He's Off Limits Part 3

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Ashton: You woke up on the floor, dazed and confused. You look around, and that's when you see Ashton's shirt on the floor. Your heart rate quickens as you remember the events from the night before. You get quickly to your feet and try the door, finding it now unlocked. You head downstairs and spot your brother cleaning up a spilled bowl of chips. You turn quickly to go back upstairs, not wanting to talk to him. "Y/n!" He calls out, making you freeze. You turn toward him, crossing your arms over your chest. "Will you help me clean up?" He pleads, rushing toward you, "Mom and Dad are gonna be home in a few hours and it's a mess here." "You are unbelievable," you laugh, humorlessly. "You expect me to help you after last night?!" "I decided I would forget about it," your brother says proudly, "I know he took advantage of you. It wasn't your fault." He smiles down at you as if he were an angel. "It's not my fault?" You repeat incredulously, "Not my fault! was looking for Ashton!I brought Ashton to my room! I took off Ashton's shirt! I'm not a child!" Your voice steadily gets louder, until you're yelling. "Y/n," your brother begins before you can continue, "I think you should be thanking me, not yelling at me and -" "Thanking you?" You interrupt in disbelief. "Let's count all the things I should be thanking you for shall we? First off, you barged into my room, without knocking, and freaked out because I was with a guy. Wow! Thank you!" You screech sarcastically, "But wait! There's more! Then you took him and - I don't  know - probably murdered him! And you locked me in my room! And then you ask me to help you clean up, telling me I should be THANKING you!" You laugh before turning back to him seriously, "Where's Ashton?!" "You aren't seeing Ashton anymore," your brother answers firmly, "I told him that if he talks to you again I'll kill him." Your brother crosses his arms, looking final. "You're ruining my life," you murmur, looking at him in shock. With that you storm past him and out of the house. You don't know where you're going until you pull up in Ashton's driveway. You knock on the door, and stood nervously swaying as you waited for someone to answer. Finally the door opens, and Ashton stands in front of you, a cut across his jaw and a black eye disfiguring his face. "I'm so sorry," you say immediately. "It wasn't your fault," Ashton shrugs, "I should've known better." After a moment of awkward silence you say, "Can I come in?" "I don't think that's a good idea," Ashton says, looking worried. "Right," you nod, "My brother's gonna kill you." Ashton nods, sighing loudly. "Did you, uh, did you need something?" He asks finally. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay," you tell him, "And tell you that I'm gonna talk to my brother and I'm sure this whole thing will just blow over and.." You fade out when you see the uncomfortable look on Ashton's face. "What's wrong?" You ask quietly. "Y/n, I think - I think I was pretty drunk last night," Ashton says, refusing to meet your eye, "I wasn't thinking straight. If I was I wouldn't have - well I wouldn't have tried to bang my best friend's sister," he explains. "Oh," you say quietly, "You don't even like me." "No, no!" Ashton starts, "It's just that -" "I should go then," you say quickly. Without waiting for a response you run to your car, taking off to who knows where.

Michael: You sit at the local coffee shop with Michael, laughing at the story he's telling. You hear the bell signaling a new customer and glance toward the door. Michael must notice the smile drop from your face, because he stops his story, scrutinizing you. "What's wrong?" He asks, following your eyes. "Oh," he says, nodding with comprehension when he sees who had just walked in. "Y/n?!" You hear your friend's voice ring out from across the shop. "Hey!" You say, rising from your seat to greet her, hoping she wouldn't spot Michael. "We haven't talked in so long!" she says, hugging you. "I know," you say, shaking your head, "I've been so busy and -" "Same, same!" She interrupts. "What are you doing here?" She asks, looking toward the area you came from where Michael sat, head low. "Are you still working on that science project? I feel so bad for you, wow," she touches your arm comfortingly, "I am really sorry. How can you stand to spend that much time with him?" She asks, pointing toward Michael and rolling her eyes in disgust. "Actually, um, no," you say, nervously. "We finished the project. I'm - I'm seeing Michael," you confess. "You're what?" She asks, her face filling with fury. "Seeing Michael," you repeat quietly. " I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!" She screams, "I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" All eyes in the coffee shop are on you as you reply, calmly, "We are, but you have a new boyfriend and it's been over a year since you and Michael broke up and I really like him and -" "YOU REALLY LIKE HIM!? OH GOOD! THEN IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT YOU'RE A TWO-FACED, BACKSTABBING SLUT!" "Okay!" You hear Michael say, coming up and standing in front of you. "There's no need for that," he says, "Y/n can do whatever she wants and I know she never wanted to hurt you, so why don't we all just calm down before this gets ugly?" "FINE!" Your friend screams, making you flinch, "But don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart!" She gives you and Michael one last look of contempt before storming out. "Thank you," you murmur, quickly wiping away a tear. "Are you okay?" Michael asks, his voice and eyes filled with concern. "Um, not really," you say with a tear filled laugh, "It's just stupid. I - I think I'm gonna head home." You fight back tears, feeling embarrassed for crying. "Alright, let me grab my keys," Michael offers. "No, that's okay. I'm - I gotta go," you say, hurrying out before he can stop you.

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