Romeo & Juliet (Luke)

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"Romeo and Juliet"

The doorbell rang, echoing through the house and I walked downstairs to see my mom answering the door. She was having her coworker, Mrs. Hemmings, and her family over tonight. The two were math teachers at the local public school, and decided it was time for another get together now that her son, Luke, was back from his tour. I wasn't a huge fan of the band, then again I hadn't heard much of their music. I hadn't even met the guy.
But I'd met his brothers, Ben and Jack. They were tall, masculine, handsome men with charming smiles that made me self conscious about how I ate sometimes, especially when they decided to take a seat beside me. But now I forgot about them. My eyes were trained at the tall blonde, with broad shoulders whom was wearing a tank top, even with a chilled wind brewing a storm outside.
"Liz! How are you?" my mother asked, gently hugging Mrs. Hemmings.
"As good as I'll ever be!" Liz smiled happily and then turned around to see Luke, his icy blue eyes peering at the floorboards. "This is my son, Luke. I don't think you've met him before. He's always too busy for his family," she joked and Luke smirked at her playfully.
"It's nice to meet you, Luke," my mother said, holding out her hand carefully. Luke took it and gave it a firm shake before we all settled over to the kitchen table. I stared at all the utensils and sighed hopelessly.
My mother had been giving me "proper silverware" lessons, but with all the school things to do, it'd all just slipped my mind. As the pasta was being splashed out onto plates, I found myself looking at it dumbly. I glanced about and Luke, seated across from me, was having trouble too, as were Jack and Ben.
I took the chance and grabbed one of the forks, gently taking a piece and twirling it up before sliding the mouthful into my mouth. Just as I was about to swallow, a bony elbow slammed into my side and I nearly choked on the slippery noodles.
"That's your salad fork," my mother hissed unforgivingly. "Pick up the dinner fork." My fingers gripped the only fork left and I started eating with it. I couldn't tell the difference, there was still food going into my mouth, so I was happy.
I moved my fork over to the steak and got another jab in the ribs, sending the breath in my lungs flying outward. "Never cut meat without a knife!" she scolded. Glances were casted around the table as I rubbed my side in pain.
"Perhaps an easier way to get your daughter's attention?" Mrs. Hemmings offered kindly. My mother looked up from her plate slowly and glared at Liz.
"She is my daughter, I feel like I should have the right to get her attention the way I want," my mother sassed and Liz shrugged simply before taking a bite of her pasta. "Anyways, so I hear you're in a band, Luke," she said. "How is that?"
Luke swallowed a piece of meat. He was simply using the edge of his salad fork, and it worked out well for him. "It's a blast. We've gone to so many fantastic places and met so many great fans. It's unbelievable."
"Now, what do you plan to do after, well you know, you're band crashes and burns?" she asked and I looked from her, over to Luke. My mother's face was completely still and serious, while Luke was in a blanked out state. Then a mixture of sorrow and anger mixed into his facial expression.
"Mom, that was incredibly rude," I stated, but my mother wouldn't hear it. She shrugged me off before looking over to Liz, who was clenching her jaw from what the woman had just said.
"Chloe here," my mother gestured to me. "Is interested in becoming a doctor. Aren't you, Chloe?" my mother asked and all eyes turned to me. I felt Luke's gaze steady on my own that was pointed at my lap.
"Not really..." I said and my mother gasped dramatically. I raised a brow at her and shrugged. "I've told you a million times. Blood, brains, bones, it all makes me feel sick. I like photography."
"Photography? That's an excellent career choice!" Liz piped up and I smiled at her. "You could photograph nature, weddings, animals, so many beautiful things!" she pointed out. I beamed and nodded my head to what she was saying.
"Don't encourage her, you filthy animal! My daughter is intelligent, and while you let your son waste his time in a band, my daughter's going to get a professional degree," my mother stated, crossing her arms.
Liz seemed taken back by the insult. "He's not wasting his time, he's leading up to a very successful career. Besides, he's chosen his career on his own. You should never force a fate onto a child! You'll put them through hell, learning something they aren't passionate about."
"She survived most of high school, hasn't she?" Mother pointed at me, then shook her head. "That's enough, I'm done here," she said standing.
"I suppose we should leave," Liz said and looked at her family. "Come on boys, Andrew," she said, nodding to each before standing from her chair. I hugged Jack, then Ben, and then Liz. I shook hands with Mr. Hemmings, and saw Luke.
"Bye," I mumbled and wasn't sure what to do, so I stuck out my hand. He laughed lightly at the friendly gesture.
"Bye," he said, taking my hand and giving it a firm shake before the family left, leaving me with 'Satan Mom.'
She glared at me, her eyes narrowed. "See what you've done? This is all your fault. We were having a wonderful discussion when you came along and ruined everything. Oh, you don't like blood?" she mocked me. "Well, you're about to get covered in it when I'm done with you!" she screamed and took a step towards me.
I cringed as my father stepped in. "Laura!" he shouted. "Settle down! Do not lay a finger on her!" he demanded and leaned down in my ear. "Sweetie, get out of here," he mumbled in my ear and I looked up to see my mother walking towards me. I ran out the front door and out to the driveway, my bare feet stinging as they hit the ice over and over again.
My t-shirt wasn't retaining any heat at all, and neither were my skinny jeans. They were barely holding the phone in my pocket correctly; one wrong stride and it would come crashing to the ground. i wanted to stop, but I knew once I did, the pain on the bottom of my feet would hurt even worse.
I came along a street and realized this was where the Hemmings lived, and I guess I owed them an apology for my mother. I walked up their porch and rang the doorbell. Of course, Liz answered the door, an unsure look on her face, but as soon as she saw me her features brightened.
"Chloe!" she cried out and hugged me. "Thank goodness, the boys and I were so worried you'd get in trouble. We know how your mom can be a bit edgy," she said and I almost started bawling from the trauma I'd had at home. "Oh, honey, you must be freezing!" she said. "Come on in, and I'll get you a blanket and some tea," she said and lead me inside.
The warmth of the house left my skin numb. She guided me to the living room where Luke, Ben and Jack were seated on some couches. Liz helped me settle down next to Luke and she gave me a footstool and several blankets.
Luke looked over at me and gave me a weak smile. I smiled back the best I could, but I knew it wasn't convincing; not the least bit. I thought about trying again, but knew I wouldn't smile the same after what had just happened.
Liz disappeared and came back with a cup of tea, carefully handing it to me. "Quick warning, it's hot," she said with a soft smile and let out a sigh as she let me take the cup, smiling down at me as I took a sip.
"This is delicious, thank you," I smiled and she nodded.
"It's no problem. Now, I assume you don't wish to return tonight?" Liz guessed and I nodded. "Alright. Well, there's an extra bed in Luke's room," she said. "You could use that."
"That'd be cool, if it's alright with Luke," I said, glancing over at the blonde boy, who nodded.
"Sure, I'd have a room mate," he smiled lightly. I beamed at his dorkiness as I finished the rest of my tea. Liz immediately took the cup from me.
"Well then, be on your way. I'm sure she's tired after all that'd happened today," Liz said and Luke nodded, getting up from the couch and leading me up to his room. He opened the door and it smelled of his sweet cologne.
"That's your bed," Luke said, pointing to a bed with white covers. He quickly looked me up and down. "You're probably gonna need some new clothes. I wouldn't wanna sleep in skinny jeans," Luke smiled lightly.
"Luke you don't have-" I was cut off when a pair of grey lounge pants were thrown past me and landed on the bed, followed by a Nirvana tank top. "Um... thanks," I said, lifting them up individually and checking them out.
"No problem. The pants have always been a bit too small for me, so maybe they'll fit you," Luke said before literally stripping down and changing right in front of me. He slid on black lounge pants and a white tank top with a yellow smiley face on it. He walked out to use the bathroom and I quickly changed, examining myself in the full-length mirror before crawling in bed and checking my phone.
Several threats of trying to find me, hunting me down like a bear were written in the messages, along with texts written in all caps. I sighed and threw my phone down as Luke entered and he silently got in bed. We sat in the dark silence for a while, listening to things getting shut off downstairs. After a bit, I heard Luke's voice, which startled me slightly.
"So... what did your mom say to you once we were gone?" he asked curiously and I bit my lip.
"She um... started calling me out. Then she acted like she was about to hit me," I said with a little frown. Luke was silent for a moment.
"If I wasn't so comfy I'd get up and hug you." I laughed at the comment and smiled.
"Air hug, I guess," I stated and we laughed for a moment. "Good night, Luke."
"Good night, Chloe," he said and we both faded into a deep sleep.
The next morning came sooner than expected. My eyes creaked open to see the sunlight spewing into the room through the large glass window. I sighed and rolled over to see Luke wide awake, shirtless, and staring at his phone.
He felt my gaze and looked over. "Morning," he said. Although he was wide awake, I was quite aware of his unkempt hair, and shirtless demeanor.
"Morning," I responded and slid back the covers, looking down at my feet and wiggling my toes before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and sitting like that. "What time is it?" I asked curiously, running a hand through my messy hair.
"Around eleven I think. I just woke up like ten minutes ago," Luke explained and then dropped his phone and sitting up in his bed. "My mom should be back any minute with your stuff," he said. I turned my head to look at him.
"My stuff?" I repeated.
"My mom went out to shop for you, since she thinks, well, at least hopes, that you'll be staying with us for a bit. So she wants you to be comfortable here," Luke said and I felt a warmth rising in my heart.
"You're mom is the best," I said, smiling down at my feet.
"I know," Luke said with a little chuckle. "She's always wanted to shop for a daughter anyway," Luke said.
I was about to respond when a knock settled on the door.
"Come in!" Luke shouted, turning to face the door. Liz walked through with a bag of stuff.
"Hi honey! How'd you sleep?" she asked curiously and carried the bag over to my bed, setting it down next to me.
"I slept great, thank you," I smiled happily as I watched her hands disappear inside the bag.
"Well I'm glad," she beamed. "I went to the store and bought you some things," she said and started pulling out objects as she called them. "A hairbrush, toothbrush, some toothpaste..." she trailed off and pulled out some clothes. "Some jeans, some lounge pants, some shirts... oh and I got you some cute bathing suits!" she said, pulling them out.
"Oh these are so cute!" I beamed, letting my fingers touch the smooth fabric.
"I know, I couldn't resist! I also bought you some undies, socks, bras... I wasn't sure what size you were, but you're a nice size so I just guessed," she said.
I picked up a black bra in my fingers and looked at it. "This is my size!" I exclaimed happily. "Thank you," I said and then we both turned at the same time to see Luke staring at us, sitting up in his bed. His cheeks were flushed red and Liz and I began to laugh.
As the day wore on, it came to the point at night where everyone was starting to get ready for bed. I stood in the bathroom with Luke, brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and checking my Twitter all at once. Luke shot me a bewildered Luke.
"How do you do that?" he asked through a mouth full of a toothpaste. He leaned down in the sink and spat, using his toothbrush to collect the rest of the spearmint flavored paste. "I can barely walk and talk at the same time," Luke joked.
I smirked as I did the same as he had, setting down my hairbrush and holding back my hair as I spit into the sink in front of me. I then stood straight up and grabbed my hairbrush again. "It's a girl thing," I replied with a simple shrug before sending the brush through my hair once more. Luke had decided to split the vanity in half so we could both put our things on the sink, yet still look nice. It was pretty helpful that the vanity was long and had two sinks.
We walked out of the bathroom, and I readjusted my new shirt as I walked. It was a white tank top, with the word 'Love' written in black on the front, and the sides were cut low, revealing just below the end of my bra. It was loose, and comfortable to sleep in.
Luke and I crawled in bed and I relaxed my limbs, exhaling softly as my head hit the plush-like pillow and within moments I was asleep.
My awakening the next morning was quite rude. The door downstairs slammed shut and there was angry stomping. Shouts of protest emitted from downstairs and I opened my eyes to see Luke sitting up, staring at the door in surprise. He shot up and ran over to me.
"We gotta hide you," he mumbled. I nodded and stood to my feet, following him to the closet. The space was small, but it was the best hiding place in Luke's room. As soon as she shut the closet door, it was black, and we slowed our breathing as the footsteps approached Luke's bedroom door.
Then, our breaths stopped altogether when the footsteps entered. There was the thud of things getting knocked to the floor, and I heard a crash of glass and winced. I wasn't sure where Luke was, but was too scared to move to find him.
Agonizingly slow, the footsteps approached the door. My heart raced as the door was ripped open, nearly so fast it slid off its hinges, but over Luke's shoulder I saw my mother. Luke was shielding me, his body pressed to mine in attempt to keep my mother's hands off of me. I wondered why, but then I remembered when I'd told him about how my mother had nearly hit me. He was protecting me.
"Get off of her, you disgusting animal!" My mother shouted, her claw-like hand gripping Luke's shoulder and yanking him backwards. He tried to grab the shelf overhead to keep himself between my mother and me, but he ripped the shelf off the wall and it went with him. Sprawled on his back on the bedroom floor, Luke groaned, weakly tossing the shelf off his chest.
Liz entered the room quickly and my mother turned to her. "How dare you allow your son to do this to my daughter? He had her in the closet, pressing his body against her!" Then she turned to me. "Really, Chloe? In a closet? You're such a slut. Go get in the car, I've got some things to say to this young man," she said and turned to glare at Luke, who was holding his head in pain.
I emerged from the closet, tears streaming down my cheeks now. "Mom, don't hurt him," I whimpered, falling to Luke's side. "He wasn't touching me! It's not like that!" I screamed up at her. "He was protecting me from you!"
"And I just protected you from getting any diseases this boy has! Now go get in the car," she said firmly. I didn't move and she came toward me. "Now!" Her voice was risen, but I didn't move from Luke's side. My mother brought her hand down to lay upon my cheek, but Luke grabbed it and held it tightly.
"Don't. Touch. Her," he said, his blue eyes icy as he gazed upward at my outraged mother.
"Don't touch me, you hormonal boy!" She pulled her hand free. "You people are banned from our lives, both mine and my daughter's. She may not come here, you may not come there. Ever." She gripped my shoulder and I cried out as she forced me to stand and dragged me out of the house. The car ride home was silent, but as soon as it stopped, I jumped out.
I sprinted inside and up the stairs, shutting and locking my door. I heard some things getting moved around, but I ignored them. I gazed out my window and could see Luke's house over the tree tops. I sighed and sat down beside it, gazing out.
I'd fallen asleep sometime that day. When I awoke, it was around midnight. I carefully turned my doorknob, hearing the lock click and tried to push the door open, but it wouldn't budge. I pushed the handle hard, still nothing. I walked around my room briefly before grabbing a large, hard-covered book. I raised it above my head and brought it down on the handle sharply, taking it clean off.
I stared at the medal piece in surprise and leaned down to see the other side's handle gone, too. It was just a hole in the door now. I looked down to see what was blocking me from exiting my room, but I saw nothing except an empty superglue bottle.
I sighed and slumped against the door in exhaust, my eyes fluttering shut with exhaustion, but immediately shooting open with a thud was heard outside my window. I watched as a dark silhouette appeared outside my two story bedroom window and tapped. My heart raced as I went closer to it, slowly.
Then I saw a familiar blue eyed face and ran the rest of the way, yanking open the window and helping him get inside my room.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as he shut the window to prevent the cool night air from leaking into my room even more.
"My mom said I could come out and make sure you were okay," Luke explained. "I knocked on the door, but your mom wasn't very happy to see my face. Then again, she did ban me," he said quietly, for fear of being heard.
"Well thanks... you wouldn't happen to have any food on you, would you?" I asked curiously. "I'm hungry, and I'm pretty sure my mom superglued my door shut," I stated.
Luke dug in his pockets for a minute before pulling something out. "I've got gum," he said with a small chuckle. "Come to my house. I can feed you," he stated.
"If my mom sees I'm gone, she'll kill me."
"How's she gonna see? Your doors gonna be stuck for a long time."
"I sorta... kinda.. broke the handle. There's a big hole in my door," I said. Luke looked at me in disbelief before walking to the door, examining the hole and nodded.
"Wow... how'd you do that?"
"With a book," I admitted and Luke laughed quietly.
"Well, you leaving's out... I could bring you some food?" he offered.
"Alright," I said.
"I'll be back in a bit, stay awake," Luke said and opened up the window. I watched him shut it behind him and then watched him climb down a ladder he'd set up. Then he disappeared and I sat in my room and waited.
Moments later he returned with a bag. I opened the window for him and he took some stuff out. It was two ham and cheese sandwiches and a bag of Lays.
He sat down with me by the window, relaxing and eating our food. "My family says hi," Luke said through a mouthful of bread. "She was so upset after you left. She was crying... and Jack and Ben were really scared when my mom explained what happened."
"I just wish I could live with you guys. You're a better family for me than my mom has ever been," I mumbled lightly and Luke shrugged.
"Maybe you could? I mean, document some files and stuff..."
"It'd take my mother's signature, and I'm her only child. She'd never give me up."
"Child services?"
"My aunt tried once... my mom just slid right past them. She's smooth."
Luke exhaled softly and looked down at the phone I'd stuffed in my pocket. "Here, give me your phone," he said. I slid it out from my pocket, unlocked it and handed it to him, watching him closely. Luke entered his number and gave it back. "Now if you ever need anything, just call. I'm a rooftop away."
I smiled brightly and nodded. "Thanks Luke," I said as I slid my hand into the bag of chips, grabbing one and tossing it into my mouth. He nodded lightly and when we finished, we just sat back and talked.
"Chloe?" a sudden shout came from the other room. My eyes widened and I quickly looked at Luke. He scrambled quickly before opening the window and diving out, closing it.
I grabbed the bag of chips and sandwich wrappers and threw them in the corner, along with the bag Luke had brought them in.
My mother's fingers were suddenly visible through the hole. "Chloe? What..?" she then tried to open the door.
"You superglued the door shut, remember?" I frowned. She was still for a moment.
"I heard voices..."
"That was me talking to myself. There's nothing else to do but starve anyway," I said. "I'm probably gonna die in here..."
"Don't be dramatic, no you're not."
"What happens when I get hungry?"
"I'll slip food through this hole."
"What about school? The bathroom? Normal human interactions?!"
My mother was silent before she responded. "Tomorrow morning, I'll have your father break down your door," she said.
"Fine. Now go," I demanded. My mother was unhappy with my order, but obeyed anyway.
I walked to the window and opened it, sticking my head out. "Luke?" I whispered and the blonde suddenly became visible. He knelt beneath my window. "I'm having my door taken down tomorrow," I said.
"So going anywhere overnight's out of the question?" he asked and I nodded lightly.
"Yeah... I'm not sure when it's gonna happen," I admitted and Luke sighed.
"Well, goodnight Chloe," he said and reached in and hugged me tight before disappearing down his ladder. I smiled weakly and closed the window and moved to my bed. It was difficult, but I eventually fell asleep.
In the morning, I simply woke up to see my door gone. There was just a large gap in my room. I slid out of bed and walked over to see dried super glue here are there from where it'd dripped a bit. I then heard something coming up the stairs and saw my dad. He gave me a little nod as he carried my new door up the stairs. I backed up as he matched it up to the hinges and then secured it in place.
The sound of the drill gave me a headache and I walked to the window. I'd never gone out on the roof before, so I pulled up the window and put my socked-foot on the cold shackles. The roofing beneath my window was flat, which made it easy to crawl out and sat on the top of my house.
I gazed out and saw the things that the corners of the window had restrained me from seeing. I saw more houses, more trees, more sky than I had before.
The top of the ladder suddenly appearing and slapping the gutter made me scream and jump back. My spine hit the side of the house and I lurched forward, toppling forward. I screamed and reached up, managing to grab the gutter, which was starting to bend.
"Chloe! Hang on!" I heard Luke shout.
"I've got that covered!" I whimpered and tried to swing myself back over the edge, but to no avail.
"Just... just let go and tuck your legs up to your chest. Trust me!" he said, though he seemed unsure himself. But I did trust him. I relaxed my fingers and let myself fall from the gutter, quickly tucking my knees up to my chest and feeling back turn to face the ground.
I closed my eyes, preparing for impact when I felt two strong arms grab me, twirling me slightly to relieve the sharp momentum I'd just come from. Luke held me tight in his arms, pressing me into his chest.
"Thank god that worked," he mumbled and I laughed leaning up and kissing his cheek lightly.
"Thank you," I said and watched his cheeks turn a light pink.
"You're welcome," he said and looked up from where I'd fallen from. "Do you uh... wanna come over?" he asked and I thought for a moment.
"I don't know... my parents are fixing my door," I said and Luke nodded.
"Well... come over tonight, alright? My family misses you," he chuckled.
"What time?" I asked with a smile.
"Sometime after dinner?" he suggested and I nodded.
"I'll be there."
But dinner never came. Hour after hour of sitting in my room, waiting to be called, I listened for my name, cracked my door a few times to try to get a whiff of food, but nothing.
"Perhaps we should get her dinner?" I heard my father suggest.
"After what she put me through? I don't think so. She needs to lose weight, anyway."
"That's wrong," my father interjected.
"I'm a mother, I have the right to punish my daughter."
My empty stomach knotted up and I groaned. I looked over the treetops and saw Luke's house, almost every window lit up. I glanced at my bed and looked around. I walked to the closet, grabbing a wig I'd worn in third grade for Halloween, and laid it on my pillow, then slid some pillows under the blankets, just in case they walked in.
I slid on some shoes, opened up my window and climbed down the ladder Luke had set up earlier that day and decided to take a short cut. Rather than going down the street, I cut between two houses, through the narrow forest, and into the next subdivision. I walked to Luke's house and then rang the doorbell.
After a bit, Liz opened the door, instantly smiling as she saw me. "Chloe! You're back! How are you?" she asked.
"Good," I said as she stepped aside, gesturing for me to enter. I happily took off my shoes and set them by the door.
"Luke! Chloe's here!" Liz shouted up the stairwell. There were several footsteps trumpeting down the stairs, and as they came into sight, I saw Ben rushing down the stairs, Luke at his heels, tugging at his collar.
"Ben! Ben stop!" Luke begged as they both reached the bottom and Liz and I backed up.
Ben leaned over and mumbled in Luke's ear. "I could tell her right now," he said, but Luke pushed him out of the room, and Ben didn't return.
"Hey," Luke said cooly.
"Luke why'd you do that?" Liz questioned and Luke shrugged.
"Playful game. Right buddy?" he called into the other room, but Ben only grunted in response. "Anyways, how have you been Chloe?" he asked curiously. "It's a bit past dinner..."
"Sorry, I didn't have any," I admitted and I felt both Luke and Liz staring at me. "My mom won't feed me."
"That's nonsense!" Liz shouted angrily. "I was just making the boys some dessert if you wanna help?"
"I'd love to," I said.
"I'll help," Luke offered.
"Oh, now you wanna help when your friend's doing it, but don't want to when it's just me and you?" Liz teased him and Luke turned a light shade of pink. "Come on then," she said and lead us to the kitchen.
We ended up making cupcakes, and after an hour of baking Liz took them out and we all got those little pastry sacks and filled them with frosting before starting to decorate them.
I glanced over and saw Luke drawing a willy with his pink frosting and I elbowed him gently, holding in my laughter. But as soon as Luke's blue eyes connected with mine, we both fell into laughter, bending over and clutching our stomachs.
"What is so funny?" Liz asked curiously, and Luke quickly swiped up the frosting with his finger and then wiped it off on my nose.
"That," he said with a little smirk.
"Oh yeah?" I challenged and grabbed the pastry sack and gave him a little mustache. "Well I think that's hilarious," I smirked and Luke went cross eyed to try to look at the light blue mustache I'd given him. He licked it off smoothly.
"Why thank you for the delicious mustache, my queen," Luke said with a playful bow.
I curtseyed with a laugh. "Any time, peasant."
"You two fight like kids," Mrs. Hemmings declared with a laugh.
Shortly after finishing our cupcakes, Luke and I were covered in frosting. We headed upstairs, took showers, and then decided it would be best to sleep in my house tonight since I had school.
With an exhausted appearance, we crawled into my bed and fell asleep.
Six in the morning came sooner than expected. My dad knocked on the door to wake me up, causing Luke to fall out of the bed and slide under it quickly. Hearing the thud, my dad opened the door and glanced around the room before looking at me.
"I'm awake. Please shut the door so I can get ready," I said. He nodded lightly before shutting the door.
Luke crawled out and breathed a small sigh. "That was way too close," he said lightly. I nodded and moved to my closet sleepily, dressing in a pair of skinny jeans and a loose grey sweatshirt right in front of him. I didn't notice until I turned to see Luke's pink cheeks.
"Oh... sorry," I said and yawned. "I'm not a morning person."
"It's fine. I'm not much of a-"
My mother whipped open the door, stopping Luke in his tracks. "I knew I heard a voice," she said and looked from Luke to the bed. "Oh no. Chloe, you dumb whore! Sleeping with boys, especially a boy whom I've banned?" she questioned and my cheeks grew hot.
"Madam, your daughter and I have done nothing serious," Luke said.
"Really? You slept in her bed, didn't you? You did. I see it, the crinkled covers, the messy hair, and not to mention your bare torso," my mother said.
"So? My friends and I have slept in the same bed before."
"That's different. Your friends are all girls."
"Not all of them," I said.
"Oh, please don't tell me this... this savage is your friend. God, Chloe. Have some self control. He's garbage! He draws you in with his good looks but he won't be there for you when you need him to be."
"Mom! He's a friend, we're not getting married," I scolded and she drew back.
"Don't raise your tone at me!" she said and shook her head. "I should have never trusted you, Chloe. Ya know what, fine. Go sleep with this boy. Go live with the Hemmings. Don't go to school. Pack your bags now. I expect you gone by the time I get back from work," my mother said and slammed the door shut.
"I'm sorry, Chloe," Luke said softly. I turned to him.
"Why be sorry? It's what I wanted," I stated and Luke's sympathy turned to joy. "We should ask your mom first..."
Luke pulled out his phone with a shrug. "I guess so, but we already know her answer." The phone rang and Liz's voice was heard over the phone. "Hey mom. Chloe's mom kicked her out... kinda... is it ok if she-"
"Yes! Of course, she can stay," Liz said and I beamed, looking down at my toes as I blushed happily.
Luke laughed softly. "Alright mom," he said with a soft smile. "Thanks, bye," he said.
"Bye sweetie," Liz said before Luke hung up and stuffed his phone into his pocket.
"Well I guess I should pack," I said and dug out my suitcase. "Wanna help?"
It didn't take too long for me to pack. I threw in the clothes I still wore, jewelry, perfume, makeup, other necessities.
As Luke and I made the trip to his house with my things, I couldn't help but cry. As much as I hated my mother at the moment, I knew a part of me was going to miss her, and I knew I'd miss my dad.
I was doing well with hiding my streaming eyes, but when we got to Luke's room, I dropped my stuff and plopped on the bed, burying my face into the covers.
Luke was still for a moment before I felt the bed dip beside me and his palm found my back, rubbing smooth circles. He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "If you want, we can just stay here... you're a few hours late anyway." When I didn't respond, he went on. "We can make hot chocolate, and watch disney movies under warm blankets, and we can go to the movie room where it's nice and dark," he offered.
I smiled at the offer and sat up slowly, wiping my eyes with the sleeves of my sweatshirt. Luke wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him before rubbing my back once more.
I closed my eyes at the blissful touch and nodded to his offer. "Okay," I whimpered softly.
And watch movies is what we did.
Luke took me to the movie room, and he got us a big fluffy blanket to share. He shut the door and pulled down the blinds so everything was dark except for the area around the TV.
We did this until around four in the afternoon. We'd just finished Bambi and Liz opened up the door.
"Hey kids," Liz greeted us. Luke said a monotoned, 'hey,' but I shot up from the blankets and hugged her tightly. "Luke what did you do?" she teased.
I laughed and slowly pulled away from the hug. "I just wanted to say thank you... for everything," I explained and Liz smiled.
"No problem, sweetie," she said happily. We talked shortly before we turned around. Liz shut the door on her way out and I settled next to Luke once more.
"She really loves you," Luke chuckled. "She's never that excited when she comes home from work."
I smiled and shrugged lightly. "I'm just glad she likes me," I said and Luke shrugged.
"My whole family adores you."
"Even you?" I smirked.
"Yeah," he admitted and smiled down at me. I felt my cheeks grow read and I turned my head to face the floor. "That night... when you and Ben were running down the stairs? What was Ben about to tell me?" I asked.
Luke looked at me and bit his lip. "Nothing," he said. I knew he was lying, but didn't have the energy to urge him on. I sighed and leaned against his chest as the credits came to a stop. Luke looked down at me and I tilted my chin slightly to look at him. "What do you wanna watch now?" he asked and I shrugged.
"I don't know," I admitted, grabbing a handful of popcorn and throwing it into my mouth.
We ended up watching another Disney movie, Monsters Inc, before we ate dinner. Shortly after, we decided to head to bed.
I dressed in my pajamas and looked out Luke's window briefly, staring at my house. I watched my bedroom light turn on, then switch back off quickly. I sighed and pulled back the covers of the bed to find a daddy-long-leg spider. I squealed and jumped back, my heart racing.
"Chloe? Chloe! Calm down!" Luke said, and held me still. "It's okay, it's just a spider," he said. He took a magazine and took the little guy before opening up his window and releasing it, then shutting the window.
"That was so gross," I whimpered and Luke chuckled.
"You'll live," he smirked and I shivered.
"I don't wanna go to bed," I pouted and Luke looked at me.
"My bed doesn't have any spiders," he said. I looked at him and nodded before crawling into his bed. It was warm and the sheets were soft and silky. My head hit the pillow and I smiled lightly. I looked up to see Luke crawling in. He smiled at me. "Goodnight," he muttered.
I curled up toward his warm chest and breathed out a sigh. "Goodnight."
When I woke up, my face was pressed to something. My eyes fluttered open to see the middle of Luke's chest, right in my face. My forehead was pressed against it, Luke's hands held me close, and our legs were tangled. My heart stopped as a knock occurred on the door.
"Come in," Luke breathed sleepily. I saw his blue eyes flutter open, but he didn't seem phased at all by the position of our bodies.
I turned to see the door creak open, light spewing into the darkness as Ben became visible. He smirked at us and shook his head. "Luke, you dog," he said. Luke groaned and slowly pulled away from the embrace.
"What do you want, Ben?" he asked.
"Just thought I'd wake Chloe up for school," Ben explained and I whined at the thought of the stone building.
"You don't have to go," Luke hummed in my ear. Ben rolled his eyes.
"Come on, Luke. She's gotta head back and earn that degree, then your fuck buddy's all yours."
"Why does everyone assume we fuck?" Luke asked irritably.
"Well, you always hold her so close, and right now you don't want her to leave. It just seems so romantic," Ben mocked and I slipped away from Luke.
"I'm going," I declared, opening up a dresser drawer specially given for my things. Once again, I heard Ben whisper to Luke.
"Remember to be nice to me Luke. I could tell her at any time."
"Tell me what?" I asked, twirling around. Both boys stared at me and I crossed my arms over my chest. "Come on, Luke. If it's that serious you need to whisper about it, then..." I sighed in frustration and shook my head. "Never mind."
Ben left and I began getting ready for school. I grabbed my clothes and entered the bathroom. Changing, brushing my teeth, hair and applying a bit of make up before stepping out to see Luke, fully dressed.
"I'm gonna take you," he explained and I nodded. I grabbed my backpack from the corner of the room and lifted it up and over my shoulder. We hurried downstairs and got into his car. He dropped me off with a smile. "Have a good day," he said.
"I won't," I muttered and hopped out.
After what felt like years, the end of the day came. I stood waiting in the crowd of people whom were also waiting to be picked up when a group of girls to my right were talking about Luke and his band.
"The blond one's super cute. What's his name, Logan?"
"It's Luke," I mumbled, but they heard me and turned to look at me.
"His name is Luke."
"Oh, are you one of those girls who stalk him daily?" she asked and I shook my head.
"No..." I stated. "I-"
"You're so weird. Actually thinking any guy would like you back."
I was cut off when they started to squeal and I turned around to see Luke making his way through the crowd. I could easily make him out with his height and good looks. The girls quickly made themselves look decent as he approached, but were startled when he hugged me.
"How was it?" he mumbled softly in my ear.
"Absolute hell," I muttered back. "A bunch of bitches over there," I whispered and Luke turned his head to look at them. Instantly they grinned and waved. "Let's get out of here," I mumbled.
"Luke, wait! Can we have a kiss on the cheek?" one asked and Luke bit his lip.
"I'll give you all a hug if you promise to stop messing with my girl," Luke said and my cheeks reddened. His girl? My stomach formed a nervous knot as the girls nodded their heads rapidly.
Luke smiled lightly and then hugged each one before leading me to his parked car. I climbed in and he drove me back to his house.
As soon as I got back I threw by bag down and sat down on the couch, relaxing my limbs. Luke took a seat next to me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Holy crap, Chloe, you're all tense," he said. "Turn to the side a bit." I gave him access to my back and he began to rub the knots in my shoulder blades.
"Luke?" I asked as he massaged my shoulders, and heard a hum in reply. "What did you mean when you said, 'my girl'?" I asked curiously. Luke's actions slowed a little.
"I just meant um... my friend," Luke said and suddenly Ben walked past the living room.
"Bull shit," he said through a fake cough.
"Um... okay," I said, deciding to drop it once again to let Luke finish the job. Once I was relaxed, I let my body fall from Luke's grip and my back rested in his lap. He turned on the TV and I turned my head, letting his fingers play with my hair.
Ben sat down on the other couch and I felt his eyes staring at us. Finally Luke spoke up.
"Can I help you?"
"Oh, don't mind me. Just thinking about watching Twilight. Ya know, the movie where a normal girl is being admired by a boy with a secret..."
"Get out of here, Ben," Luke frowned.
"What secret?" I asked, looking up at Luke and his icy blue eyes stared down at mine.
"Nothing," he said quickly.
"Come on Luke," Ben taunted.
"Get out."
"Make me."
Luke gently moved me aside as he stood up, and pretty soon he and Ben were on the floor of the living room, wrestling.
"Oh my god, guys!" I shouted as Luke pinned Ben quickly, but Ben stood and threw Luke on the empty couch. Ben straddled Luke and put his hands over the blond boy's mouth.
"Hey, Chloe? Luke-" he was cut off with his own scream when Luke pushed him to the ground and covered his mouth.
"Ignore him. He's stupid." But Luke was flipped onto his back and Ben stood up.
Luke tackled Ben quickly. "Chloe, do me a favor and go up to my room. Now," he pleaded. I stood up, grabbed my backpack, and awkwardly left, walking up the stairs. Down in the living room there was shouting and cut off screams and I ran for Jack, knocking on the door.
"Yeah?" Jack asked as he opened the door and winced at the shouts coming from downstairs. "What's that awful noise?"
"Ben and Luke are wrestling... can you make them stop?" I asked and Jack nodded, racing down the steps quickly. I then walked to Luke's room, sitting on his bed. I refused to touch my bed at the moment.
Luke walked into the room a while later. His hair looked rugged, his shirt slightly baggy from Ben pulling at the fabric. "That... was terrible," he mumbled.
I looked at him as I pulled out my homework, a quick math worksheet. "Didn't sound too good, either," I said as I pulled out my pencil. I did the worksheet as Luke fixed himself up. We finished around the same time and I stuffed the work back into my bag and stretched.
"Are you going to tell me... ever?" I asked and Luke looked up at me.
"Maybe..." he said, though he seemed unsure. "I probably will at some point. Just not today."
"No," he said firmly.
"Is it bad?"
"Of course not!" Luke said. "Well, maybe for you... I dunno..."
"Luke, if it's bad, just don't tell me, alright? My self esteem's bad enough with all the people at my school that hate me. I don't even talk to half the people that hate me, they just do because I'm no beautiful or perfect. So if you're little secret is just you hating me, fine. Just don't tell me things like that. I don't have enough self esteem."
That was when Luke rushed in and pressed his lips to mine.
The next day at school was the same. I stood waiting in line for lunch when the girls from yesterday showed up; Jenna, Katie, and Riley.
"So, Chloe. What's with you and Luke?" Katie asked with a light smirk.
"Is he throwing you a pity party?" Riley asked.
"No," I mumbled lightly.
"No?" Jenna repeated. "That's a surprise," she said. Her words bugged me and etched themselves into my mind. I glanced up at the beginning of the line. It was moving as slow as ever.
"Why don't you leave me alone?"
"Woah, shut your whore mouth and listen. We-" she stopped when a voice cleared his throat behind her and I saw Luke.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as he walked around the girls, who were staring at his handsome features.
"I know I'm kinda a douche for not telling you the secret," he mumbled, and then looked over at the girls. "And I was trying to make sure these ladies kept their promise, which they didn't," he said before looking down at me.
"What's the secret? She's a slut? We know," Jenna sounded. You'd think she would stop now that Luke was here, but nope.
Luke shook his head, his gaze never once leaving mine. He slowly leaned down and attached his lips to mine, right in front of these girls to show who he belonged to. I kissed him back deeply before we slowly pulled our bodies away.
"See ya later babe," Luke said with a little wink. I waved, my body breathless from the kiss. I got my food and left the line, quickly settling down my Sarah.
The end of the school day came quickly and I stood proudly in the line with a smile on my lips. I could feel the girl's hateful glares, but when I saw Luke pull in, I didn't care. He was all I could think about. He hopped out of his car and jogged over to me, hugging me tight before leading me back to his car.
This is what happened every day this week, except Friday. Friday was Valentine's Day. Luke dropped me off, and at lunch, he surprised me with a box of chocolates, and the fact that he was going to give me a ride early.
While everyone finished their lunches, Luke lead me to his car. He drove home with a smirk on his lips. "Everyone's at work. Except my dad. He gave us the house to ourselves," he explained and I nodded, a small blush on my cheeks as Luke lead me inside the house.
There were candles lit and it looked like a cheesy love movie, but Luke was so sweet about it. He hummed in my ear and lead me to the kitchen, where I saw the beginning of a red rose petal trail. I raised a brow and looked over at Luke, who was smirking proudly.
I laughed happily and he lead me along the path, that lead up the stairs, and to his room. The petals ended at his bed and I smirked. "You cheeky little shit," I mumbled and he laughed.
He smirked and we laid on the bed and cuddled, my body pressed into his before I felt his fingers start tracing little hearts on my side. I looked up at him and he attached our lips, kissing me slightly roughly. My heart rate sped up as I straddled him, my eyes closing as I kissed him and then I leaned forward, accidentally grinding on him. His reaction was smooth. He groaned aloud and tilted his head back.
"Do it again?" he asked and I did it back and forth, biting down on my lip as I heard Luke moan low in his throat. His hands moved to my shirt as the door whipped open. I turned my head to see Ben standing in the doorway.
"I knew it," Ben smirked.
"Go away, Ben!" Luke yelled.
"Alright, alright. Sorry, I forgot my wallet," he said. We stayed still until we heard the door downstairs close and Luke groaned.
"That ruined the moment," he said and I glanced down at his pants.
"Apparently not for your little friend. He's into the moment as ever," I stated and Luke laughed a little as I straddled him once more.
I panted deep breaths as Luke fell to my side. I cuddled into his chest, our sweaty bodies pressing up against each other.
"I love you, Chloe," Luke breathed in my ear.
"I love you too," I mumbled as I caught my breath, closing my eyes and relaxing.
Once again we heard the door downstairs open and close and Mr. Hemmings' voice as he hummed while climbing the steps. Luke slid on his lounge pants while I rushed to the bathroom quickly.
Mr. Hemmings opened the door and peered in. "Luke where's-" he froze and stared at the rose petals, and the candles around the room. "Wow... you get that from me," he said with a proud laugh and Luke chuckled nervously. "Where's Chloe?" he asked.
"Um, bathroom."
"You guys... done?" Mr. Hemmings asked awkwardly.
"Okay... um... okay." Mr. Hemmings left without another word and I slipped on my robe before walking out of the bathroom and settling down next to Luke.
"That was weird," Luke laughed as he held me close to his chest.
"Yeah," I said in agreement.
The next night was a normal Saturday. We were enjoying dinner when the doorbell rang. Mr. Hemmings got up to answer it. "Lau-"
"Get out of my way," I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head as my mother appeared. She walked closer and she put on a fake smile. "Hey honey!" she said. Everyone at the table tensed up. "Time to pack your things!"
"I'm not going back," I said firmly, and I felt Luke's hand grip mine tightly.
"Oh don't worry. We're not going back. We're moving," my mother said and I felt my heart pound.
"To where?" I asked curiously.
"London. I've been offered a teaching job for 5th graders. A much higher pay than I receive now."
"That's stupid, I don't even live with you anymore."
"No one signed any custody papers, you're still my child," my mother said and sighed. "We're leaving Monday."
"You can't do this!" Luke shouted and my mother glared at him.
"Yes, I can. She's my daughter, and I'm taking her with me to a fine country where hopefully she'll learn some manners," she said and dipped her head lightly. "Have a nice night," she said briefly before turning and walking out the front door.
"Isn't this a lovely home?" my mother asked as she lead us inside. The home was large, and already furnished.
"I have no friends here."
"You never had friends anyway."
"I had Luke," I said briskly. "And his family means more to me than you guys ever will."
"Oh, stop complaining. It wouldn't last anyway. You've got a future, he's got this dumb band."
I didn't respond. My mother's arguments were weak. I ran up to my new room, which now had a balcony. I sighed and leaned over the railing, peering down at the cement below. I closed my eyes, letting the wind rustle my hair as my phone beeped.
Luke was FaceTiming me. I clicked accept and saw his face, the time difference insane. It looked like 4 am there, but he was wide awake, though his eyes looked red, and his cheeks glistened from tears.
"Hi," I said.
"Hey... how'd London?"
"It sucks," I said immediately. "So where are you?"
"With my bandmates," Luke said. He disappeared for a moment before the room was lighted up and I saw surrounding Luke was a boy with dark hair and dark eyes, another with dyed hair and light eyes, and another with a bandana wrapped around his curly hair. "This is the girl I've been telling you about," he said and I felt a blush appear on my cheeks.
"Luke says your a nice fuck," Calum said with a smirk and I laughed.
"Um.... thanks."
"We're not kidding. That's all he talked about during the band rehearsal," Ashton stated and I looked at Luke.
"I'm dead," Luke joked and I smiled.
"I'd kill you but we're thousands of miles away."
"Yeah," Luke said and he suddenly looked sad.
"I'll be there soon, alright?"
"How? Even if you do come, my mother's still here."
"Do you have a window?"
"I have a balcony."
"Perfect," Luke smiled and then a shout was heard from the other room. "I gotta go princess, love you," he said.
"Love you too," I said, and then he was gone from the screen. I sighed and bit my lip, humming the tune of 'Wherever You Are' in my head.
A month later I laid in bed, staring at the dark ceiling. My eyes closed and opened as I drifted in and out of sleep. The bed was cold around me, and my heart longed for the blond boy I'd come to love.
My heart went cold when something tapped on the sliding glass door that lead to the balcony and I felt a rush of excitement as I saw a tall figure standing there. I flicked on the lamp to see Luke, grinning at me with a stupid smile.
I ran to the door, throwing it open and I hugged Luke tightly. "You idiot, what are you doing here?" I asked lovingly.
"My band and I are on a little promoting tour. I had to stop by," he said with a smile and I gazed up at him.
"I've missed you so much," I said.
"I know baby," Luke said happily.
And then I woke up.
My mother shook my shoulders gently. "Chloe? The Hemmings are going to be here for supper any minute! Let's go."

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