The Fallen Elder

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Hi guys!

So a huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed! I really love all of the reviews and I appreciate the support so much! So a huge thank you to everyone!

Answers to reviews –

- Tempest – Those are good quotes! And you're right, it sounds exactly like something that Setrakus would say, just as he's about to bomb a whole city or something. I might have to use those quotes, if that's ok?

- I won't continue the exact Jix scenes but there will be scenes along the same lines (although I'll try and make them happier)

- Ella won't go evil but she is going to go through a big change to help her planet.

The next few chapters will be centred around Ella and her visions. Originally I tried to incorporate it with other storylines but it would take too long and you might forget where the visions left off, so I decided it was better to have them all in one group.

Please read on and enjoy!


It's another vision once more. I wonder how many more I have to go through, how much more I have to see until I can understand everything. I feel like the visions are a warning of something that is going to come and I can only understand and defeat the threat with the knowledge I learn in these dreams. But that doesn't make it easy. It doesn't make it easier when I can see what a monster Setrakus was even back then and nobody did anything to stop him. It makes me hate everyone that much more.

I'm back in the Elder's meeting room, the one with the large table and floor-to-ceiling windows. But it's different: darker and colder than it was before. It's nighttime outside, the lights are out in the Capital, and there are lit candles everywhere, casting flickering shadows around the room. The shadows are ominous and I can sense the tension and worry in the air, as I take in two men sat at the table, one with his head in his hands. Pittacus. When he looks up I notice the new lines on his face, and his older and wearier appearance. It shocks me to see him without a smile on his face.

"The Mogadorians are unusually bold at the moment. Their attacks on our satellites have increased significantly," The other man seems to be continuing an earlier conversation.He's much older than Pittacus and kind of like how I imagined a real grandfather to be with a friendly face and warm appearance. Right now, though, it's twisted up in a scowl, his eyes filled with concern.

"It's odd," he continues. "Only two years agreed we signed the Treaty of Lora with them, guaranteeing steady trade and peace between our two nations," he frowns.

"They must be incited by something or someone we don't know about," Pittacus replies. "They are not usually so confident in their attacks,"

"Perhaps," the man concedes. "We should keep an eye on them, make sure we know what is behind these growing attacks. I do not want to see Mogadorian presence on Lorien," Pittacus just nods, looking downcast.

"No one does, Loridas," he says dully. Loridas watches him carefully and then places a hand on Pittacus' shoulder, his face kinder than before.

"Tell me what's bothering you, Pittacus," Loridas says.

"Lots of things," Pittacus admits. "The Mogadorians, Setrakus, Ximic..." he sighs, rubbing his forehead. I perk up at the mention of Ximic, desperate to know what that is. It was mentioned before and I had no idea what it was. I feel like it's crucial, a huge part of the story and without knowing what it is, I'll never fully understand what happens.

"Why does your legacy bother you?" Loridas asks gently.

"I'm not sure," Pittacus admits. "It was always a blessing to have this legacy. A miracle. I was amazed when I first developed it," he smiles softly, looking down at his hands. I lean forwards eagerly, almost willing them to reveal Ximic.

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