You see him crying

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Michael snatches the movie out of your hand, determined not to watch the ‘sappiest movie of all time’, but you really don’t want to watch ‘people getting ripped apart for no reason’. “But you’ve seen Titanic about ten times before,” Michael whines, sitting down stroppily on the sofa as you win the battle of DVD choice by threatening to snap the horror movie in two. “It’s been three months too long, so we’re watching it,” you reply cheekily, knowing that Michael would soon get over it. “And besides, Leo DiCaprio pulls the funniest of faces in this.” After much grumbling under his breath, Michael eventually scoots over to your side a quarter of the way through, watching you more than the movie. It isn’t until the part where Jack and Rose are in the water that you realise the constant mutterings have stopped, and out of the corner of your eye you see your boyfriend sitting there with single tears running down his cheeks, glinting from the light of the TV screen. You snuggle into his shirt, trying so hard not to tease him, but you can’t help let something slip. “I don’t think you’re quite punk rock yet,” you giggle, watching him wipe away his tears quickly like they were an insult. “I was crying because you didn’t let me watch my movie,” Michael lies, sniffling but smiling at the silly grin you were wearing. “Baby,” you scoff, only teasing, but Michael swats you with a cushion and causes an all-out war of flying pillows, both of you forgetting extremely quickly about the rest of the movie.


“Babe, can I stay round yours for a bit?” Luke asks you down the phone, his tone low while he sniffs like he has a cold. “Is everything alright?” you reply concernedly, which is a stupid question admittedly, but you are intrigued. “My dog Molly…” he begins, taking deep slow breaths, “was put down today.” It seems like those few words are too much for him to take, and you soon hear him crying down the other end, making you feel extremely helpless and worried. “Change of plan, I’ll come and see you,” you say quickly, before ending the call and hopping onto a bus which passes right by your street. When you reach his house, he’s already there waiting for you, his eyes puffy and red as he clings tight onto a blue collar that belonged to his dog. Without speaking, you pull his body towards yours and hug him tightly, feeling his strong frame tremble slightly with grief as he buries his head into your shoulder. You both stand there for a while, listening to the chirps of the birds and the wind gently tugging on your clothes as Luke’s sobs lessen, and you’re able to pull yourself away to look into his blue eyes. “You’ve just got to bear this out,” you mumble, resting your forehead on his. Luke blows outwards in a sigh, his warm breath sending tingles through your body. “I know. Just stay with me,” he requests, and you kiss him softly, comforting him. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”


You wake up at about 4am to the bed jiggling about next to you, the covers getting ripped off of your warm body and revealed to the cold air. “Calum!” you hiss in annoyance, assuming that he is just messing about with you and wants to piss you off. “Give me back the cov-” you stop mid-sentence, realising that Calum still has his eyes closed and is mumbling something inaudible. He’s sleeptalking. “(Y/N), please, no,” you manage to hear, immediately getting your attention. Was he dreaming about you? “Calum, wake up,” you whisper loudly, shaking his jerking limbs. “(Y/N), I didn’t do anything! Don’t leave!” Your breath catches in your throat in surprise. “Calum,” you repeat, “I’m right here. Wake up!” Calum suddenly shoots up, his eyes wide open, causing you to jump back in shock. “(Y/N), is that you?” he asks in a panicky voice, swallowing forcefully in the half dark. “Of course it’s me you donut, who else would it be?” you reply, letting out a shaky laugh. He didn’t reply straight away, but instead hid his head in his hands and breathed out slowly. “I dreamt that you were angry and you didn’t want to see me and you turned into this scary monster and you hated me… I’m a child, I know,” he muffles, let out a little sniff as he refuses to look at you, confirming the fact that he’s crying. “I’m never leaving Cal. I can promise that.” He nods and finally turns to face you. “I know. I love you.”


 You have just started your period and are feeling extra grumpy. A headache is coming on, you have stomach cramps and you just want to lie down and sleep forever. It doesn’t help that Ashton is in an extra bouncy mood, meaning you really don’t feel like talking to him. “Hey (Y/N),” he chirps, “let’s go to the beach tonight and go skinny dipping. We haven’t done that in ages.” You sigh at his eagerness, feeling too drained to reply. “(Y/N),” he badgers, giving you a sly poke on the shoulder as you sit reading a book, him laughing at his own antics. “Ashton!” you suddenly snap. “Can you please stop annoying me? I’m on my period and I’m not in the mood.” Ashton shuts up straight away, the smile on his face disappearing in a flash and being replaced with a sad expression. You stalk towards the door, but before you exit you take a quick look over your shoulder to see if he follows. Ashton hasn’t moved, and is still looking at the place you previously sat in, his face blank and unreadable. Guilt washing over you, you turn back and sneak your arms round his waist, trying to make him smile again. However, Ash is having none of it and his body begins to shake, as if he is about to start crying. “Ash, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to shout at you, I’m just a bit crabby today. Please forgive me? Don’t cry.” A few moments later, a laugh you know all too well escapes from Ashton’s lips, and that’s when you realise he’d been having you on. “You seriously thought I was crying,” he giggles, returning the hug with his strong arms and tickling your face with his hair. “(Y/N), you are so gullible sometimes.” You stick your tongue out at him immaturely. “Next time we go skinny dipping, you’ll so pay for that.” Ashton just gives you a quick kiss and says, “I’ll look forward to it.”

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