore the zone completely. We should try and find a way to destroy the base as best as we can and then figure out an escape route. Once the Xitharis runs out and the guys are visible, we can then start to attack the base and hopefully both groups should be able to take down the base. It doesn't even have to be simultaneously; as long as both sides are destroyed before mogadorian back-up can reach us, then we've accomplished our goal. Besides, I've seen enough diagrams of the base to know that there's no way we can possibly take down the central partition between the two Zones; it's too thick and too strong.

This plan races through my mind in seconds but I ignore it. I pull my earpiece from my ear and drop it to the ground, crushing it beneath my invisible boot. I can hear Kat yelling angrily in Marina's earpiece until she does the same, snapping it in her hands and the sound cuts out. I can't help but grin, even though I know it wasn't my smartest move to crush all communication with the outside help. But I can't ignore the plan with Kat screaming in my ear ever few seconds.

"So what's our plan?" Marina breathes softly. "I'm guessing that you're not happy with the old one,"

"We explore the base," I whisper. "We try and find weapons or a way to take down the Zone, but we also try to find anything that could come in handy for us when we attack the Capital. If we want to get into the city in one piece, we need more than the sketchy plans we have at the moment," After all, the mogs aren't stupid. They'll know we have some plans about the pods and they'll update the network.

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