Precious Memories with Child

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5SOS Preference: Precious Memories with Child

Calum: Your son watched Calum carefully as he shaved. “Why do you do that, daddy?” he asked and Calum chuckled. “Don’t want hair on my face anymore.” Your son put his hands on his own face. “I don’t have hair on my face!” Calum nodded. “Yeah, you’re a bit too young right now for that!” Your son shook his head and grabbed the shaving cream and put it on his face, Calum noticed and got a spoon and gave it to your son. “Here, use this!” your son laughed as he ‘shaved’ with a spoon until most of the cream was off of his face. When they were both done, Calum handed him a towel. “Here, wipe it off your face now!” Your son did so. “I look good?” Calum nodded. “Do i look good.” Your son laughed. “We both look good daddy!”

Luke: Luke laid down next to you and your daughter, music in his ears, his eyes on a good book in front of him. You held your daughter’s hands in front of you as she tried to walk. She’d put a leg in front of her, but pull it back right as she was about to take a step in front of her. It was slightly frustrating for you, until you heard your phone go off in the house, you nudged Luke. “Watch her, gotta get my phone!” he nodded and took the music out of his ears, and took his daughter’s hands, standing up trying to get her to walk, just as you had. You came back from the house to return to your spot and froze when you saw your daughter letting go of Luke’s hands and taking a few steps of her own. As she did that, both you and Luke cheered, your little girl had taken her first steps right in front of you guys.

Ashton: “I hate people!” she screamed as she ran into the house, dropping her bags at the door, startling her father who was taking a nap in the living room. “What’s going on baby girl?” he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. She stared coldly at him. “People at school are the worst and i can’t take it anymore!” Ashton chuckled. “Follow me.” she did as she was told and ended up in the music room that housed all the instruments in the house. He motioned for her to sit at the drums, and she did, then he stood behind her and showed her how to play a little bit. Slowly she became less tense and angry and actually smiled and that proved to Ashton she was worthy of the drums. “Whenever you need to get rid of stress or whatever, just come in here and bang around on the drums, okay?” she nodded. “Yeah, thanks dad, this helped a lot!”

Michael: “Teach me, daddy!” your three year old son says as he drags along his mini guitar to his father. Michael chuckled and set your son next to him and placed the guitar on his lap. “You do this.” he says putting the pick in his fingers, “Then this.” he says as he strums along the guitar. “Hold this string.” your son, for being so little, paid very close attention. After Michael gave him a mini lesson, he continued to play the same exact thing and would smile up at his father after every time. “I did it daddy! Imma be just like you one day!” Michael nodded as he helped his son reposition his hands so that he was holding the guitar correctly. “Yeah, you’re already doing great, you’re only going to get better!” “I will?” Michael chuckled. “Yeah, you will! I know you will!”

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