Gone but not Forgotten

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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I really appreciate them all and I love to hear your feedback and ideas! I can only continue to say thank you so much for everything!

Answers to reviews –

- Emily won't feature much but you'll see her now and then – I had to bring her in because she's been mentioned once or twice

So thank you all so much for the lovely reviews and please read on!


After hearing about Adam being called to Commandment for his now not-so-secret mission, I think it's understandable that I'm nervous about being called for my own meeting. I anxiously run a hand over my clothes, straightening out the crumples, and making sure that my hair is presentable. Next to me, Legacy paces alongside me in her favourite cat form, apparently not sharing my nerves.

"What could she possibly want me for?" I ask Adelina, who walks on my other side. My mentor just shakes her head, looking as puzzled as I feel. Part of me wonders if they still think I'm a traitor and I'm about to be thrown into another prison cell. The thought makes me feel sick and I fight down the feeling. Until I know what the meeting is about, I need to calm down and stop worrying.

But it's hard when all I know about Laws is that she doesn't trust me and Maren hates her. And especially because she's called for me when the others are gone.

"Thanks for coming with me," I say after a while, as we turn down the corridor that leads to the room.

"I wouldn't have missed it for anything," she replies.

Ever since the others have gone, and as much as I'm worried about them, it's been nice to spend more time with Adelina. Healing old wounds, talking through the many problems that plagued our relationship...it's just the start of a long process but if I've learnt anything over the counselling sessions and the past couple months, it's to make the most of what I've got. And she is still here for me, still willing to be my Mentor.

"Here we go," she smiles as she wipes her card to get into the room. Taking a deep breath, I follow her as the doors open, revealing the empty room. All maps have been disabled, displays have been shut down and it's just me, Adelina, Legacy and Laws in the room. Seeing the room so empty makes me feel even more nervous.

"President," Adelina nods her head respectfully. I sit down in my normal chair, nervously crossing my hands on the table. Laws stares down at the table, not looking as confident as she usually does.

"Marina, Adelina," she replies. "Thank you both for coming," I eye her suspiciously, not sure if I should trust her or not.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I...I have some news that I thought I should share with you," she stutters just a little. Panic races through me at once because the way she's sitting and looking...it looks like she's got bad news and all I can think about now are the others in Moridas. My fingernails dig into my skin, almost drawing blood with the intensity.

"My friends, they're all right aren't they?" I demand. I had spoken to Joseph just this morning but something could have happened in that time. The thought makes me feel sick.

"Yes, yes, they're fine," she replies and relief races through me at once. "Their mission has been a success so far," she takes a deep breath. "The news I have to deliver is far more personal," I frown, sharing a confused glance with Adelina.

"Ok, now you're confusing me," I admit. Laws smiles the tiniest bit before avoiding me once more, looking down at the table.

"I know this may seem a little randomly timed, but you should know I've been waiting a long time to tell you this," she chews her lip a little. "I even consulted your counsellor to see if I should tell you this, but I believe now is the right time," I share another look with Adelina, who just looks confused.

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