Off Limit

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He tells you the other boys are off limits, but you don't listen to him

Calum: From the first day that you met Ashton, you instantly had a thing for him, and it looked like he had a thing for you as well, but Calum was going to have no part of that. "(YN), you're not allowed to get with any of the other boys, they're my friends, and you're off limits to them and they're off limits to you, okay?" you shake your head. "You can't tell me who is or is not off limits, Calum, i'm 18, older then you, i can be with whoever i want to be with. And i think that i'm going to see what Ashton is doing later tonight."

Luke: He had told you right away that you had to stay away from Ashton, Calum and Michael, you didn't want to do that though, there was just something about Michael that had you going crazy. You started to talk to him without Luke knowing and things had started to get pretty serious between the two of you. Michael began to text you and finally he decided to ask you out on a date. "Luke will be mad." you tell him and he responds back with 'Let him be mad, he can't keep us apart' you smiled at that. 'Meet you in ten minutes at your place.'

Ashton: You were once again in a heated argument with your older brother, Ashton as you had just gotten dropped off from a friends house by his friend and band mate, Calum. He saw you laughing and having a great time, and that instantly made him want to keep the two of you apart. "Stay away from Calum, (YN), he's no good for you." "You don't know that, Ashton!" "He's my friend." You stood your ground. "And i love him, whether you like it or not, i love him, Ashton, and nothing you can say will stop that."

Michael: "My friends are off limits, (YN), especially Luke!" he tells you just as he's about to leave to go to the studio for the day. "Why are they off limits?" "You're my sister, they're my friends." "Why especially Luke? What's up with him?" Michael looked uneasy. "I see the way you two look at each other whenever you're in the same room, i don't like it, so i'm going to keep you two away from each other." You stood up and held your cell phone and walked out of the house ahead of Michael. "I'd like to see you keep me away from my boyfriend.

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