He Has A Cute Sneezing Fit

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<strong>Luke:</strong>You were in bed, almost falling asleep when you heard it: "Atchoo!". You looked up to see Luke with an astonished look on his face, eyes almost shut, as if he was waiting for something - and he was. "Atchoo!", he went again, and from then on he sneezed about five more times. It was a cycle: astonished look, shutting his eyes, lifting his hands to cup his nose, sneezing, putting his hands back on his lap, astonished look... "Are you okay?", you asked, letting out a small laugh once you thought his sneeze fit was over. He held his hand, making a sign for you to wait a minute, before sneezing again. "Yeah, it was just a sneezing fit", he said, smiling at you. "Yeah, I noticed that", you smirked playfully at him, "It was pretty cute though". "You think everything I do is cute!", he whined. "But it is!", you argued. 

<strong>Ashton:</strong>"Atchoo!", you looked up from the book you were reading, to Ashton sitting behind his drum sat. "Atchoo!", again, stick still in hands, which were cupping his face. "Atchoo! Atchoo!", he kept going and you started to laugh - it was the cutest sneezing fit you had ever seen. Between sneezes and attempts to send you dirty looks, he dropped his sticks to the ground. "I think it's over", he said before sneezing three times again. "Okay, now it's over", he corrected himself, laughing. "Want a tissue?", you offered, laughing as well. "I'd appreciate it", he said, picking up his sticks from the floor. "Here", you smiled, handing him one. "Thanks", he smiled, pulling you on his lap and pecking your cheek, "You're the best". 

<strong>Michael:</strong>"Mor- Atchoo!", you heard a voice in your ear, suddenly further away as it turned into a sneeze. "What a nice way to wake up", you groggily said, sitting up to look at your boyfriend. He smiled, ready to reply to you, when something stopped him: "Atchoo!". "You're cute when you sneeze. You know that, right?", you asked, mentioning to give him a peck on the cheek. "Atchoo!", you immediately moved back. "Wow, are you okay?", you laughed. "I'm not", he sneezed, "so", again, "sure", and again. You both stayed awhile in silent, waiting to see what'd happen next. "What was that?", you asked laughing, once you were sure it wouldn't come back. "I don't know, I think I'm allergic to your morning cuteness", he joked, kissing you. 

<strong>Calum:</strong>He was in the bathroom when it started and you heard him from your bed. "Cal?", you asked, not sure if you should go check on him. "Atchoo!", was all you got as an answer. "Are you okay?", you asked, standing up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Atchoo!", he tried to assure you. "Yeah, 'cause I believe it...", you said, making your way to the bathroom. There, you found him seated on the toilet, toilet paper in hand, preparing himself for another sneeze. "Atchoo!", he throwed the toilet paper in the trash. "What's going on?", you bite your lip, holding back a laugh. "I don't know!", he sneezed. "Well, it's pretty cute", you concluded, walking over to him and pecking his cheek. Leaving the bathroom, you heard another one of his sneezes and, this time, you laughed.

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