Telling the Truth

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Hi guys!

So a huge thank you once more to everyone who has reviewed and followed this story! I really appreciate all the support and I love to read the reviews! So a huge thanks to everyone!

Answers to reviews:

- John being a 'peacekeeper' was sort of a reference to Hunger Games but it's also something I'd use in normal conversation sometimes, so it was a mix of both coincidence and intention.

- Also in case you hadn't noticed, I'm gradually going to cut the POVs down to two per chapter but to keep it the same length each POV is going to be much longer now. I just think that makes it a little easier and neater.

So hope you all enjoy!


"So what, this is some kind of bro meeting that girls can't come to? Is it about girls? Because I'm so up for that,"

Nine's already getting on my nerves and he's only been here a few days. I roll my eyes in exasperation, lying back on my bed as BK nuzzles my hand, trying to placate me. Nine's whole 'I'm fine, totally not hurting at all' act is starting to get really annoying. But after everything he's been through, I can't get angry with him; it's just unfair. If anyone deserves a break, it's him.

"No, it's not about girls," Joseph is much more patient than I am. "It's usually about more important matters, like the war," he points out as he sits on his bed, watching as Nine paces around the room.

"Girls are important," Nine stresses. "And hey, if Marina were here, you wouldn't even be in this room right now," he waggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"But she's not," Joseph snaps, colder than normal. "So that point is irrelevant," There's a small silence, Rey walking over to Joseph at once in a puppy form, and I watch as Joseph smiles, unable to help himself.

"Oh come on," Nine continues, probably assuming that Joseph is fine now. "There must be some cute girls in here that you two have noticed," he turns to me. "I mean, you're single now dude. Is there a girl on the scene?" he winks like the creepy friend he is. I try not to let my irritation show.

"No," I groan, wishing he would shut up. "I'm so not ready to date just yet. And even if I was, which I'm not," I add hastily when his face perks up. "I wouldn't date anyone here," Nine grins, an almost evil look on his face, and I don't trust it at once.

"Not even Maren?" he asks. "Because she's totally hot," he shrugs, sitting down on his bed. I shift slightly, feeling uncomfortable. It doesn't feel right to be talking about Maren like this.

"If you find her so hot, why don't you date her?" I bluff. Nine grins lazily, but there's a tightness to it that suggests he's not as laid back as he'd like us to think. As if he's struggling inwardly with something.

"Maybe I will," he shrugs. "She seems more like my type than yours," I frown, wanting to change the conversation but at the same time his argumentative tone makes me want to carry on. And he always knows things will make me want to carry on talking.

"What do you mean, 'my type'?" I ask. Nine grins, as if pleased to have gotten a reaction, and he rubs his hands together.

"Needy, clingy," he points out. "But hot as hell," he grins. I grit my teeth, starting to get angry now. Even if Sarah were alive I'd get angry that he talks about her like that, but this is crossing the line. I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I can't react, not now, not whilst he's still so unstable.

"Don't talk about Sarah like that," I finally say in a controlled voice. "She wasn't weak. Or clingy. She was..."I break off, not sure what to say. How can I explain Sarah in just a few words? She was everything good in this world. Everything beautiful and pure and she should never have died. I'd kill for her to be here. And hearing Nine talk about someone so good like that makes my blood boil.

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