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Preference #?: Forgotten
Ashton: You knew Ashton had to go to the studio this morning, but you thought that he would have at least acknowledged your birthday; at least a note or something. But, no. It seemed like any other day. You walked downstairs, making yourself some coffee and breakfast. Your phone ringer started to go off. You were hoping that it was Ashton, but it was only your mom.
"Hello?" You answered.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart!" You heard her yell through the phone.
"Thanks, mom. What are you up to today?" You asked, sitting on the couch with your breakfast in one hand, coffee in the other, the phone between your ear and shoulder.
"Nothing much. Just gonna go out with your father and shop and clean, like always."
You laughed, and talked to her for about half an hour. Afterwards, you took a shower and got dressed, heading out the door to the store to get something's needed for the house. By the time you got back home, it was 3 o'clock; Ashton should be back by now. Once you got into the house, you saw Ashton quickly walking down the hallway and grabbed his keys.
"Hey babe." He said, giving you a quick kiss and heading towards the door.
"Where are you going?" You asked him lowly.
"To the club with the boys. Well, all except Luke. He said he was something else to do tonight."
"Okay. Is there something you want to say to me before you leave?" You asked, just in case.
"Uhh... I love you?"
Your heart fell into your stomach, knowing he really DID forget your birthday.
"Uh, never mind. Have fun tonight." You told him, swallowing the knot in your throat. He smiled, kissing you one more time before leaving. When he finally left, you let the tears fall. He sat on the couch for five minutes, until the doorbell rang. You were hoping it would be Ashton, finally coming to his senses, but you got a surprise.
"Happy birthday, (Y/N)." Luke said. He was holding a red bag with balloons tied to it, a plastic bag, a McDonalds bag, and a little cake in his hands. You almost cried, knowing that, even though you and Luke didn't really know each other and sometimes don't get along, he thought about you. You let him in, and when he put all the stuff down, you immediately hugged him tightly. He was a little surprised at first, but then hugged you back.
"Thank you. At least somebody remembered."
"I know. When Ashton told Michael he would go with him to the club tonight, I wanted to whack some sense into him, but just decided to come over here myself."
You guys ate McDonalds, and watched the few movies that Luke brought over in the bag, and ate some cake. He even brought you a present; it was a dress that you showed Ashton the other day when you, him and the boys walked around downtown. You hugged him again, thanking him multiple times for everything he did for you tonight. You guys were on the third movie of the night, when Ashton finally came home perfectly sober and finding you with your head in Luke's lap, his hand drawing little patterns on your hip, making you sleepy.
"What's going on over here?" Ashton asked, strutting his way towards you guys.
You say up, rubbing your eyes and looking towards the clock, seeing as it was 2:36 in the morning. *sigh* no more birthday. You looked up at Luke, and he was already looking at you. He got up and walked towards the door, until he turned and walked back towards you, giving you a giant hug, even lifting you off the floor. He let go, walking back towards the door.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, (Y/N)!" He yelled.
"BYE, LUKE!" You yelled back at him before the door closed.
You looked back at Ashton, his face indescribable. You laughed at him, and walked up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He wrapped his around your neck, burying his face into your neck.
"(Y/N), I'm so, so, so sorry. God, I'm stupid. I promise, tomorrow, we'll go out to dinner and I'll buy you whatever you want. I'm so sorry." He kept apologizing that night, when all you wanted to do was cuddle with him and forget everything.
Michael: Today was the day! It was finally your birthday. You've waited so long for this day. You woke up before Michael like you usually do, and went downstairs to start making breakfast for you guys. After about 10 minutes, you could hear Michael's footsteps coming down the hall. He wrapped his arms around your waist like he usually does, and kissed your cheek.
"Hello, beautiful."
"Good morning." You turned around, giving him a proper kiss, then retuning to the breakfast you were making. You put some on a plate for you and Michael, then sat at the kitchen table.
"So, what are we going to do today?" You asked him.
"I think I told Calum and Luke that I would go out with them today. You know, just stop by some stores, buy somethings maybe. Oh, and Ashton wanted to know if you were doing anything today. He said to call him if you weren't."
Your stomach dropped. He forgot.
"Oh. Okay, I'll call Ashton after you leave then."
He smiled up at you, then took off to the bedroom, to get ready. You wiped a tear off your cheek before Michael came back in.
"Bye, boo. See ya later." Kissing your temple before running out of the flat. You stood, walking to the phone, and dialing up Ashton's number.
"HELLO BIRTHDAY GIRL!" He yelled so loud, you had to hold the phone away from your ear.
"Hello only person to remember my birthday."
"Ashton, there's no need to yell about it."
"Yes, there is. This is your birthday we're talking about."
"I know. But, it doesn't matter. A lot of people forget my birthday."
"Well, I didn't. Come on, we're gonna go to a movie and dinner and we'll hang out for a while."
"Okay. Let me get ready."
"I'll be there in 20 minutes. Bye."
All night long, you guys laughed at each other, doing stupid things and making faces at the people taking pictures of you. Once you got home, Michael was sitting on the couch, lounging.
"Hey!" You said, walking in, happy with your day.
"Hey, what you guys do today?"
"Saw a movie, ate some lunch, took some pictures."
You took a seat next to him, and laid your head on his shoulder.
"What a great day. Can't wait until next year."
"Why can't you wait until next year?" He asked, genuinely confused. You just laughed.
"Michael... It's my birthday."
His face was absolutely priceless. Pale, eyes like saucers.
"(Y/N)... I-I'm sorry." He said, voice deep and shaky.
"It's fine, babe. I had a great day anyway."
"No, it's not fine. I forgot your birthday. Tomorrow, we'll-"
"Sit at home and do nothing, that's what we'll do, okay?"
He looked down and nodded. I reached up, kissing his cheek.
Calum: You were hanging out with some of your friends at the mall, just buying some clothes and things that you liked. Once you returned home, Calum was all dressed up in a nice outfit, waiting for you by the couch.
"BABE! HURRY, GET DRESSED! WE'RE LATE FOR THE PARTY!" He yelled, waving him arms in the air like a maniac.
"What party?" You asked, giggling.
"Never mind, just get ready!"
You ran upstairs, putting on your best dress, and you left.
Once you got there, Calum took you inside where everybody greeted you like it was nothing.
Calum dragged you behind the bar.
"Cal, what are we do-"
"Shh." He placed his hand over your mouth. Somebody turned off the lights, then in a few seconds, somebody turned them on and everybody jumped up.
You looked up, and saw Kaitlin Davis, looking as surprised as ever. Kaitlin was an old friend of Calum's that would never leave him alone. God, she got on my nerves. Calum grabbed your hand and brought you over to where she was. He let go of your hand, and hugged her tightly.
"Happy birthday, Kaitlin!" He said, spinning her around. You looked down.
"Yeah, happy birthday, Kaitlin." You said, looking down.
"Thanks, you guys."
Tear pooled in your eyes, knowing that your own boyfriend remembered a girl that he hasn't hung out with in months birthday, but not yours.
"Come on, there's people that want to talk to you."
Calum had her wrist and brought her around the place, while you just stood there, head down, silently crying. After a few more minutes, there was a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you saw Ashton with a cupcake on a plate, a little candle on it.
"I remembered." He spoke.
You just charged into his arms, making him drop the cupcake onto the ground along with the plate. He wrapped you up into his arms. You cried on his shoulder, while he rocked you back and forth, smoothing your hair out.
"I ju-just w-wan-nt to-o go hom-e." you spoke.
"I'll take you, or we can just go back to my place. God, I should knock some sense into him. Especially when all he ever did was talk about it two weeks ago."
"I jus-t don't wa-want to be h-here right now."
He nodded and brought you outside, but wanted to turn back around when you saw Calum giving a little box to Kaitlin. Instead, you just broke down, falling onto your butt. Ashton swooped you up, carrying you bridal style to his car. You could see Ashton walk over to Calum and hit him up-side the head. You could just barely make out what he said.
"You're a real bastard, you know that?" He turned around and walked back to the car. You saw Calum turn, confused, then spot you in the car. You waved at him, then looked down. You heard the door open and close, then looked back up at Ashton, who nodded towards the window, where you saw Calum's face pressed against the window, making you jump.
"(Y/N), don't you dare leave." You could hear him say.
You looked towards Ashton, who raised his hand, and wiped your cheek of tears before placing it back on your cheek and stroking across your cheekbone.
"It's all up to you." He said.
You sighed, knowing you would have to talk to him some time anyway. You opened the door and were quickly engulfed by a pair of arms.
"Happy birthday, baby. I've been so caught up in this party, I forgot about your birthday. Forgive me?"
"Yeah, yeah. I guess I have too."
You wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled him closer to you.
"If you ever do it again, I'm leaving you for Ashton." You joked.
Calum let you go with a shocked face.
"YES!" Ashton said, clearly messing around.
"Nope, nobody else can have my stuff. My property." Calum said, wrapping his left arm around the back of your neck, right around your waist, and his right leg around your legs.
Luke: He forgot. Again. This is his second year in a row forgetting my birthday. You walked home, disappointed and angry. Once you were in the house, you found the house empty. You pulled your phone out and called him it rung 7 times before it went to voicemail.
"Uhh, hey, it's Luke. I'm not here right now, but... Okay, you know what you're supposed to do."
"Hello, Lucas. It's your girlfriend, you know, the one that you were supposed to meet at the restaurant 2 HOURS AGO. Really? Again? Jesus, can't keep a damn promise, can you? You know what, whatever. I'll see you when you get home."
You changed into some pajama shorts and a tank top, and sat on the couch, watching reruns of your favorite TV show. After 45 minutes, Luke came running in.
"Baby, listen to me." He said, walking towards you.
"I don't want to hear it. 2 years in a row, you've managed to forget my birthday. What kind of boyfriend does that?"
"It's not like that this time." He spoke, voice a little shaky.
"Then, what is it, Luke? 'Oh, me and the boys got caught up in the studio.' Or is it 'Traffic got me.'?" You asked.
"It's none of those. If you would listen, I can e-"
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR AN EXPLANATION FOR YOU BEING LATE, YOU FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY! YOU DON'T NEED TO SAY SOME STUPID EXCUSE TO GET OUT OF IT!" You yelled, running to your shared bedroom. You looked the door, and jumped on the bed, determined to sleep off everything. Once sleep finally found you, you had a dreamless sleep, and you felt better when you woke up. It was now 8:28 in the morning. You decided that you would just let Luke say what he had to say and forgive him like you always end up doing. But, when you opened the door, Luke's limp body fell onto the ground, instantly waking him up. He looked around a little, then up at you, his blue eyes now tinted red, puffy. You sunk down next to him, holding your arms out to him, him immediately crawling into them. You held him close, left hand drawing circles on his back, right scratching his scalp and running through his hair.
"I thought your birthday was today. Not yesterday. I'm so sorry. But, I had something to give you."
He got up and ran to the closet, pulling out a teddy bear. He handed it to you.
"This is the teddy bear you won me when we went to the carnival on our first date." You smiled.
"I altered it. Squeeze it."
You did as told, and when you did, a little voice came out.
"I love you more than anything in the world. You are so perfect. Will you marry me?"
You gasped, and held the teddy bear against your chest, heart heaving at the sight of your boyfriend on one knee in front of you.
"(Y/N), 4 months into our relationship, I knew that I loved you and that you were the one for me. Through the tours an late nights that I spent at the studio, you've always managed to be awake and waiting for me when I got home. Even through all the stories and rumors, you've stayed with me through everything. You've been my rock for the past two and a half years. You keep me grounded. And, I don't know what I would do without you. Please, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), do me the honor of having you as my wife, and marry me?" He said, eyes matching yours: wet and red.
You only managed to nod before you let out a sob and threw yourself into his arms. He took a ring out of his pocket, and slide it on your finger.
"Perfect." He whispered.
You reached up, cupping his jaw and placing your lips on his

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