Kiss Me

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Kiss Me:

Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety

You'll be my lady

Ashton Irwin-

When Ashton and you announced you were dating some of the fans decided they were going to do what ever it took to get you two to break up. Neither Ashton or you could figure out what you had done wrong. You stopped going on social websites at Ashton's request. It was a full on war between the fans who supported you two and the ones who saw you as you as a girl who was trying to steal Ashton away from them. Ashton would repeatedly remind them that he was with you, yes, but they were family and he'd never forget about them. The other guys were constantly defending you whenever a negative comment was mad. After a while, Ashton stopped with the social websites as well. This got the fans who didn't take a liking to you, even more angered now. The last straw came when you visited the guys on tour and a fan threw a water bottle at you. It hit you in the stomach and luckily security saw the girl throw it and escorted her out, but you knew it was going to bruise. Ashton rushed off the stage checking to see if you were okay and when he walked back on the stage he was furious. He got all the fans to quiet fans down and called you onto the stage. You walked up with a ice pack on your stomach where you were hit. The lot of the crowd shouted "HI," to you while a chorus of screams for you to get off the stage chorused after the greetings. Your eyes brimmed with tears at all the negativity, and the other guys gave you a hug. When they let go of you, Ashton walked up and bent down giving you a quick peck on the lips and wiped away your tears. He turned toward the crowd who were filled with both negative and positive reactions to Ashton's kiss. "Listen up, I don't care if you don't like who I'm with. That is my decision, but for fucks sake look what some of you are doing." Ashton pointed over at you. You looked throughout the crowd and saw some of the fans heads going down. "It's not (Y/N's) fault that I'm no longer online, it's the fans who can't seem to realize that (Y/N) is human too. And if any of you would have taken the time to get to know her, I know all of you would like her. I'm not leaving her anytime soon, and the constant hate that is being sent isn't being viewed by either of us. But if I see anyone try and harm her like they did tonight I will leave. Do-" you rushed up to Ashton who was now shaking. You put your hand on his shoulder and he immediately stopped looking over his shoulder at you. Even the fans that didn't like you saw how your touch instantly calmed him, they saw the love in both of your eyes as you two stared at each other seeming to have a conversation only you two could hear." You thanked the fans who got this on camera as the number of fans who supported you doubled.

I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

Michael Clifford-

You were sat in the corner at Starbucks waiting for your order, typing a paper for class on the most interesting person you've met. It wasn't due for a week, but you figured since you had nothing else to do you might as well get started. It was fairly empty as it was late at night. You were suffering from a case of writer's block. The bell on the front door rang indicating customers. Loud laughs came from four boys you noted as you looked over your shoulder at them. You turned back around, sitting there with your head resting on your hand. You couldn't think of anyone and you started to think about writing your paper off a fictional character you could make up on the spot. "(Y/N)!" The barista called. You walked over to your order, a Java Chip Frappuccino and grabbed a couple napkins walking back over to your seat. You ran right into someone spilling your drink all over the both of you. You let out a gasp as you realized that you'd ran into Michael Clifford. He looked down at his shirt and then at yours. "I'm so sorry I d-" Michael waved you off and told you it was no big deal. He got more napkins and started wiping your shirt off. He was talking to you, but you were too lost in his green eyes. You suddenly get an idea for you paper.

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Calum Hood-

Calum and you were currently at Disneyland in Paris for the winter parade. You were leaned back into his chest. His arms encased around your stomach and head resting atop yours. It was below freezing. The floats were going by and you both were having a great time. A gust of wind rushed by and Calum pulled you closer to him. He leaned his mouth to your ear and whispered sweet nothings to you. His breath warmed your ear and your heart sped up faster as he continued whispering to you. You turned your head and buried it in his jacket trying to hide your smile. Calum let out a laugh as you twisted in his arms to face his body. He noted that even being as small compared to him as you were, you still warmed him when you wrapped your arms around him and gave a smile down at you knowing you were made to keep each other warm.

Yeah I've been feeling everything

From hate to love

From love to lust

From lust to truth

Luke Hemmings-

You had never gotten along with Luke as you felt he was always favored only because he was good looking and talented. All the girls fell at his feet, but he didn't ever seem to notice. What you didn't realize is that his constant teasing wasn't meant to annoy you, but to get you to notice him. So when he finally understood his tactic wasn't working he decided to just ask you to hangout with him for one day and if you didn't like him as even a friend after that he'd leave you alone. You agreed figuring it would get him out of your hair, never thinking there was a possibility that you would actually like him. But after you hung out the first day you told him that you wanted to hang out again. It started out as a simple crush, but then became more serious until you believed it was love. Love became lust, and soon after that you learned the truth. Luke had always liked you since the day you moved into his school, you'd just been blinded by the instant assumption that he was just a pretty boy who used his looks.

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