He Compares You To His Ex

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He Compares You To His Ex.
Michael - "So Mikey, what movie are we watching?" You asked, plopping down onto the couch as Michael was still on his phone. "You can choose." He mumbled, before smirking back at his phone. Raising your brows you mumbled an ok before getting up and going to the movie cabinet. "In the mood for comedy? Romance? Horror?" You turned to look at him again and he was still smiling at his phone. "Okay since you wanna laugh so much at your phone and not answer me, let's do comedy." You picked out 21 Jump Street and then sat back next to Michael. As the movie progressed, he didn't once put his phone down. A funny scene came on and you burst out laughing, as Michael didn't even crack a smile. "Okay Michael," You paused the movie, turning to him as this time, he finally looked up. "You haven't ate your popcorn, you won't watch the movie and you won't even put your phone down. What's up?" He sighed and shrugged, "I was just reading on Geordie's blog and she made the funniest joke." Your face dropped just as her name flew from his mouth. Michael always told you, you told him the best jokes. "Your ex girlfriend, Geordie?" Just as you said that his eyes widened. "Babe I didn't mean to say that." You started to get up when he grabbed your wrist, halting you. "I'm sorry, let's just uh- watch the movie?" You shook your head and took your wrist from his hand. "Since you love Geordie more than me, you can watch the movie on your own." You crossed your arms, going upstairs as you sat in the bedroom. A few minutes later you heard footsteps, making you groan as you knew Michael was coming for you. "Y/N?" "Go away." You said, turning around as he chuckled. "You know I love you." "Well you sure have a hell of a way of showing it." He touched your shoulders, climbing onto the bed as he chuckled again. "Is someone jealous?" You shrugged and he kissed your temple, smiling against it. "You have no reason to be. She doesn't like me, I don't like her, and we're just friends." "That's what they all say." You mumbled and he sighed, grabbing your chin and making you face him. "We are just friends, ok?" You nodded and he smiled, kissing you gently as you blushed. "Now come on, we have a movie to watch and I promise i'll leave my phone here."
Luke - "Come on Luke, let's go swim." You and the band decided it would be a perfect day to go to the beach, and so far, all they were doing was lying under the umbrella on their phones. "But babe, i'm reading." He whined, as you crossed your arms. "Well I guess i'll go swim alone." You purposely wiggled your hips as you walked down to the beach, before you felt a pair of arms engulf around you. "Why do you like to tease?" Luke asked, kissing your shoulder as you giggled. "I just want you to play with me." You broke free from him, running to the water as you playfully splashed some near him. "Stop! It's cold!" "Oh come on, you wuss!" He chuckled, pulling out his phone as he pointed it at you. "Pose!" You struck a pose, laughing as he smirked behind the screen. After he took it, he let the phone fall by his side as he chuckled. "What's so funny? Was it that bad?" You asked, smiling back at him as he shook his head. "You reminded me of Aleisha when you did that pose." Your smile faded just as he said that. He noticed and then shook his head, "But you posed way cuter than her." "Thanks for comparing me to your ex." You said, turning away as he sighed. "Babe stop," He grabbed your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you as you sighed. "I didn't mean anything by it, seriously. I didn't even mean to say it." You sighed and nodded, looking back at him. "You know how insecure that makes me." He kissed your nose and nodded. "And i'm sorry. Can I make up for it?" You nodded and took his phone from him. "Close your eyes." He did as you said, as you pushed him with all your might, as he fell into the water. He resurfaced and gasped. "Hey!" "You're forgiven!"
Ashton - "Perfect Y/N. Just like that!" You bit your lip, looking straight at the camera as you were going to be on the cover of Teen Vogue this summer. "Give us more, something, sexy." You giggled, dropping your head as flashes seemed to never end. "Now, serious look and you can do whatever with your hands." You did as he instructed, Ashton appearing from the side as you gasped, looking his way. The director looked that way and smiled, "Okay Y/N, take 10." You sighed, walking to him as you threw your arms around his neck, his hands resting on your back as you smiled. "You look beautiful." He commented, handing you your lunch as he kissed your temple. "Thanks babe, i'm just so tired." He followed you to your dressing room as you took a seat, beginning to eat. "Are you excited about being on a magazine cover?" He said, smiling widely as you nodded in excitement. "This is huge for me Ashton, I can't wait." He nodded and smiled, "I'm excited for you, Y/N." He smiled at you as he chuckled to himself. "What?" You asked, taking another bite of your sandwich as he shook his head. "It's nothing." "Well it has to be something if you're laughing?" He caught your eye and sighed, "I was going to say you reminded me so much of Jasmine when you were modeling out there." Of course he compares you to his former, now model, girlfriend. "Really Ashton?" "But you're way more prettier!" "Whatever." You wrapped up the remnants of your food and standing to leave. "Oh come on, babe. I didn't mean a thing by it!" "But you thought it." He kissed your forehead and smirked, "I only have eyes for you and besides, she's never been on the cover of a magazine." You sighed and he tilted his head. "I love you." He tried, snuggling his face in your neck as you sighed. "Yeah yeah yeah."
Calum - It was a week after Calum got home, you two were sitting on the couch, your legs thrown over his as you two engulfed in a very intense game of Mario Kart. "No Calum! You can't push me off the road!" He did it again, you gasping as you looked at him. "You threw a bomb at me, it's only fair!" He crossed the finish line, finishing in first as you dragged in at fifth. "Rematch. I call rematch." You said, taking your legs off of his as you sat up straighter on the couch. "Someone's mad?" You nodded as he chuckled, starting up another game as you cut your eyes at the screen. "You're going down, Hood." He shook his head. "You remind me of Maddie. She used to be this competitive." A horn blew in the game and you didn't even go, you just looked back at Calum as he immediately began to race with his car. "Come on babe, you're not even playing!" You shook your head, pausing the game as he sighed. "Because you just compared me to your ex?" You said in disbelief as he chuckled, shrugging. "I don't see what the big deal is?" "Don't compare me to anyone else! Especially not your ex!" You stood and walked to the kitchen as he chuckled, coming after you. "One little thing you did that reminded me of her, I wasn't comparing you to her. I'm way past her, you're the only girl I want, Y/N." Rolling your eyes you turned around, a smug look on his face as you just shook your head. "But still, I will kick your ass in Mario Kart and also if you compare me to anyone else." He chuckled and nodded, "Seems fair."

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