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Hi guys!

Thank you all so much for the lovely reviews! I love reading them and hearing your thoughts on what's going on, so a huge thank you!

Answers to reviews –

- Essentially, yes, Cody knew that Nine would never let him stay there after Sophia's death. He knew there was no chance for him in the Resistance.

- I had to make Cody die for Marina because in a way that redeems him. He still made loads of mistakes but at the same time he was a very complicated character so I wanted his death to be as confusing as him. I didn't want everyone to be completely happy but a little sad as well. Hopefully it worked!

- Nothing will get in the way of happy Navrina anymore!

- So there will be mostly two POVs per chapter now, apart from the occasional chapter where there are either three or one – it means that everything is more detailed

So the time has come! Please read on and enjoy!


Everything is chaos. I don't know where I am and I don't really care anymore. I know that they've drugged me with something to make me docile because I'm in such a haze that I can barely function properly. I barely notice being taken from the field to a train, where I'm then to be taken to the base. I don't take in the journey there, or the train, so clinical that it reminds me of the Capital. I barely notice it when one of the carers helps me shower and then dress in trousers and a shirt, even though it's the cleanest and warmest I've felt in days. I'm not even aware when they try and feed me food that I push away at once. I'm not hungry. I don't want to eat.

I just want Joseph.

I think they send me to sleep for a while because things go even fuzzier and I can't remember much. But when I wake things are much clearer and I can concentrate better. I'm still in the train as it races through the mountain, but I'm told we're almost there. I'm told that the soldiers were scouts, sent out to shoot down the mog craft. They thought I was a threat. I'm supposed to feel lucky that they work in the Resistance's base and are taking me there now.

"We've arrived," A soldier approaches me a while later, as I sit on one of the metal benches, shivering slightly. "Do you think you can walk to the hospital?" he asks me gently. I stand upwards automatically but my legs feel so weak that I almost fall. The man catches me and I hear him call for a gurney to help me.

I act weaker than I feel as they lie me down on the gurney, pretending to still be dazed. It's the only way to fend off their constant questions; how am I here, how did I escape, am I ok? I shut them out and stare at my surroundings, conserving my energy. I'm clinging on until I can see my friends. Then I can sleep and forget for a while.

I take in the clinical corridors, as I'm pushed through on the gurney, the medics reassuring me that I'm safe. I hear people talking, whispering my name as if I'm some kind of celebrity, but how can I be? I take in the long ride down on an elevator and then more pushing until I reach a new room. I can smell the sharp smell of antiseptic and when I take in the clean beds, the machines, the bright lights I know I'm in the hospital.

"Here," I'm lifted onto a bed this time, as a doctor starts to hook me up to machines, measuring my stats or something. I sit calmly, not sure what to think. I just want to see Joseph.

"Marina," Someone says my name and I turn to see a female doctor smiling gently at me. "We're going to run a few tests and then we'll let you sleep," she says gently. I just watch them, not wanting to see them. There's only one person I want to see and he isn't here.

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