Thunder Storms

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Ashton:  "Are you coming to bed soon?" Ashton called from the bedroom, a loud yawn following his question. You rustled around in the bathroom a bit longer, preparing yourself for bed. "Yeah, in a second." You told him, apply a thin layer of moisturizer to your face. You shut the light off and skipped over to the bed, flinging yourself onto it and jostling Ashton from his comfortable positioned which earned you a not-so-appreciative grunt. You giggled to yourself and shimmed under the lightweight sheet that made up your bed. The crisp sheet crinkled as you adjusted it around you, you then rolled onto your side and over to Ashton, placing your head on his shoulder and looking down at him. "Hi." He blinked one eye open and gazed up at you. "Hi?" He asked confused. You continued to stare at him without a break until you heard the familiar noise of rain hitting the windows. You smiled and sunk down into Ashton's side, snuggling into him and relishing in his body heat and heavenly scent. "I love falling asleep to storms." You stated. "Me too." He mumbled, engulfing you in his muscular arms and pulling you into him. "Falling asleep to thunderstorms and with you, how could I ask for anything better?" A grin stretched across your face at his words and you both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms to the song of a storm playing softly in the background.

Calum: At the sound of another booming crash of thunder you jumped up in a panic, scooped up your blanket, and scampered down the hallway on the look out for Calum. You found him hunched over his desk, scribbling down what you assumed to be song lyrics. You approached him cautiously, trying not to disturb him from his train of thought. Your streak of silence was shortly interrupted as another clap of thunder managed to slip a screech from your lips. Calum spun around in his chair so quick he nearly fell off. "Geeze, babe. You almost gave me a heart attack." He said, letting go a sigh of relief and resting his massive hand over his heart for emphasis. "Sorry." You squeaked out. Your eyes fell to the floor, suddenly embarrassed about why you ventured into the room. "I just... I..." You trailed off until your voice went silent and the only sound to be heard was the tapping of the rain on the roof covering both your heads. "You what, honey?" He asked sweetly, you looked up to meet his perplexed look. His big brown eyes softened and you felt yourself lose any traces of embarrassment. "I'm scared of the storm." You declared timidly, to prove your point yet another roll of thunder shook the house and you rushed into Calum's lap, squirming around uncomfortably. He chuckled a throaty laugh and kissed the top of your head. "Awh baby there's nothing to be afraid of. I got you. You're safe now." He reassured you, stroking your arm soothingly and humming a hushed lullaby to ease you into a state of comfort.

Luke: The thunder outside grumbled with a deafening volume, announcing the arrival of the long anticipated storm. "Babe!" Luke called from by the front window. "It's here!" You hastily cleaned the last of the dishes, scrubbing off the leftover bits of your meal and set them to dry before dashing over to stand beside Luke. You gazed out the window, noticing the black clouds hanging low off in the distance and the soft wind tossing the leaves with each gust. You spotted a few droplets of water had fallen onto the sidewalk leading up to your house, you watched as a few more dark spots of water were created in an increasing pace, signifying it was about to start pouring any second now. You smirked, "Let's go play in the rain." Intertwining your fingers with Luke's you tugged him through the front door after you and out into the heart of the brewing storm. The atmosphere invited you in, convincing you to stay outside as long as possible. An almost electrifying feeling ran through the air, wrapping itself around you and making you feel one with the storm. The cool teardrops of rain splashed against your heated skin and you giggled excitedly, spinning in a circle with your arms outstretched, feeling the slick rain as much as possible. Suddenly the rain began to beat down heavier against you, completely drenching you and Luke both within seconds. Your clothes were plastered to your body as if they had been painted on. You ran about in the pouring rain feeling buoyant and free. You slowed to a stop and scanned the area around you trying to find Luke. You turned around to find him a few steps back just starring at you in amazement. "What?" You questioned becoming slightly self conscious and beginning to pull your arms over your exposed body. "Nothing." He stated, walking towards you and reaching out to slide his large hands around your waist. He effortlessly pulled you into him, pressing himself against you. "You're just so perfect. How did I get so lucky?" He asked more himself then to you. You blushed lightly and dropped your eyes. "I don't know if you could say that." You mumbled. He lifted your chin up with his index finger forcing me to look into his shining blue eyes. "I did say it and I'll keep saying it until you believe it. You're perfect." And with that he sealed the compliment with a sweet, tender kiss that left me lightheaded and hungry for more.

Michael: "Michael hurry!" You called out over your shoulder toward the house where Michael still remained. You turned back to face the beautiful scene that was developing before your very eyes. You kicked your feet up on the railing in front of you as you settled back into the plush chair you were sitting in. Just then Michael came flying out off the house, jumping over the chair and plopping down into it in a huff. You laughed and looked over at him, " You good?" He pushed the hair out his eyes and readjusted his fringe as he spoke, "Yeah, I'm great. Here's your drink." He extended his arm towards you, iced tea in his large hand. You slipped it from his grasp and thanked him. You sipped the sweet liquid as the thunderstorm began to unfold in front of you two. It was something you two loved doing, sitting on your sheltered porch, tasting the sweet iced tea, and watching the storm play out. You both got a little high from it, it exhilarated you both from watching the lightning crackle and pop as it shot across the sky, brightening the dull scene the storm created, hearing the rumbling of the thunder as the storm crept closer, hearing the pouring rain pound on the top of your little roof above you, and feeling the electricity thick in the air, hanging there, engulfing you in its compelling nature. Michael scooted his chair right next to yours, leaving no room between the two, and stretched his arm out and across the top of your shoulders. "Perfect." He sighed. You thought he was talking about the view, but out of the corner of your eye you could see his gaze fixed on you as you looked out towards the beautiful scene of a thunderstorm. 

-Hey guys! I'm just wondering, do you guys want sad ones as well? Please comment and let me know! :)

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