Say Something (Luke)

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Say Something (Luke)

“Luke… why did you avoid me during dinner?” you settle into the sofa beside the blonde haired boy, putting his arm around yours.
“I didn’t- I just-“ Luke stuttered, sliding slightly away from you, creating space even more space between you two and pulling your arms apart, in which you frowned at- you didn’t understand what you had done to upset your Luke.
“yeah you did, have I don’t something wrong?” you quizzed, your eyebrows burrowing. 
“just – leave it.” Luke got off the couch, desperate to run away from the conversation, especially now the other boys had turned their attention to you both. 
“No, we’re best friends, if I have upset you why don’t you just tell me why!” You grabbed onto Luke’s wrist spinning him around to face you. “What is it?”
 “Guys-“ Ashton attempted the calm the atmosphere. 
“Stay out of it Ash!” you glared at him before turning your attention back to Luke. “Come on Luke, lets hear why. We’re best friends, at least I thought we were, I guess not if you can’t talk to me about everything.” Luke awkwardly looked at the other boys; his eyes pleading them to help him out of the situation. Ashton knew about his feelings for you and how upset Luke had become this afternoon when you were flirting with your boyfriend, George, back home. Luke shook his head slightly, whispering a ‘sorry’, but knowing that once you got a hold on something you wouldn’t let it go. 
 “Say something!” you snapped, crossing your arms, knocking Luke out of his silent conversation with Ashton. He gulped.
“I was upset with you… because-“ The younger boy sighed, how could he say this to your face? It could ruin everything.
“Because?” you pleaded, you truly did want to know what was causing you best friend to be upset.
“Because I saw you and George flirting today okay?” he spat out.
“Why would you be upset about that? Don’t you like him?”Your eyes sofened, you didn’t like the idea of your best friend and boyfriend not getting along, they were the two most important people in your life.
“No!” He squeaked. “I mean I do like him, I think he’s cool, but-“ Luke sighed, having an internal debate on how to say what he wanted to. “Y/N, I like you… I mean… I love you, I have for a while now.” Luke watched your expression turn from confusion, to shock, to anger.
“Don’t you dare say that to me!” you yelled, running a hand over your face before pushing him in the chest.
“Y/N-“ Calum reached for you, attempting to pull you away from Luke who had tears building in his eyes.
“No, he doesn’t get to say that now, Calum!” You pulled out of Cal’s grip, turning to Luke. “I’m happy with George, you can’t just come and say you like me! I liked you so much before and you made it clear you didn’t like me back, so just don’t!” He breathed out a heavy sigh. “Just please don’t.” you whispered, after realising you had scared Luke with his shouting, the boy had hunched into himself and his eyes were glassy.
“I- I’m sorry…”
“You should be.” You sighed. “Now I have to break his heart.”
“You know it’s always been you, no matter how much I love George, how could he ever compare to how I feel about you?” you ask yourself, more than him.
“Really?” his eyes now looked hopeful.
“Yes, of course.” you wrap your arms around him, bringing him in for a tight hug, and kissing his cheek, not wanting to kiss his lips and cheat on George physically. “I’ll be back in a minute okay? I need to make a phone call.”
“Okay.” he grins.

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