Best friend sleepover

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Preference: Best Friend Sleepovers

cute preference yeah -

L  U  K  E 

"Y/N" Luke groans. "I’m almost done I swear" you smile, putting the last of the nail polish on Luke’s toes before standing back to admire your work. "Done!" You laugh. "Y/N, why don’t you go get friends that are girls to do this with?" Luke chuckles. "Girls are mean, I prefer you. Why are you trying to get rid of me?" you fake gasp. "Of course not babe I’m just kidding, you know I love you!" Luke grins, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. "O-okay Luke, I get it, I’m in pain" you mutter. "Sorry" he laughs, pulling away and kissing your forehead. "Now tomorrow after we wake up you have to get this polish off me" he warns.

A  S  H  T  O  N 

"Jesus!" you whimpered, hiding your face in Ashton’s chest as another Zombie bit someone. "Aw babe, you wanna stop watching this?" Ashton chuckled. "Please" you pouted. Ashton got up, throwing in a comedy before snuggling back against you. "Ash, I’m gonna have nightmares now" you sigh. "I’ll just sleepover tonight, my duty as your best friend is to protect you" he smirks. "Yeah you better, but if we get eaten by zombies the blame is on you" you warn. "I promise I won’t let any zombies eat you" he laughs, kissing your cheek.

C  A  L  U  M 

"Are you ready?" Calum asks, standing on the other side with a pillow in his hands. "The real question is, are you ready to get your ass kicked in this pillow fight?" you smirk. "You’re on" Calum laughs, and you both start hitting each other with the pillows repeatedly, until you accidentally trip an fall, landing on top of Calum. "Oops" you laugh, laying your head on his chest. "Hm, we could stay like this" Calum smirks at you. "You wish!" you laugh, hitting him in the head with a pillow before running down the hall.

M  I  C  H  A  E  L 

"I actually can’t believe you just kicked my ass in COD" Michael muttered. "Michael, I beat you every time, how do you continue to be surprised?" you laugh. "I don’t know, I guess it’s because you suck at everything so I assume you’ll lose" Michael smirks. "Shut up!" you laugh, gently punching his arm. "I’m kidding Y/N, you’re absolutely perfect" Michael smiles. "Damn right I am" you joke, leaning your head on his shoulder.

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