He walks in on you while you're getting dressed

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5SOS Preference : He walks in on you while you’re getting dressed

A/n: Oh how i missed my dear laptop

Luke: “Lucas!” you shout, fumbling with your bra as you tug it over your chest and cover yourself up. “You could’ve knocked, that would’ve been the nice thing to do!” Luke blushed and just shook his head. “(YN), we’re dating, actually engaged, i think it’s okay to see you getting dressed babe, it’s nothing i haven’t seen before!” You slowly let your arms fall to your side. “If you want to see it again however, i suggest you leave me alone to finish changing!” Luke held his hands up in defense. “Fine, fine i’m leaving, by the way, i love the tattoo on your hip.” You popped your head out of the doorway. “You saw it?” He laughed. “Hard not too, babe, but like i said, i love it!”

Michael: The whistle started as you put the bra on and your panties and only stopped when you sent him a death glare. “Clifford, get out, i’m changing!” “You’re not screaming, so you’re not scared that i’m in here, and i quite like what i see.” You blush and pull a shirt over your head. “Yeah, yeah, stay if you like, but don’t get used to this.” “Why not?” he pouted and you just smirked at him. “It is so not fair that you get to see me changing and still partially naked, when i never get to see you getting dressed while still partially naked.” He grinned and started to tug his pants down. “We can always change that!” You shake your head. “You’re too much, Clifford, you’re too much!”

Ashton: “Damn babe, just out of the shower?” you hear your boyfriend ask you as you wrap the towel around you, “Yes, i just got out of the shower, Ashton, and now i’m getting dressed, mind leaving so i can finish getting dressed?” He nodded and closed the bathroom door, but you knew he was still on the other side. “Not going far then?” he chuckled. “No, can i please come in and help you finish getting dressed?” You stopped tugging your jeans up your leg. “No, Ash!” “Why not?” “Because you helping me getting dressed, is you undressing me, we don’t need that!” He opened the door and winked at you. “Oh, but we do need that, (YN), we so need that, so, let’s tug this pant leg down some.”

Calum: “Have you seen my…” he started and froze at your naked body in front of the closet, sorting through your shirts and testing each one. “Calum, you gonna finish your question there?” Still nothing. “Babe?” you turn around and grab a shirt that Calum had just bought you, pulling it over your head. Once you had the shirt on, Calum’s eyes wandered lower and you walked over, tilting his head back up. “Eyes up here, Calum, you’re not getting anything down there.” “Why not?” he asked, recovering himself. “Because, Calum, my parents are coming over in an hour and we don’t have enough time, so, keep it in your pants and away from mine and we’ll talk later.” He pouted as you pulled on pants and walked out of the room, right past him.”

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