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Luke: As you stood on the side of the stage, you twirled the large ring around on your finger. You watched as the lights reflected off of its large diamond, lighting up the walls around you. You could hear people bustling behind you, but you could only see him. The smile never left his face for a minute, his hips subconsciously swaying to the beat of the music he was singing. His eyes were bright, he was so unbelievably happy. This was why you were doing this you kept repeating, your heart dropping to your feet. It seemed to be over too quickly. The lights started to fade, as each of the boys waved goodbye. As they all ran into the wings, Luke's smile never left his face as he spotted you on the side. Without stopping, he dragged you into the shadows, out of view of everyone left in the venue. He was still breathing heavily, and his fingers trailed down your arm interlocking your fingers. Softly, you tugged your hand out of his. "Luke, I need to leave." You started, your eyes trained on the floor, your face already starting to grimace. "W-what do you mean?" He said barely audible, trying to act as if it didn't hurt. You took a deep breath, and reached down to grab his wrist, opening his large hand and dropping your ring into it. His eyes shot up to yours, as it finally clicked exactly what was happening. "Luke listen-" "Are you kidding?" He choked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Please, I'm doing this for you, I-" "How could you possibly be doing this for me?" You quickly stepped back from him, trying desperately to rub your eyes as if it would make him disappear. "The band is finally taking off! You haven't hit the peak of your career, and you're already away all the time! The last thing you need is a wife to worry about! Your fans hate me enough as it is. I just-" Your voice dropped, as you tried to whisper. "You don't want this, I know you don't." You quickly ran your hands through your hair, trying to make it stop sticking to the tears on your face. "Please don't do this to me. Pl-lease don't leave me." He begged, his voice already sobbing. Hiding your face, you dashed out of the corner, and to the nearest doors. You couldn't let him see your face. You couldn't see his face.

Michael: Your body was physically exhausted, as you continued to cry desperately. It was like he didn't understand. "Don't pull that shit with me, you knew what this was gonna be like before you even signed up." He said, his arms crossed. "That's not fair." You cried, your body shaking. "You said we were going to be in this together." You said, your head falling into your hands, trying to massage your growing headache. "I can't do it on my own anymore! Michael, I'm going insane!" He didn't say anything, his head turned to the floor. "They hate me! It feels like everyone hates me! And you're supposed to make it all worth it, but you don't even care!" Suddenly, it felt as if all the emotion had been sucked out of your body. Your frantic breathing began to quiet, and you finally had the energy to look in his eyes. "I can't even remember the last time you told me you loved me." Drifting passed him, you made your way upstairs, your face falling flat on the pillow. Your heart broke in half as you heard the front door slam shut.

 Calum: Sitting in your apartment, the untouched tea in your hands was now just as cold as the mug you held on to so tightly. The room was silent, as you continued to stare at that one spot of your carpet. You could barely feel the tears falling from your eyes. You could hear Calum shuffling every once and awhile. His back was pressed against the wall, his head in his knees pulled to his chest. Your head was already pulsing from the tears falling from your eyes. Suddenly, it was as if your hand went slack, and you watched the mug shatter on the ground, tea falling all over the room. It was as if it cracked your demeanor. Your heart suddenly broke, as your body began to convulse with heart wrenching sobs as you placed your head in your hands. It was almost as if you were invisible to him. Standing up, you hastily tried to wipe the tears from your eyes. "I need to go." Frantically, you started to pace around the living room. "I-I need to go somewhere. We-we can't do this-this fighting anymore!" You shouted. You turned towards the door and snatched your coat and keys from the wall. Calum hadn't even moved. You spoke quietly, as you felt your bun continued to loosen in your hair. "It's like you don't even care at all. This is what I meant." Turning around, you slammed the door.

Ashton: Scrolling through your phone, you smiled at your lovely mum's text. She never missed a day, to text you just how much she loved and missed you. You had moved away from home to be with Ashton. You missed your family with every inch of your being. You missed seeing your little brother's graduation and the first time he brought a girl home. You missed your sister's first real school dance, and she had to do her hair on her own. After your heart tore a little bit more, you scrolled back through your contacts to find his name. You were feeling homesick and heartsick, living by yourself as Ashton was on tour. With a quick press of your button, you waited for the phone to ring. Surprise, surprise he never picked up. The two of you hadn't talked for more than a second in weeks. You watched all his interviews, following everywhere he went. You missed him more than anything in the world. You understood he was busy, but your own mother found time in each of her days. A little sad, you opened twitter hoping to see something from your friends back home. "Finally a day off, hanging with the boys." You didn't want to jump to conclusions; you clicked on the tweet, finding that it had in fact been tweeted by a mobile phone. Snapping the app closed, you clicked on his number giving him one last chance to answer you. As soon as his voicemail rang into your ear, your heart dropped. "I'm done. I left everyone I care about for you. And you don't even give enough of a shit, to answer my phone calls when I feel like crap because I'm so damn lonely all the time. I'll be gone by the time you get back. Have a great tour."

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