You're in the hospital and he's waiting for you to wake up

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You're in the hospital and he's waiting for you to wake up


Please, wake up. Those were the only three words I’ve been repeatedly saying in my head for the past two days.

It hurts me seeing her like this. It’s as if the pain wasn’t only in my heart but it affected everything about me too. I have been crying for what seemed like forever and I knew how terrible I look without even looking at a mirror. I knew my eyes were probably red and swollen by now. I haven’t even showered yet but I just didn’t really want to leave her side.

My eyes felt heavy so I stopped from crying just about three hours ago. It seems like I had no more tears to shed yet my heart was still aching.

So I decided to sing her favourite song from our band in hopes that she would just flutter her eyes open and also to distract myself from crying even more:Try Hard.

She’s dropping out of school ‘cause she don’t need the grade, the colours in her hair don’t seem to fade…

She loves this song because she feels like we wrote this for her. I smiled because I knew that she’s the girl we’re describing in the song.

She’s got a rose tattoo but she keeps it covered. It was on her back and no one really knows about it but me.

I play guitar but she’s into drummers. Well actually, I’m the drummer and she’s into me. I chuckled.

I reached for her hand; my thumb caressing the back of her hand whilst I continued singing and I could’ve sworn that I felt her finger move.

I looked at our entwined hands then back to her beautiful face.

“You’re singing me my favourite song.” She smiled weakly.

“You’re awake!” I grinned from ear to ear.

“It’s hard not to wake up when all I could hear is that beautiful voice of yours.”

“Oh, I love you so damn much.”


It was the second day of [y/n] in this hospital and I couldn’t help but cry. I’ve been crying day and night for what seemed like forever, just waiting for my girlfriend to wake up.

I buried my face on my hand. The sight of her in this situation is too damn painful.

She was in a horrible accident. It wasn’t her fault. She was just crossing the road whilst a drunk driver hit her and apparently, the driver just hurriedly went away and the fʋcking driver just left her on the road in so much agony.

I could still remember the phone conversation we had when she called me and told me that she was hit by a car:

“Luke, Luke? Thank god you answered!”

“[Y/n], where the hell are you? Your parents just called me a few minutes ago asking me if I’ve seen you. They’re worried, [y/n]!”

“I know, I know, I should’ve been home hours ago but – ah fʋck – I, please help me, Luke. I got hit by a car and he drove away and – ugh this fʋcking hurts – I think I broke a few bones and I might’ve hit my head hard. I – ah- Luke, help me.”

“What?! Where are you?!”

She managed to give me the address and not one of us hung up. I didn’t hang up because I wanted to make sure that she was still here.

I got to the place she told me she was in. It wasn’t hard to spot her since there was a crowd starting to build up around her. I pushed through the crowd and I saw her on the floor surrounded by so much blood.

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